Just played through Life Is Strange for the first time. Really liked the journey. The mechanics were cool, I liked all the characters and it was really well executed... except the endings. One had the budget, but felt like a big plothole. The other made a tonne more sense for the entire story, but was half baked, which soured the whole thing as a result. The final episode left a lot to be desired too, as did part of the 4th.
Mechanically, the game has some annoyances... being thorough is pretty definitely one; a lot of the interactables are just inane and don't add to the world building. Doesn't help that it flags multiple interactables that have the same outcome, even though you've already experienced that outcome. But it is inconsistent with that too, as sometimes you get something new & different... The game is based around a rewind mechanic, but the game heavily restricts you use of that! You can't do it mid-conversation or cutscene, but what the big issue is, is that it is cut off if you reach a checkpoint. Which is a great for a game all about testing different outcomes and approaches; choose a specific option and boom, locked out of all your other options. Which forced me to reload from the last checkpoint... but then you can't use the fast-forward on cutscenes & dialogue as you "haven't seen it yet".
Now I'm working my way through the prequel, Before the Storm.
Briefly looked into buying the sequel too, but even with a discount it feels too steep a price for what you get, but that could just be that the premise of the sequel doesn't grab me much, as it is an entirely new cast with a new power.