My biggest gripe with the ending was the last mission with Ezio (I figured halfway trough the game the Desmond story would just get a cliffhanger).Fusty":jjbto5z0 said:Aepriz":jjbto5z0 said:I just finished Assassins creed: brotherhood..
Am I the only one that thinks the ending sucked?
(I'm also no fan of that Brutus armour but that's nitpicking)..
- *It explains even less then AC2
*Lucy dies?
*HOW THE FUCK DID RODRIGO ATTACK A CITY 5 SECONDS AFTER HE'S BEING JAILED FOR MURDER, INCEST AND BLA BLA BLA? A sucky excuse to release DLC.. Give me a full game please don't cut out the last 2-3 chapters for later DLC release, it totaly screws over the experience.
The ending was kind of strange, but the new game Assassin's Creed: Revelations should clear it all up ~
Shuriken-Style":2of7ncz4 said:Just finished Crysis 2 after getting back into the gameplay and storyline so I'm looking to bury Killzone 3 now.
Spooky":jpi28g7p said:BF3 beta test in two days, too.
Jbrist":2254eh6j said:I don't know why I didn't buy it on PC when it first came out...
Not every racing game can be as hard as WipEout :pMega Flare":vu7ya4dk said:my main problem with motorstorm 3... is that its waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to easy.
Try getting to zone 60 or higher in zone-mode and then come again :pMega Flare":y7e0f3v1 said:i never found wipeout to be hard lol