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What games are you currently playing?

Just got my very first PS3. Took me forever to get one to trade for my Xbox 360. Alas, I've picked up Demon's Souls, LittleBigPlanet, and Heavy Rain. Demon's Souls makes me cry with frustration - but its so much fun. :crazy:
Mundane":1wq35vrd said:
Just got my very first PS3. Took me forever to get one to trade for my Xbox 360. Alas, I've picked up Demon's Souls, LittleBigPlanet, and Heavy Rain. Demon's Souls makes me cry with frustration - but its so much fun. :crazy:

That's only at the beginning, you'll feel like a god after you finish NG+. Demon Souls is hard until you know how to roll and dodge (Also magic is handy if your new to the game. Actually it stays handy for whole the game haha).

And Yeah i'm also playing Demon Souls (grr dark souls was sold out at my local game store -.-)



At school it's been Zelda: A Link to the Past; trying to beat that one before next week. I DL'd the first Hitman game the other day because I'd never played one before. The controls are awkward but going about the assassinations is fun.
Finally beat Ocarina of Time 3D (yes, I know, I'm slow). Playing Four Swords Adventure (free games are awesome) right now, and then I'm going to go back to OoT and tackle the Master Quest.
Zelda Minish Cap kudos my new android phone and Gameboid;
sadly my comp had a hard drive failure a week ago or so and emulated gameboy games are all I've had to play until dell finally manages to send me the replacement part internationally (1-3 weeks D:).
go play yggdra union. That's the ONE GAME i've been intending to finish for the last 5 years and never did. So hard, so long, so good ;-;



I'm playing FNV again before I get Lonesome Road and the Gun Runners' Arsenal. I just realized how boss some of the weapons from Dead Money are when used in the wasteland. .357 Police Pistol is probably my favorite pistol now; it's so satisfying to use. I'll mess with the knife spears/holorifle later probably.


Awesome Bro

It's a really fun game in my opinion, my brother things it's boring, but meh, I like god games (It's not REALLY a god game, since you're not exactly god but meh...), just check out some gameplay and reviews or whatever, lol.
Finally picked up Devil Survivor Overclocked. Pretty cool so far, though I never played the original, so... yeah.

Bouncing between that and Radiant Mythology 3 again. Trying to get a screenshot plugin to work on my PSP so I can get some pictures of different things, like monsters in the Final Fantasy games and facesets in the Tales games.

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