Need a tutorial in which every code is explained in a command after it once and the combinations why this must be after this and that..
This tutorial should contain following calling event steps:
Add funktion in a Script Call like:
Tutorial.add ["nameofwindowuwanttomake#addtooasavariableending"]
Selfswitch A ON
Second Class Script checks wether this event has selfswitch A on to add the add of first call script to the variable or class (don´t know what is right see next script call (settings <as a clas?vari?))
Page 2. if Selfswitch a = on
second Add function as additing part to the first add
This parts of inputs should be managed like the first i tried to explain u as an add of variablename and after this it (the script in the scriptdatabank) should make the number of inputs we choosed for new inputs in meaning of their meaning like the first as messagefields and the second as picturefolderpositions and the last ones as picture names. Don´t know how u can manage this maybe other names or something else.
Sure i know that the adding of variable names in the same moment of they get add (sry my englisch is bad) is impossible,.. but i know too that u can built in waits.
Hope u can help me.
Why i ask u for this script? Cause i am a newbee in ruby and i try too get to know the funktions of the codes. in tutorials which i made byself in an other programmingleanguage and i don´t know what class defines or intialize is it a variable or a command. i often see in scripts the names Window. ... or update.. later i sometimes see that update is a own made declaration of funktion sometimes in the following script there is not a dec. of it then i am confused and think is it possible declarated in an other script or is the variable or command it is? >>window an command or a defined variable..
When i was searching for other Scripts and i built them in the parts i understand somtetimes. But not in all, that i could start makeing an own.
I need this like step by step and don´t please use p for print the text... this is awful xD i want only see a script like i imagine in step by step and the steps are explained in a part why this is made after this and what is important of the part and why isn´t it at the end. and so on. Hope u help me ^^.
And sry for my englisch :thumb:
little Edit:
:D i read my own post and forget to say why i want so much steps,..
cause sometimes u can´t write so much in call scripts.
This why i want to make as the one who makes scripts.. etc. to show things
made only on call scripts and this could maybe show me a little bit more of the compact system of
ruby.. hope u understand me ^^'.