scribblenauts and dissidia (ON A DARE, OKAY?)
scribblenauts is cool. I really hate the way the sprites are animated, but whatever. it's cool what sorts of things you can create, but I wish they'd spent less time adding memes and saved the space for other stuff (I typed in THE BEATLES) on a whim and it told me I was misspelling BATTLEAXE.) still, there are a lot of crazy solutions you can use for the myriad problems, and it's sort of fun to challenge yourself to take the most roundabout and unexpected path.
dissidia is well
voice acting is terrible. dialogue is terrible. fighting mechanics aren't unbalanced, but they're very dull. there's no "perfect challenge." either the enemy's AI is below you and it doesn't know how to dodge and it gets wrecked, or the enemy's AI is equal or greater and it knows how to dodge and dodges perfectly every time. things are always weaker or stronger; you're never on par with your opponent.
characters are hardly worth mentioning. they took an already pretty sucky cast and reduced everyone to a simple archetype. it's cool to see how some of those crazy bullshit watercolour concept art pieces translate into 3D, though. Golbez and Cecil are my favourites in that regard. Butz looks simply terrible. Kefka is the Joker.
the menu is cool. it's got a lot of things going on, and you usually get free stuff because of it. loading times are a little weird between menu selections, but whatever. the menu is probably my favourite part of this game.
music ranges from alright to really good. it's all remixes, but they're done competently. I especially liked their Battle on the Big Bridge, a song that was pretty damn cool in its original mix as well.