I thought I might point out that in the process of doing a research paper on ADHD, I learned that it's not ever called ADD anymore.
ADD is an archaic term for ADHD predominantly inattentive type. It may seem strange that you can have ADHD and not actually be hyperactive, but it's a step up from the days when you could have ADD, ADD-H, ADDP (I think), so on and so forth. It's even better than the days before those when ADHD was called "Minimal Brain Damage."
So yeah, there are three types of ADHD:
ADHD predominantly inattentive type
ADHD predominantly hyperactive/impulsive type
ADHD combined type
All of them are called simply ADHD.
Also, Hyperactivity doesn't mean you are bouncing off the walls. Fidgiting and other nervous habits like nail biting can be symptoms of hyperactivitiy, and as implied by the three types, hyperactivity and impulsivity go hand in hand.
In other words (even I was wrong about this long ago in my earlier post in here), nobody here has ADD, because ADD doesn't exist.
In other news, I went back on ritalin for a bit, and while it helped my hyperactive symptoms (I stopped fidgiting entirely) for a week and a half, it did almost nothing for my inattention. After that week and a half, the fidgeting came back and I was left with nothing but side effects of mild sedation and insomnia. Now I'm on Adderall (Amphetamine Salts) and while it does pretty much diddly for my fidgeting, I'm much more focused and I have no negative side-effects! Joy!
ADD is an archaic term for ADHD predominantly inattentive type. It may seem strange that you can have ADHD and not actually be hyperactive, but it's a step up from the days when you could have ADD, ADD-H, ADDP (I think), so on and so forth. It's even better than the days before those when ADHD was called "Minimal Brain Damage."
So yeah, there are three types of ADHD:
ADHD predominantly inattentive type
ADHD predominantly hyperactive/impulsive type
ADHD combined type
All of them are called simply ADHD.
Also, Hyperactivity doesn't mean you are bouncing off the walls. Fidgiting and other nervous habits like nail biting can be symptoms of hyperactivitiy, and as implied by the three types, hyperactivity and impulsivity go hand in hand.
In other words (even I was wrong about this long ago in my earlier post in here), nobody here has ADD, because ADD doesn't exist.
In other news, I went back on ritalin for a bit, and while it helped my hyperactive symptoms (I stopped fidgiting entirely) for a week and a half, it did almost nothing for my inattention. After that week and a half, the fidgeting came back and I was left with nothing but side effects of mild sedation and insomnia. Now I'm on Adderall (Amphetamine Salts) and while it does pretty much diddly for my fidgeting, I'm much more focused and I have no negative side-effects! Joy!