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What are you working on? (Game Making Thread)

Going to look into TTF font rendering in GL, it's pretty much crucial if I want to get something decent looking on systems other than mobile.

The situation I'm in is; company has no faith in native GL font rendering so I am using Android to render the text for me to GPU memory, all headaches and problems are moved onto Google's shoulders, but this engine isn't just mobile it works on desktop where having an OS dependency is more of a mistake than a benefit so I'm spending my weekend researching this for my engine, it would help towards any text heavy softwares I plan to make with the engine.

Another cool thing I'm working on is an event system. This week I had to start implementing touch controls and it took two attempts but I came up with a solid design where the inputs are converted to events either to be read by a global event listener or pushed onto animators that expect these events. An example would be; A "cursor" object that has a mouse-motion animator attached which moves the cursor when the mouse is moved.


Awesome Bro

Well, done nothing today, but the last thing I was working on, yesterday, was a couple of minigames and a recruiting system, as well as thinking up some ideas for how I'm going to handle combat while still having it linked to the recruiting system too... it started getting a little complicated to work it all out, so I was like meh I'll just leave it a day, come back to it later, and see what happens... then I planned out a few more maps, which I'll start later, think it'll be best to get all the maps out of the way first, that way I'll atleast have something, lol. Problem is though, the RTP doesn't have everything I want, so I've had to make more compromises than I'd have liked, and I haven't found anything that tickles my fancy on the net in terms of custom tilesets and such...

All together now:

Only two more to go, then I'll have all the main characters!
Was attempting an code.
Was getting random errors. Not sure if it's my fault or the outdated version of processing that causing it. Either way. Meh.
HiPoyion":3jt5t5fa said:
Was attempting an code.
Was getting random errors. Not sure if it's my fault or the outdated version of processing that causing it. Either way. Meh.
If you don't know what's causing it then ask for help, no use rolling your face around in a bucket of mud when asking online can help you set up a real apple bobbing game.
Working on my own fully voiced private voice-recognition program for use with my wireless headset.
Google's Speech API only lets me make 50 requests a day, and pocketsphinx is so complex to use :(
Looked at some more code today. Managed to break it more before fixing it!
So I have movement now! It's not as the perfect movement system that I will use in endgame, but I can tweak it now as I go along.
Stuff and things!



Been able to find more free time to pick rmxp back up again, and i keep coming back here everytime i have a 'game-making-phase'.
I've been messing around with my old scripts; wound up re-writing most of them from scratch so they actually work well together now.

Started tinkering with my battle system again, and i finally made some crucial progress to make it the way i want! It's going to be a fast-paced TBS with hints of ABS here and there. I'm pretty happy that the basic structure is now working properly, and hopefully all mechanics will be in place by tommorrow. :biggrin:

I'm just hoping i'll actually stay long enough to post some of my systems and screenshots!


So I managed to code a base for map transitions! Super happy right now!
(I think some indentation or some shit is off, but right now I'm done with it. I'll make it look pretty another time.)
HiPoyion":1vedv0wd said:
So I managed to code a base for map transitions! Super happy right now!
(I think some indentation or some shit is off, but right now I'm done with it. I'll make it look pretty another time.)
Processing is rather Java-like and it's keyword list matches with Java so you can use the code tag with
[code=java]<div class="java" id="{CB}" style="font-family: monospace;"><ol><span style="color: #993333;">void proc_func() {

    <span style="color: #993333;">int number = <span style="color: #cc66cc;">2;

    player.x = number;

    proc_call_test( <span style="color: #cc66cc;">2, player );

Processing looks easy, it is just like C but with features removed and a Java-style class keyword.

You should also start coding towards having lists that hold your map transition information that is looped over in a check, it would save having to write a new else if statement block for each new transition square you want to add.

And now you've got me creating mock classes for these things.
<div class="java" id="{CB}" style="font-family: monospace;"><ol> 

<span style="color: #000000; font-weight: bold;">class BBox {

    <span style="color: #000000; font-weight: bold;">private PVector min;

    <span style="color: #000000; font-weight: bold;">private PVector max;


    BBox( <span style="color: #993333;">int x, <span style="color: #993333;">int y, <span style="color: #993333;">int width, <span style="color: #993333;">int height ) {

        min = <span style="color: #000000; font-weight: bold;">new PVector( x, y );

        max = <span style="color: #000000; font-weight: bold;">new PVector( x + width, y + height );



    <span style="color: #993333;">boolean IsTouchingBBox( BBox other ) {

        <span style="color: #b1b100;">if ( min.x < other.max.x && min.y < other.max.y ) {

            <span style="color: #b1b100;">if ( max.x > other.min.x && max.y < other.min.y ) {

                <span style="color: #000000; font-weight: bold;">return <span style="color: #000000; font-weight: bold;">true;



        <span style="color: #000000; font-weight: bold;">return <span style="color: #000000; font-weight: bold;">false;



    <span style="color: #993333;">boolean IsPointInside( PVector point ) {

        <span style="color: #b1b100;">if ( point.x > min.x && point.x < max.x ) {

            <span style="color: #b1b100;">if ( point.y > min.y && point.y < max.y ) {

                <span style="color: #000000; font-weight: bold;">return <span style="color: #000000; font-weight: bold;">true;



        <span style="color: #000000; font-weight: bold;">return <span style="color: #000000; font-weight: bold;">false;




BBox teleportZone = <span style="color: #000000; font-weight: bold;">new BBox( <span style="color: #cc66cc;">305, <span style="color: #cc66cc;">255, <span style="color: #cc66cc;">1, <span style="color: #cc66cc;">1 );

// teleportZone.IsPointInside( new PVector( player.x, player.y ) );


BBox playerBox = <span style="color: #000000; font-weight: bold;">new BBox( player.x, player.y, <span style="color: #cc66cc;">1, <span style="color: #cc66cc;">1 );

// teleportZone.IsTouchingBBox( playerBox );

Cool I'll close notepad and go to sleep now w/e
Trying out new typefaces. It sucks. I find something I like but there's some little thing that ruins it. The punctuation spacing is off.
It 's It' s It,s
K looks like H.
R looks like A.
i n looks like m.

I also figured out that RM Ace has a default bold font setting. I was like, "why does it look so different?"
So besides turning off the text outline, that's something you want to keep an eye out for.

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