Been working on an absolute heckton of maps lately, I'm going completely ham on the planetary exploration front!
Tekerlek is finished, outside of one item which I may ask Coyote to help with, since he already made a large amount of progress towards it as seen a couple pages ago (or not because images broke lmaoooo)
So, here's those!
Tekerlek: The Wheel
Tekerlek is the space station of the space monkey pirates, whimsical little creatures who just like to do as they please. The name of their station is literally turkish for "The Wheel". Thematically, the Space station resembles the navigator's wheel of an olden days sailing ship.
The central pub and one of the most popular, especially for tourists and adventurers. it has a cellar full of ale, and accomodations on the floor above!
The Underbelly
As is typical of piracy, there's a darker side- and that manifests in the lawless lanes of the Underbelly. Where gambling is rife, and violence no less! Nowadays its a mite tamer though, due to the unsettling presence in the vault and a large number of casualties surrounding it.
Deadman's Vault
Deep within Tekerlek lies a hoard of treasure so large it almost compares to the White Wyrm's hoard... however, while this was once the cumulative assets of every pirate who fell and had no inheritors, it has since been taken over by a malicious presence.
Many have entered, none have returned.
And i bet you naively thought that was all! Oh, how I pity you your fragile faith. It is not my intention to leave you so undernourished, far be it from my goals to dripfeed you content like I've aught to hide!
So I also got all of Draik's locations done... some of you may recognize the basic format used, as it does mirror the Draik from menagerie in areas like Napalm Plains and Drakirden, for you- for all these ideas yet seen, and those seen poorly in ages past... allow me to grant you the vision to behold the world as it was meant to be.
Napalm Plains
A large area with tragic vibes but a fiery determination to press on. All but one of Draik's Zones can be accessed from this area.
Priscilla's Prices
In Menagerie, there was an unnamed Dragonar who would accept priceless Gems from the player, and in turn would crush them down into useful but not so priceless materials, gems mostly. Well, that same dragon, calling herself Priscilla, has a veritable hoard of priceless items, deciding "priceless" is a bizarre concept- she gives her gems a price, and opens business to her kind and mortals alike.
Drakirden: Greatburrow of the White Wyrm
What a truly great new look, in Menagerie, there was a stepping stone jump puzzle with a chest at the end, now however, there lies the entrance to another area accessible from nowhere else but the Starship's OTB (orbit-to-beacon) teleporter.
Dragonblood Murderden
While i would love to go into the dark things that transpired in this unholy place, it might be best to wait for the Enma's mirror to tell the story- some authors are better tellers than I, a humble observer!
The Dark Inside
Not a map, a video! It's a smallish zone, featuring the so far only NPC in Draik in its entirety, an old name from Menagerie who served as an optional boss at the end of the tier 6 weapon forging arc. Trimorphous goes into ancient lore, so that's fun!
I now move onto the last three maps for Byteopia, and then the oneshots, like the Pink Sun's Magenta Aubade, the Galaxion's Sattelite Xeraphar and it's mental health facility: The Reformatory- and the moon Xoraq and the Dessucate that scars its surface... after all that, I'll go do the last four maps for Galaxia, then finish with all five of Nadine's areas. That will finish the Magenta sector, which is by far the largest of them all.
After that, it's to the Turqoise sector to deal with four maps for Postmartia, the remaining three maps for Haven, four more maps for Zirkov, and then the one shots, spanning from the desolate Gaseous, the toxic satellite of Zirkov: Urania and finally to the Heart of Creation in the Blue Sun.
From there, the Amethyst sector will come next, with four maps for Zen Nekoma, and a mere one area for Zen Aneia. From there, only one shots remain, the untamed wilds of Fungaris, the Maktar Nebula within Ésotériqueois and finally ending with Sol Arcanae Sidera

in latin: Sun of Arcane Stars) the discovery-focused city inside the Purple Sun.
But even then, my work isn't done. For the marvels of our own solar system still await, and thats not to even speak of the few worlds within the Sunless Galaxy.
Suffice it to say, I shall be very busy for the foreseeable future as I work my way towards the game's release on 3/14 and the open beta weekend that get delayed until the 22nd. Hopefully after seeing the kind of work I've been doing, you can accept that I could not have made it on such short notice- however, the self-inflicted crunch proved invaluable for pushing me to work to my limits!