I'm beginning to see what you mean. Are you playing just you and Peri (or another man?! :crazy: )? I'm just playing with one extra buddy and it's like.. the enemies not only double in strength, but they friggin send so many now. I got to level 10 by myself with 0 problems at all. I never even lost my shields. Now I can't even keep more than 50hp.. it's absolutely nuts.Venetia":3pfiucs4 said:the game is getting so hard for us now @_@
the enemies are becoming ridiculous
we get like 10 Badass ____ Skags per area now it's just insane
Idk, to be honest. He moved so goddamn slow, I think we bugged him and I just hid behind a wall and kept headshotting him. My buddy just kept phase shifting around him and he was dead in like a minute. Wait.. he had lackeys!??! wtf? there was only him when we did it..Venetia":603jtigz said:how on earth were you able to pause long enough without all the other lackeys killing you? or did you kill them first?
it wasn't the hardest boss battle for us actually but it was pretty fun, freaking out while trying to stay out of his sledgehammer's blast radius.
lol, nah. you guys got a lot left to do. maybe another 1/3 left or half the game to go.Venetia":1d1b03vh said:well you can't really expect much from the game scene or story-wise. i mean all the missions are just text that says "hey go there and do x"
but it's still just super fun so whatev
i'm about 7 missions into new haven; are we approaching the end?
i heard the enemies are all about 2x as hard in new game+.