I KNOW RIGHT?! The more I read these post updates the more I'm like OMG JIZZ IN MY PANTS excited about it.candle":35o5sp4n said:so can't wait for the Halloween update for minecraft.
I was playin EO1Daxis":11kososq said:etrian odessey 2. shit this crap is HARD, so totally one of the most challenging games i've ever played. can't wait till later in the game when a character DOESN'T die from every hit a boss gives (and there are like 6 bosses on just the second floor). hard, but challenging. a major improvement over eo1. can't wait to get etrian odessey 3...
LiquidMetal91":2ctd1txc said:I was playin EO1
but than i die'd at the first boss... after playin 2 hours strait without savin >.>
fuck man i can't do jack shit against bosses and i'm level 19 or 20 ... when do they get easier??? so freaking dumb!!!Jbrist":3b3bqed9 said:So I've finished my second playthrough of Dead Rising 2, got endings C and D now...
However, I'm gonna' do a few more piss around runs before I do another major run, or atleast until I can take down most of, if not all, of the psychopaths easier, I need more health and strength...