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XAS Action Rpg System (Secret Of Mana Styled)



I think the graphic won't show up (or only one frame, and then it disappears) because XAS has some sort of animated battler script in it. Remove the script "XRXS - Animated Char" and then I think it will work. You might also want to disable the battlesystem commands (so you can't fight in the water) by turning switch 6:Disable Command on. :wink:
@Mr_Smith - Its a little setup that recognises the terrain tag and switches on a swimming sprite when you're in water.

@Davey - I've tried removing the animated char script with no luck :tongue:
I'm using the COG - Extra frames script cause lots of my characters have more frames than only 4. The main problem is that most of my character's attack and hit graphics don't have the same number of frames as the character standard graphic; as for example wolf[12], wolf[17]_ACT and wolf[9]_HIT. Of course XAS can only find the right _ACT and _HIT graphics when both of them have the same filename as the standard character graphic - and therefore the same number of frames.

Now is there ANY way to make it possible to use _HIT and _ACT graphics with different numbers of frames? It's quite important for me, so thank's a lot to everyone who's trying to help!!!
well the Hit graphic isn´t animated but with the attack graphic is it possible

paste this
def attack2_on(x)

    if self.battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy) and

       (self.battler.states.include?(XAS::MUTE_ID) or


        @collision_attack = false

        self.battler.damage = XAS::SEALED_TEXT

        self.battler.damage_pop = true

        return false     


    @collision_attack = true

    if img_act_exist?    

       x = g.to_s

        @character_name = @page.graphic.character_name + "_[" + x + "]Act


def attack_on


now you can use attack2_on(x) for attacks (x = the number of frames)
and the graphic name should look like this "wolf_[17]ACT" (17 frames)
and "wolf" musst be the name of the first graphic
Thank you so much for your help, Hackel!

Unfortunately I always get a syntax error. I pasted it like this:

class Game_Event < Game_Character
attr_reader :collision_attack
def img_act_exist?
RPG::Cache.character(@page.graphic.character_name + "_Act" , @page.graphic.character_hue)
return false
return true

def attack2_on(x)
if self.battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy) and
(self.battler.states.include?(XAS::MUTE_ID) or
@collision_attack = false
self.battler.damage = XAS::SEALED_TEXT
self.battler.damage_pop = true
return false
@collision_attack = true
if img_act_exist?
x = g.to_s
@character_name = @page.graphic.character_name + "_[" + x + "]Act

def attack_on
if self.battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy) and
(self.battler.states.include?(XAS::MUTE_ID) or
@collision_attack = false
self.battler.damage = XAS::SEALED_TEXT
self.battler.damage_pop = true
return false
@collision_attack = true
if img_act_exist?
@character_name = @page.graphic.character_name + "_Act"
def attack_off
@collision_attack = false
@character_name = @page.graphic.character_name

But somehow it doesn't work. Will it also work when the name of the first graphic is "wolf[12]" (because it should be like this cause it has 12 frames) and the attack graphic is named "wolf_[17]ACT"??

Thank's a lot again!!!
yes i forgot a " and an other method

paste this above the "def attack_on" line

def img2_act_exist?(y)


  x = y.to_s

  RPG::Cache.character("[" + x + "]_" + @page.graphic.character_name + "_Act"  , @page.graphic.character_hue)


  return false


  return true




    def attack2_on(y)

    if self.battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy) and

       (self.battler.states.include?(XAS::MUTE_ID) or


        @collision_attack = false

        self.battler.damage = XAS::SEALED_TEXT

        self.battler.damage_pop = true

        return false     


    @collision_attack = true

    x = y.to_s


    if img2_act_exist?(y)    



        @character_name = "[" + x + "]_" + @page.graphic.character_name + "_Act" 



now if the name is "wolf[12]" call the attack graphic "[17]wolf[12]_ACT" (it should have 17 frames)
Hackel":emg7wrci said:
now you can use attack2_on(x) for attacks (x = the number of frames)

it works if you use the new command (attack2_on(x) (x = the number of frames))
if you want to change the frames in the attack animation you have to use attack2_on(x) not the normal attack_on
Thank's again Hackel for the script and calvin624 for the tutorial but sorry for asking this: "You must also replace the regular "attack_on" command with "attack2_on(x)" where X is the number of frames - in the above case it would be: attack2_on(12)" does it mean that I have to search and replace every "attack_on" in XAS System by "attack2_on(x)" (x = the number of frames) or how do I call that command? Sorry guys, I know that's just basic knowlegde... Would someone mind to make a demo?
@Rainbird - Sorry I should probably clarify that - (as I understand it - Hackel correct me if I'm wrong) you only need to use the "attack2_on(x)" command with the specific enemies who have different amount of frames - you don't have to change ALL enemies (this script just covers all bases).
yes, only paste the 2 new methodes above "def attack_on"
do not replace or delete the attack_on method.
You can still use the attack_on command if the attack graphic has the same number of frames as the normal graphic
well, I've done all you described above but sorry guys, it simply doesn't work...??? :( So please check out my demo (savegame 2) and tell me what I have to change to get it work:

http://www.2shared.com/file/4986481/556 ... 0x960.html

I tried it out with "E_Slime" and "[8]E_Slime_ACT" and with "Leopard[12]" and "[24]Leopard[12]_ACT". I guess I simply don't get how to "use" attack2_on(x) instead of attack_on (as I understood it I simply have to name the files correctly). But I honestly don't know where exactly to replace the "x" of attack2_on(x) by the number of frames. So please check out my demo, the answer to my problem must be quite easy but I simply don't get it...

Thank's again... (for your patience)
ok first you have to call the grafik [24]_Leopard[12]_ACT not [24]Leopard[12]_ACT
and second if think the best thing is to show you one picture


you still use the "attack_on" command

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