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What games are you currently playing?

I'm on like my 5th Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap playthrough... I can literally beat it in one sitting. Every playthrough is fun, though.



How did you guys know what game I'm playing. I just lost all my save data yesterday cause I was showing Strawberry what happens when the moon falls. BIG MISTAKE>.< Thank god I had only done the first temple. STONE TOWER TEMPLE FOR LIFE BRO
fucking what. you havent played majoras mask all the way through? it's quite possibly the greatest game of all time. even better than OoT in my opinion >_>

@star ive been listening to majoras mask music and watching playthroughs for the last couple of days :eek:
ǝןıɹɔǝu":3bg0btda said:
Same. I really should start playing it again after I get done with my game.. Plus i love how the combat system works. I hafta bite my tongue to start saying shit like "ALL POWER TO FRONT GUNS" "FIRE TORPEDOES" "WARP SPEED AHEAD CAPTAIN" "DIVERT POWER TO SHIELDS! WERE UNDER ATTACK" Yes. I'm a nerd. And that's why i love eve. (seriously though, fucking economy in the game is incredibly in depth)

so, wait.. it's basically star trek online? cause i thought the ship combat was friggin fun as hell. granted, in the early quests all you have to do is just put all power to shields and you just win, albeit slowly, but it's a guaranteed win. is that what eve is like?
I'm still playing Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2, getting pumped for Biowares next release: SWTOR
I'm also busy playing Warhammer 40K Dawn if War

Speaking of space mmos, I've played Eve, didn't like it much - you know what beats eve:
Jumpgate (too bad its discontinued - but atleast jumpgate evolution is coming out, I'm going to have a hard time choosing between that and SWTOR) dman thing is fucking amazing - it has full simulated newtonian physics making the combat some of the most interesting out there - and not just aeroplanes in space

Mega Flare

Awesome Bro

oneottertree":32pajb1o said:
I am currently plaing a game called Tales Of Symphonia the story is awesme and the battle system is so fun
WRONG! the story isnt awesome... its a clone of FFX... yell i remember reading the story for symphonia was written by a 12 year old kid that just finshed playing ffx.
Velocir_X":2gtd4dac said:
getting pumped for Biowares next release: SWTOR
hell yeah

im typ not interested in mmos but im gettin psyched about this'n

of course i got psyched about age of conan too so i've been fooled before

(honestly age of conan had SO MUCH GOING FOR IT but GOD DAMN they fucked up in all these small ways which really broke the experience)



Necrile I downloaded EVE's 14 day trial and I find it fun but it's a bit confusing. I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually though.



Mega Flare":ko7srpsn said:
oneottertree":ko7srpsn said:
I am currently plaing a game called Tales Of Symphonia the story is awesme and the battle system is so fun
WRONG! the story isnt awesome... its a clone of FFX... yell i remember reading the story for symphonia was written by a 12 year old kid that just finshed playing ffx.

thank you for this



I actually picked up Tales of Symphonia the other day based on recommendations. Am I supposed to hate the main character? He's just so fucking stupid.
The gameplay can be pretty good at times but honestly while it does have some plot-twists, its still somewhat of a cliche game and if you are expecting some ground-breaking original games you wont find it here. A lot of the characters dont evolve either. o:

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