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Fusty":jjbto5z0 said:
Aepriz":jjbto5z0 said:
I just finished Assassins creed: brotherhood..

Am I the only one that thinks the ending sucked?
(I'm also no fan of that Brutus armour but that's nitpicking)..
  • *It explains even less then AC2
    *Lucy dies?
    *HOW THE FUCK DID RODRIGO ATTACK A CITY 5 SECONDS AFTER HE'S BEING JAILED FOR MURDER, INCEST AND BLA BLA BLA? A sucky excuse to release DLC.. Give me a full game please don't cut out the last 2-3 chapters for later DLC release, it totaly screws over the experience.

The ending was kind of strange, but the new game Assassin's Creed: Revelations should clear it all up ~
My biggest gripe with the ending was the last mission with Ezio (I figured halfway trough the game the Desmond story would just get a cliffhanger).

I can't stand the fact they literally cutted away 2-3 chapters of Ezio's story for DLC. :/
C'mon it was pretty ridiculous with Cesare. (I meant Cesare and not Rodrigo in the earlier spoiler)



Red Dead Redemption MP for a bit. It'd be cool except the people who still play tend to be elitist dicknoses and pick on the new guys. Nothing you can do, either; they're usually in posses of at least three.

BF3 beta test in two days, too.


Awesome Bro

Spooky":jpi28g7p said:
BF3 beta test in two days, too.

orly? Well that sucks, I won't have my new graphics card in time :(

Anyway today I bought Sniper: Ghost Warrior and Motorstorm Apocolypse.. I put Motorstorm in and saw it had 5 patches to do so was like fuck that, then put Sniper in, saw there was no patches so started playing, it's actually really fun, I don't know why I didn't buy it on PC when it first came out...
Jbrist":2254eh6j said:
I don't know why I didn't buy it on PC when it first came out...

Most likely because it looked pretty bad when it first came out.

I've played Sniper Ghost Warrior, it's alright. But only in the missions where you're sniping things, or sneaking. :V


Awesome Bro

Meh I don't know lol, I bought it on PS3 since it has exclusive content and was pretty cheap anyway... it's still a fun game to play, and I love the bullet camera when you get a headshot on someone, I know it's been done on games before (The earliest I can remember is Max Payne, lol), but it just looks so good on this game in particular


Awesome Bro

So today I started playing Motorstorm Apocolypse (Still playing it now) and holy shit, this is like, my new favourite racing game ever, it's so fucking good! Riding along a road and the entire road shakes and falls into the ground and you're like what the fuck, then a building collapses infront of you causing you to divert through another building... that's shaking and falling and stuff... and then people are throwing stuff at you so you run them over, then out of nowhere a helicopter comes and shoots a crane down that almost crushes you... seriously, this is just amazing! I'd love to see it in 3D but I don't have a 3DTV... yet.


Awesome Bro

Well I've not played the storymode yet (As if a racing game has a storyline...), just doing quick races to get used to the tracks, I'm only playing on pro though and it's not too bad, I mean, I've always come first, even in my first race, but it's usually only by like a second or two, I need to get back into the hang of how Motorstorm games play, lol.
Mega Flare":vu7ya4dk said:
my main problem with motorstorm 3... is that its waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to easy.
Not every racing game can be as hard as WipEout :p

I'm playing "Sword 2", some MMO where you control three characters. I have no idea what I'm doing or what I'm supposed to do in that game. But I got to level 10 already so I guess I'm going good x)


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