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Awesome Bro

Yeah, my mate spoiled it for me, told me the exact thing over MSN, and I was a bit pissed off because I hate spoilers, and then I saw him yesterday and he spoiled even more -.-" so now I've decided that when I get it, it's going to be purely for the multiplayer, fuck the storyline now I already know what happens D:
Trying to decide what to trade in toward the copy of Devil Survivor Overclocked I have on reserve.

Anyone play it yet? I'm trying to see if it's worth trading in games I've played to death for.
Just restarted my RuneScape membership...

My 2.5m worth of gear is now worth 500k D:

But I sold everything in my bank and got 1m... not a bad start I guess. Apparently fletching is now profitable so...
anyone recognize this photo?


i played this game back in the 90's. it was a very fun point & click game, and i would really really like to play it again but i'm having a hard time figuring anything out about it



hmm must be my imagination then :p
So tell me, why does Battlefield suck?
I wasn't planning on buying it but I've heard pretty great things about it.


Awesome Bro

Don't listen to him, I've had the beta since yesterday, played it for 6 hours and it's pretty amazing, he probably just sucks at it like every other online FPS, lol

Mega Flare

Awesome Bro

Jbrist":3qj142kb said:
Don't listen to him, I've had the beta since yesterday, played it for 6 hours and it's pretty amazing, he probably just sucks at it like every other online FPS, lol
no I dont suck lol... and btw you say everyone online fps is amazing


Awesome Bro

Nope, just the ones I play lol, I only pick out good games :smug:

Anyways, so I decided I'm going to get XBOX Live again because I played Gears 3 at my mates and it was pretty cool online and he asked me to get it, but I didn't have a wireless adapter for it, luckily my girlfriend (Also my mates sister, how convenient, right?) is selling off her 360 and games (Well, she's sold them now) and sold me her wireless adapter as well as a play and charge kit for only £20 (For both of them) which was pretty cool considering it would've cost me ATLEAST double for both of them, all I need to do now is pay for Live and buy Gears 3... but not yet, I want my new graphics card and Battlefield 3 first, lol.


Awesome Bro

Nevermind I has XBOX Live now, using the free month, lol.

If anyone wants to add me, my Gamertag is the same as my PSN: Bristow9091

Probably gonna' pick Gears 3 up tomorrow, I'll wait a bit longer for my graphics card



Amy Pond":34l851yr said:
Lol, went from 4 to 24 dungeoneering without actually doing any dungeoneering.

and here i was thinking we were all clean of runescape. why, wyatt?

Also, the BF3 beta is glitchy. It has a right to be and is expected to be glitchy. Why? IT'S A BETA. How can people be so ignorant to think a public playtest is any sort of representation of the final product? That aside, I'm enjoying it pretty well. I only really have an issue with the LOADS of sniperfags who want to play recon ALL THE TIME. I've lost several games because either my team's defending recons suck, my offensive team are recons (who usually suck), or the other team is full of high rank recons (who are pretty amazing).
from dust was liek uber interesting. The fire levels fuck me up though. A friend of mine played it, and our personalities were stated beforehand: I would be douchy/treat them badly to the villagers, but not really kill them, just take a while the complete the map, while my friend would play really really good.... but then accidently kill everyone.

it happened exactly like that.

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