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What's Your Mental Malfunction



That's manic depression isn't it?

perhaps! i WAS depressed as a kid - extremely depressed, actually - but i never really got it rediagnosed. i should go to a doctor and see what's up, though.
The only thing I can think of is the fact that I find myself constantly bored with everything. Not really depressed, just....bored.
I'm thrice diagnosed with ADHD, although I don't think I'm hyperactive anymore, leaving me with the very real, very sucky ADD. Seriously, I don't even want to finish this post.

Apparently I display some signs of schizotypia, but I think schizotypia has a lot of problems apart from being random and eccentric. I'm a bit of a social isolationist, but meh.

Recently I've faught with depression a little bit, but haven't been diagnosed. I've been dealing with a lot of anxiety towards the amount of time I've spent in school, among other things that I think have to do a lot with my ADD.

I dunno. I'm not too messed up. I'm just a procrastinating nerd.
Three pages, cool, people like to share.

Since some people seem to know more, I'll ask a question. Pyromania - that would need a personal emotional release, or a sexual release of some sort to be a pyromaniac correct? Just setting fires as your means of removing, getting rid of unwanted things and/or trash isn't pyromania correct?

Example, you cleaned out a desk and have 4 piles (roughly one foot high each) of paper - you could throw it in the recycling but it has information on it. So you should at least shred it first, but instead you put it in a steel wire frame, douse a little nail polish on, and light it on fire instead - or simply, with a lighter, burn off the regions with information (burn off the numbers of a social security number, name, etc...).

I'm having arguments withsomeone who thinks that would be a pyromaniac or like syndrom, and I say I just prefer shifting threw ashes than shifting threw a garbage bag...
I haven't been diagnosed with anything like some of things people have mentioned, probably because I've never been seriously brought to anyone who could diagnose something. I tend to be on the obsessive side, if I like an idea or a concept enough, I become insta-fan and it takes awhile for that fierce determined fannish-like behavior to wear off. I'm a procrastinator, but I think I'm not so much anymore because I learned pretty quickly my freshman year in college that it doesn't benefit you at all to procrastinate on a lot of things.

My Myers-Briggs profile is INFP though. Is that even surprising to anyone? Not to me.



Pyromania - that would need a personal emotional release, or a sexual release of some sort to be a pyromaniac correct? Just setting fires as your means of removing, getting rid of unwanted things and/or trash isn't pyromania correct?

where i live (the south!! yay america) people generally burn their trash primarily because it's convenient. it's not really pyromaniacal. however!

Example, you cleaned out a desk and have 4 piles (roughly one foot high each) of paper - you could throw it in the recycling but it has information on it. So you should at least shred it first, but instead you put it in a steel wire frame, douse a little nail polish on, and light it on fire instead - or simply, with a lighter, burn off the regions with information (burn off the numbers of a social security number, name, etc...).

this might be. i mean all things considered it would be easier to just light it all on fire (which would entail throwing it in a trashcan or something, pouring some nail polish and dropping a match or something) than to shred it, but to burn off SPECIFIC PORTIONS of it belies pyromaniacal tendencies, since i assume by taking the time to do that you're deriving some manner of pleasure from it (not necessarily SEXUAL, but some measure of satisfaction perhaps).
Actually i have a special gift...

I see dead people...

:D :D :D

I just remembered PHOBOPHOBIA is the most dangerous phobia... SCARED OF BEING SCARED...
It almost looks like every forum-goer has a mental disorder. Scary shit.

As for me... I've been to a psychiatrist a few times, in a difficult time.
I've been diagnosed with post-schizophrenia and paranoia. Nothing to serious,
however, fairly annoying when combined with the fact I use apathy as a
defense mechanism, and am almost completely devoid of any sentiment.
I HATE insects, spiders, and all forms of bugs (especilly fast ones you can hardly see and giant ones like some bees and wasps)

I freak out when I see them. I can kill them, if they're not moving (Except for Bees) but I HAVE to kill them, I can't stand being in the same room.

I am completely terrified of bees, hence me not liking to eat outside during the summer ("bee-season" as I call it)

Strangely enough, I have never been hurt by a bug nor stung by a bee/wasp before.
Personally, I hate bees and anything of the same notion to sting.
But I was never afraid of bees when I was a kid, instead I actually "saved" them from my grandmother's swimming pool so they wouldn't drown - I even picked up a chunk of a hive that fell so it wouldn't get run over by a car.

Then one day I got stung, and I've been afraid of bees ever since. I've been stung several times since, and as a nightmare had cicada killer bees (not related to the africanized bees, these just kill cicada flies) move in on my front lawn. I drove everyone crazy because I couldn't leave the house by front door if they were out in swarms (which they usually were), although they aren't nasty and I, nor anyone I know, has ever been stung by them.

Now that they're gone (they came every summer for years, except these last two) I miss them. I even want them to come back. This might count as a mental glitch heh, I'm hoping the thing that scares me most comes back to haunt me every day, heh.
My mental disorder?

I'm not crazy, paranoid or schizophrenic in any way. I used to be, got medicine, got help and now I'm cool.

Personally I think everyone's been diagnosed with something in their lives, and it's because of this whole post-Freudian western culture of ours.
Personally, I think it's because people like to think that there's something wrong with them. I know I do. I wonder how many of the posts here could be actaully verified by an expert, (I don't mean professional).
In regards as to what Roman Candle just said, some people honestly believe that self-diagnosing themselves with mental/physical disorders is cool. Most of the time you attempt to justify your behaviour by contributing it to actual medical conditions. In reality it has absolutely nothing to do with any sort of typical or atypical disorder. This is what we like to call "hypochondria".

As for myself, I've been diagnosed as a chronic depressive by two psychiatrists, which according to them, mainly stems from my upbringing and OCD tendencies. Obsessive compulsive to the point where clean just isn't clean enough or highly organised areas just aren't organised enough. It doesn't matter how well something is cleaned or organised, it just doesn't seem right...or it could be done better. This depresses me.
With me, most of the things I was diagnosed with didn't come from "experts", but rather people who were assumed to be. My school didn't have anyone of high enough value in the field to incorrectly lable me mentally handicapped - but they did and it was on my sheet for along time.

The problem is, ever since around the early 80's, specially the near late 80's and on, there has been a huge boom in in the tendency to "blame" an unusual or undesired trait on some kind of syndrome. I have a cousin, who I semi refferrenced in this thread's first post, who is labled with ADHD.

He doesn't have ADHD, but he's labled with it. He eats junk food, and runs around all day. He's so hyper at times his eyes automatically dilate. The kid's so unhealthy from this crap I swear he's gonna crash and have a heart attack from the strain of having to sit still for five minutes.

Then, like Wings said, you have people who want to be cool. I asked about pyromania, I don't think I have it, but I know people who claim too. They don't go and set a fire for a release of some sort, by themselves. No, they wait till they are infront of everyone and set a fire and spend more time discussing there "cool" problem, rather than being involved with the fire, a clear sign of simply wanting the attention.

No offense to anyone, but I figured I'd see alot of ADHD, pyros and at least one person claiming to be a nymphomaniac just based on how "cool" the words have become.

My sisters has a type of OCD also, btw, but I don't think she does. I don't know much about OCD, but she's really not compulsive, and only rarely does she get obsessive. She doesn't have to clean everything, infact she often forgets to clean food trays (!) and she's always losing things and saying how she should reorganize.

But she heared the word, and it sounded cool to her I think. And she, if talking to someone who can give her a more credible oppinion, she actually lies and talks about how she has to wash her hands everytime she touches something, which is a lie. She also mixes OCD with a few related things, as well. The funny thing, she didn't "have" OCD until she watched an episode of Oprah. This is what I was expecting.
Perfectionism, low self esteem, severe anxiety, depression, insomnia, addictive personality, low attention span, fear of being alone... Fear of being in a relationship, fear of anything with more than 4 legs... I can't look people in the eye, hate going to sleep... premiscuous, slightly violent at times... self destructive at times too (Not in a "OMG I'm gonna cut myself with my bic razor" kinda way)... Never happy with myself or my work, never satisfied...

Ok, so I have issues. ^__^

I'll stop now to save myself the wrist strain...



I'm demophobic (scared of large crowds)... but I've managed to overcome part of it. If the crowds are quiet and organized is not that big of a deal... but if their loud and unruly I break down...
For example I was working in San Francisco's Spanish District in '05 and had to work the morning of Carnival. I'd told my friend/manager that I really didn't want to work that morning, but he needed me to.
The lock on the gate for the store was very difficult, and I couldn't get it open, so that together with the loud noise of the festival and the people crowded around me, I freaked out.
When my friend got there, he was really suprised cause he'd never seen me like that.

Halloween in the Castro my first year in SF was the same way. As of yet I haven't run into anything that bad in Japan, but I know I could never do things like Mardi Gras, or New Year's in Times Square.
Ack, I'm the same Tana...

My friend had to pull me out from under about 20 screaming clubbers in a tiny dancelfoor cause I had an anxiety attack and passed out in a night club I didn't even want to go to in the first place.
I've been diagnosed A.D.D., BAD A.D.D., and I think I have autism. Just a tad. Nobody believes me =(

Also, I have way to much depression to control. It doesnt help that depression is a side effect of my A.D.D. meds, either. But honestly, I feel like going into tears at least 20 times a day. Over very small insignificant things, too. For example, my dad got a new job yesterday, which sounds like a good thing, but, it's far away, so he's not going to be around much anymore. My brother doesnt have any problem with it. It's one of the only things I can think about.

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