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What's Your Mental Malfunction

I got a little insomnia and short attention span. I am a perfectionist (if its a bad thing) and I seem to be a little cold and anti-social at times.
sixtyandaquarter;135652 said:
Kind of reminds me of the phobias and fears threads, dreams and goal threads, and all sorts of things several forums have up somewhere, sometime, in some way.

Basically, have a personality disorder? A mental disorder? Some kind of emotional distresser? Share, why not - might make you feel better. But, please, too many people say "Oh! LOOK! I HAVE A.D.D.", and they say so mainly because they are hopped up on jolt cola and eat too many sugar coated breakfast cereals - which is not add, or hyperactive at all, it's simply a suguar rush - a very long one. So none of that kind of seld diagnose please.

Me, I have been diagnosed with ADHD, paranoia, a emotional control disorder, and damn near anything that became popular or known in the 80's and early 90's. By the time I was in junior high was even more ridiculed and I learned that in 1st grade my school (of all people) labled me mentally handicapped - without any tests, and that I was placed in slow classes, which probably explains a few things about why I would be diagnosed with various syndroms and such, that has never been proven.

The reasoning for this was because I could not speak coherently, for that matter I couldn't write clearly, or spell (still can't spell). That and an "unhealthy imagination" (what?!) led people to believe I was somehow not up to snuff with the rest of the kids. Eventually taking IQ tests, 6 times in my life, that all proved them wrong, but always "proved" someone else right, and a new diagnose would be notched onto the list.

But, the only things any test has proven is I have an emotional problem that makes me uncaring (supposably) and a slight tendancy of paranoia. Not the crappy "the governments coming to get me! wear the tinfoil hats!" paranoia. Sometimes I tend to show a xenaphobic disorder - but I don't see it.

So, does anyone else wanna say how mentally aschewed they are?
honestly you explained alot of my life there >>
I have adhd some oppositional defiant thing, they say I dont know the difference between reality and fiction and that I have paranoia, and I do stupid stuff thats hard for me to control which I think is the adhd but it could be more caus I do some pretty stupid stuff. oh and everyone says im uncaring I beat people up for money or if I want to have fun its fun to see peoples fear ^^;;. Oh and I like breaking other peoples stuff like car windows and lights. (though those last things are probally more juvenille though I like doing it to know it upsets someone...) Oh and I go to a special ed school caus I got kicked out the middle school years ago for attempted to hit someone with a chair. Besides all the times I had to go to the hospital for threatening to hit my family and actually doing it.
Technically, one's personality can be seen as a disorder. The throttles that charge our lives personally are the same as those applied through the use of drugs. It's all neuropeptides traveling through your bloodstream. Cells, as they age, grow addictions to certain neuropeptides and chemicals and thus cells that would normally have receptor sites for protein or glucose are now receptor sites for being clinically depressed, the feeling of pride or anger, or just plain old cocaine.

This many people cannot have a clinically inhibitive problem. I'd venture so far to say that perhaps 2 at the very most (and that's stretching it) actually have or had a problem.
sixtyandaquarter;137508 said:
Then, like Wings said, you have people who want to be cool. I asked about pyromania, I don't think I have it, but I know people who claim too. They don't go and set a fire for a release of some sort, by themselves. No, they wait till they are infront of everyone and set a fire and spend more time discussing there "cool" problem, rather than being involved with the fire, a clear sign of simply wanting the attention.

No offense to anyone, but I figured I'd see alot of ADHD, pyros and at least one person claiming to be a nymphomaniac just based on how "cool" the words have become.

My sisters has a type of OCD also, btw, but I don't think she does. I don't know much about OCD, but she's really not compulsive, and only rarely does she get obsessive. She doesn't have to clean everything, infact she often forgets to clean food trays (!) and she's always losing things and saying how she should reorganize.

But she heared the word, and it sounded cool to her I think. And she, if talking to someone who can give her a more credible oppinion, she actually lies and talks about how she has to wash her hands everytime she touches something, which is a lie. She also mixes OCD with a few related things, as well. The funny thing, she didn't "have" OCD until she watched an episode of Oprah. This is what I was expecting.

Oh goodness... I spend my entire life trying to get rid of my disorders, and people are running around wanting them! I would give anything to be in their place. Free of suicidal thoughts, overly violent reactions to tiny things, free from getting so distracted that I can't even read correctly... Not to mention two other people in my head that like to mess with my head. If I could switch it over to those people who think it's cool, I most certainly would. *sigh* I don't think it's just being cool... I think they want an excuse for their actions, too. They want something that says it's not really their fault.
Okay I guess I'll share too. ^_^ I suffer from extream perfectionism. So much so that it's damaging to my self esteme to the point where I pretty much have none and causes various self destructive habits to even sucidal thoughts. I'm also Bi-Polar... so I'm bouncing with my emotions from feeling really good to really bad or to nothing at all. My emotions swing very hard and there was a day that I went from feeling very happy to sucidal five times in just two hours. There was also a few times that I felt both very happy and very depressed at the same exact time. That's the most screwed up feeling ever. -_-!

And man if you WANT a mental disorder doesn't that make you have one anyways? I mean don't you have to be a little off for that? Or just a bit too much obsessed with attention? O_o



I suffer from depression, sometimes severly.

I am optimistic yet pessimistic at the same time, i always aim high and look forward to whats going to happen but then suddenly i will get depressed for no reason and it makes me pessimistic.

I have sleeping problems...they vary throughout the year...earliest time i can go to sleep is 2am but recently its been going to 4-5am, also i cannot sleep in the day no matter what, once i stayed awake for 3 days in a row, cause i stayed over at my friends for 2 days and no matter what i will not fall to sleep in the day.

I have a few OCD's.

I have a sort of sociopath problem, i find it hard to keep eye contact with people too long, cause i start to get paranoid. Also sometimes i will laugh at stuff i really shouldn't...i have problems expressing emotions, when my nana died i didn't feel anything, i know it sounds tight and wrong...but its how it is.
My sisters has a type of OCD also, btw, but I don't think she does. I don't know much about OCD, but she's really not compulsive, and only rarely does she get obsessive. She doesn't have to clean everything, infact she often forgets to clean food trays (!) and she's always losing things and saying how she should reorganize.
That's doesn't neccesarily have anything to do with OCD. For instance, I'm obssesed with the numbers 7, 5, 5, 2 (I constantly run therough the patterns and shapes in my head, and I won't leave the volume on my TV on any other setting :D); I can't leave 'bald patches' in biro writing and when walking down the road if I feel the cracks where a pavingstone is uneven in one foot I have to make the same feeling semetrically in the other foot. I occaisionally have blinking tics, hummings tics, nose-stretching tics, and I used to have huge problems with having to mimic speech with exagerated facial expressions before I could say anything. Luckily I grew out of that when I was quite small. And I'm extremely disorganised and by no means overly clean. I've pretty much doged the bullet, since really severe OCD and torette's run in my mum's mum's side of the family, (my great grandfather barked like a dog :p)

I love how many people in this thread have described a totally normal person XD It really makes you think. Just so you know, being a perfectionist is not a mental condition. It's called being an anally retentive nerd. There's a difference.
Roman Candle;140612 said:
Just so you know, being a perfectionist is not a mental condition. It's called being an anally retentive nerd. There's a difference.

I don't know about that... Isn't any mental condition a condtion that causes your life to be crippled or unable to have normal functional behavior? Because my perfectionism is SO bad I can not function at times. And if having disfunction do to a behavior isn't a mental condtion, I don't know what one is.
I took a Personality Disorder Test;
Here's the result;

Paranoid : Very High
Schizoid : High
Schizotypal : Very High
Antisocial : High
Borderline : Very High
Histrionic : Moderate
Narcissistic : Very High
Avoidant : Very High
Dependent : Moderate
Obsessive-Compulsive: High

My doctor said I have like, anger problem which I do have a hard time to control and I has to take Anger Management. And sometimes Attention Disorder, depression and paranoia (Paranoid stuff)

:/ I sucks
Please people, I don't want to belittle the few of you that do have honest to goodness problems, but I think most of you are overreacting.
I don't lie to people about these sort of things, not that I want people to feel bad for me, it's just me, and I feel others should understand why I and others react the way they do from these conditions.
ixis;142478 said:
Please people, I don't want to belittle the few of you that do have honest to goodness problems, but I think most of you are overreacting.

perhaps you have some kind of mental malfunction that makes you obsessed about trying to prove everyone is lying. -.-
Mac;139995 said:
i have problems expressing emotions, when my nana died i didn't feel anything, i know it sounds tight and wrong...but its how it is.

I dunno about that. I mean, lack of grief being part of a disorder. I've rarely felt anything when someone's died. At least at their time. I mean, I feel bad when someone dies at a young age, and especially if it's due to someone else's stupidity. But I only have one remaining grandparent and I've never felt sadness at the death of the others. I'm not sure I'd be sad if she died. We simply don't feel a sense of loss. Grief is a very selfish emotion (being selfish isn't necessarily bad, so don't take what I'm saying that way). Grief occurs when that person has suffered a loss. They're sad not just because that person is dead, but because they have lost that person (or pet, or object in some cases). My husband hasn't grieved over deaths in his family, either.

Kuri$u said:
I took a Personality Disorder Test;
Here's the result;

Paranoid : Very High
Schizoid : High
Schizotypal : Very High
Antisocial : High
Borderline : Very High
Histrionic : Moderate
Narcissistic : Very High
Avoidant : Very High
Dependent : Moderate
Obsessive-Compulsive: High

Oh, don't take those things seriously, please. I mean, I'm pretty screwed up. But I got "Very High" on a lot of those too, and I know I'm not Avoidant, Dependant, Antisocial, Schizoid, or Schizotypal. I'm pretty sure I'm not Borderline, either. A few commonalities, but the key points in that disorder do not match me at all. You can't rely on online tests for any psychological diagnosis. The closest you can get is the DSM-IV-TR, and even then it usually takes a psychologist to be sure.

I mean, listen to your doctor for sure, but with those tests if you're the slightest bit shy they say you're Avoidant and Antisocial. I have a mild thing where liquid, grease, or soap cannot transfer from my body to something else, and especially back again. If I've had to touch my cup before wiping my hands after eating something messy, I won't touch it again until I can wipe off the cup. Slightly obsessive, and that damn test would put my OCD very high for such things, but it's really more of a quirk.
To be honest.
I think Online personalities test is unaccurate.
(I don't even know what half of them means) =/
Catalyst's right.

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