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Awesome Bro

MCsephiroth13":82q3xf4p said:
Has anyone here played the game Demon's Souls?...

Also, I'm currently playing Infamous 2, and I must say, it's kind of a disappointment :crazy:

Well yeah, it's one of the best games on PS3 lol, although I'm finished with it now I've got the platinum trophy, waiting for Dark Souls.

I've not played inFamous 2 aside from the demo, but from what others have told me, it's a huge improvement over the first in just about every aspect, you're the first person I've seen to say it's disappointing, oh well, opinions are opinions, just don't tell Mega Flare it's bad otherwise... well he'll probably shove his PSBoner in your ear
Jbrist":1l6m4d15 said:
MCsephiroth13":1l6m4d15 said:
Has anyone here played the game Demon's Souls?...

Also, I'm currently playing Infamous 2, and I must say, it's kind of a disappointment :crazy:

Well yeah, it's one of the best games on PS3 lol, although I'm finished with it now I've got the platinum trophy, waiting for Dark Souls.

Do you still got those upgraded weapons? (If so could you hand them over for half a minute) I'm not looking forward to grinding those stones :specs:


Awesome Bro

I think I've got all the upgraded weapons actually, if not then I've more than likely got the stones for 'em, lol... I've duped every stone I have too, so I have an infinite amount of Pure Bladestones for example, lol :P
Jbrist":2gus3swg said:
Oh and I'm also SL 326 so you'll need to be atleast over SL 290 for me to be able to trade with you, lol

Bloody hell, how did you get to that level! :eek:
I though 184 (I think, need to check again) was high already x)


Awesome Bro

Well I've finished the game a good 7-8 times, and on my last run I got bored and duped the beast soul which gives you 200,000 souls per use, lol, and considering you can make an infinite amount of them, yeah...
Jbrist":2drjx849 said:
I've not played inFamous 2 aside from the demo, but from what others have told me, it's a huge improvement over the first in just about every aspect, you're the first person I've seen to say it's disappointing, oh well, opinions are opinions, just don't tell Mega Flare it's bad otherwise... well he'll probably shove his PSBoner in your ear
Haha, I too thought it was disappointing in many ways. I mean sure, the variations in your abilities and how you have many choices is pretty cool, but there were quite a few glitches when I played, and oh god it just seemed so much more repetitive than the first. Especially considering you can't do anything costing 0 energy (your basic attack in inFamous 1 for example could still be used if you had no energy), half the time it seems is spent just finding something to suck energy from and then spamming grenade or something similar. Some of the abilities are cool though, I guess.


Awesome Bro

Well I've not played it apart from the demo, and I thought it was pretty cool, but meh, I'll get it eventually...

So about 20 minutes ago I logged onto Runescape since I haven't played since they first brought free trade and the proper wilderness back, and I have to say... not much has changed since then, lol, just a few animation changes (Some for the better some not) and some new sound effects, which are a mixed bag for me, when I got hit by a barbarian while wearing my armour and shield, it made a sort of crunch against metal noise, which was good, but when I swing my scimitar at him, even when it hits him, the noise sounds as if I've missed... which is a little weird, not really tried any other weapons but meh... although they're having an update pretty soon where you can have some sort of flying castle in the sky for your clan/guild, and the trailer made it look pretty cool actually... oh yeah, you can have guild capes now, it's about time actually! D:



Jbrist":ay5xhss9 said:
Well I've not played it apart from the demo, and I thought it was pretty cool, but meh, I'll get it eventually...

So about 20 minutes ago I logged onto Runescape since I haven't played since they first brought free trade and the proper wilderness back, and I have to say... not much has changed since then, lol, just a few animation changes (Some for the better some not) and some new sound effects, which are a mixed bag for me, when I got hit by a barbarian while wearing my armour and shield, it made a sort of crunch against metal noise, which was good, but when I swing my scimitar at him, even when it hits him, the noise sounds as if I've missed... which is a little weird, not really tried any other weapons but meh... although they're having an update pretty soon where you can have some sort of flying castle in the sky for your clan/guild, and the trailer made it look pretty cool actually... oh yeah, you can have guild capes now, it's about time actually! D:

It's been forever since I logged on to RS. I should probably finish out and get to level 80 or so, but I don't feel like grinding enough :/


Awesome Bro

Meh, I like grinding on games, just get a playlist of music to listen to, and dedicate an hour or two to grinding a combat skill, and you'll realise how fast time goes by, lol.

I've got 80 STR, 70 ATT and 60 DEF, not bad considering my character name is 99attpwnsyou... yeah, he used to be an ATT Pure, running around with a whip in his level 20's, lol, but then I decided to turn it into a proper account because have a pure stat is for chumps, lol...

Mega Flare

Awesome Bro

what people dissing infamous 2?! how is that game a disapointment... its better then the oringal in everyway! i should play it again and what not lol
You got one awsome wynaut in your sig mega flare!

And I'm Dissidia again, After playing FF6 and 9 again I just wanted to kick Zidane in the ball with Kefka x)
psiclone":781lx2ep said:
how the F do i change my class? i have priest unlocked but i can't change to it?
refresh the webpage :3
you hit PLAY, then click your little guy, then you can switch to being w/e you like.
or die & get the sweet sweet rep points.
you can also change your chara's name this way.

Jbrist":781lx2ep said:
Hey so Ven this game is pretty amazing, I didn't even know the game was online until I got out into the wide open world and was greeted by like 50 people!
yeah :D
also: you can join static parties by l-clicking a nearby dude's name (when you see them pop up in the bottom-right corner) and hit 'LOCK'.
My chara's name is Venetia! Whoopdedee


Awesome Bro

Yeah lol I've been in a party with my girlfriend and some random guy, she died a lot so I switched to a priest and all of a sudden she was doing fine, the other guy was an archer, they're pretty cool, although I've only been a mage and priest, I'm level 8 as a priest at the moment, lol.

Oh and yeah I've registered my account and my name is Thallius, it's the name I use on just about every MMO, or just RPG in general, lol.
Playing through old console RPGs like FFVI and EarthBound while my project is on hiatus. I'm playing through them just for fun, but also learning from what makes these games good and using such points to improve my game.
I've just read the comments about Demon's Souls, but can someone explain exactly what happens when you die? For example with your Souls? Thanks :box:

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