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What are you working on? (Game Making Thread)


Awesome Bro

Cheers dude, and yeah I tried to keep it simple, but couldn't resist the urge to add something, which is where the face came from, but I didn't want him too overpowering, so I added a blur (Since I just upscaled the face from like 96x96 or whatever the resolution was...) and faded him out until it got to the point where he's still part of the picture, but doesn't draw your attention away from the logo.

Now that I think about it, even with quick jobs and shit, I put a lot of thinking into how I'm making them o.O
@Jason: I think the blue gets a little too dark in the background, and conflicts with the black text a little. Design-wise I think its absolutely brilliant
Personally, all I'd change is to make the background blue a little lighter to give the text a bit more contrast.
On Monday I'm formally back on BWRPG, but for today I'm looking into getting OpenGL triangles rendering on top of RPG Maker games, my preliminary research says this is actually a pretty easy task, so I'm going to look into it now.


Awesome Bro

ZenVirZan":1xmrdxp5 said:
@Jason: I think the blue gets a little too dark in the background, and conflicts with the black text a little. Design-wise I think its absolutely brilliant
Personally, all I'd change is to make the background blue a little lighter to give the text a bit more contrast.

Hmm, I see what you mean, however, I've tried to lighten the blue and it didn't give off the feeling I was going for with it, so I've decided to leave it as is and maybe I'll come back to it later on in development...

Talking about titlescreens, I've just finished mine, since it's evented... there are only two options at the time being, "begin story" and "quit", the reason being that my "game" is intended to be played in one sitting as it's literally only going to be 20-30 minutes long, so there will be no "continue" or anything...

Without giving too much away, there's going to be multiple endings, so that will add to playtime...

Also, I've been talking with Potion, and I may add a third option to the title, an extra feature that could be included, but since I'm not even 50% sure if I'll be doing it yet, I'll not talk about it just yet... before I can even think about doing it, the game will need to be finished, since it's more of an after thought in the sense that the game isn't affected with or without it, it could just be added afterwards to say there's more "content", lol...

And here's a picture of the titlescreen ingame, pretty much the exact same thing you've seen already, with a couple of options in the bottom right, but yeah, this is what you'll see ingame, as of now, it's final.



Awesome Bro

Decided I'd be nice and a let a screenshot off early, I'm usually terrible at releasing them, so yeah, here you go... I'm using a screenshot script that takes a picture of the screen and saves it into my game directory inside a folder, so I don't have to go through the trouble (Not really trouble, just annoying) of cutting the window out, lol.

Putting some finishing touches on this animated battler that, looking at my file dates, I started on it back in August 2012. I don't know how I feel about that. I sounds bad but even if I had finished it sooner it wouldn't have changed anything. The game is still going through a lot of changes.
He's hoping to up the resolution to something like this:



Not sure if he's switching game engines or not. I told him it would be cool if he did the whole game with large sprites and painted backgrounds. I already redid the main character's XP sprite to match the new character portraits; I was suppose to do some emotes with it too (a long time ago) but the more time passes the more things change. For the better in this case.

As for Lucid Awakening 2. I haven't heard from Sillypieman. He's still waiting for me to finish the job battlers. I'd wish he'd use this time to re-map the game. It's taken 2 years to get to this point, so I can understand why he wouldn't want to undo all that. But it took that long because he was making it up as he went. Now is the best time to stand back and look at the project as a whole and look for things to revise. I should try talking to him, but I don't know how to approach him.


Awesome Bro

So I've now decided how many chapters my game will be broken up into (I won't say just yet, otherwise when I talk about progress it may make people think I'm further than I actually am), and have got a summary for each chapter, which makes it easier to work with, I mean, it was already an easy story for me to follow anyway, but I decided to change things around and I've got it to my liking...

The mapping for the first two chapters is finished, there's not many maps in the game anyway, and the second chapter is actually really short, well, compared to the rest of them anyways, infact it only actually uses two maps, one of which will be reused during the third chapter... god that makes me feel lazy! I've also done a few maps of the third chapter too, so yeah, progress!

As for anything else, well... on the first few maps I've rearranged some events, and planned out some cutscenes differently to how I originally wanted to, hopefully for the better... and I'm still working on the cutscenes for chapter one too. I think once I've finished the first chapter, I'll show off a new screenshot or two, and that's when I'll make a thread for it.

Hopefully I'll be able to get the first chapter done on Thursday (I'd say tomorrow but I like to procrastinate, and I'm working most of tomorrow anyway)


Awesome Bro

Way behind on my schedule, the first chapter still isn't finished yet!

Although here's another screenshot... it's pretty much the exact same as the other but someone else is speaking! (Here's a hint... alot of the first chapter takes place inside that building, LOL)


So apparently this guy likes to set people on fire...
Working in PHP at the moment, vaguelly game-making related. Trying to wean off bad habits, and still a bit rusty from a few months without using it. -.-
It's amazing how quickly you can forget things once you stop using them. I used to be into Javascript when I was learning it in college. But I never did anything with it and now I'm not sure I would know where to begin.
Also, I played saxophone from 5th grade up to highschool. It's been so long since I lasted played I can't even read sheet music.
Perhaps you didn't know enough of it to retain knowledge? I can't remember VB.net but I didn't know much of it to begin with.

With HTML and other web languages I must admit that I have only done badly written projects with, I will most likely loose touch and forget how to write in these languages also.
coyotecraft":3q0mujpv said:
Also, I played saxophone from 5th grade up to highschool. It's been so long since I lasted played I can't even read sheet music.
I used to be able to read sheet music in high school for choir - that was like 5 or 6 years ago. I can't do it now. :(

I have a story for a game, but I'm debating if I should just worry about getting the actual content done before adding in things I think would be interesting (gameplay wise). o.o


Awesome Bro

Most things people add to their RM* games are seen as gimmicks, and to be honest, unless they actually benefit the story in any way, either shouldn't be added, or should wait until the end before being added, so the creator isn't wasting time on them instead of the actual focus of the story...

In my opinion, if you're going to add new gameplay mechanics, for example, a crafting system, leave it until the end, make the whole "mechanic" be available through an NPC not related to the story, y'know, as a sort of side quest, which you CAN visit at any time, but don't actually start work on it until the game is pretty much finished, otherwise you'll fall into the same trap I seem to everytime, which is, I'll start a story, then start thinking up some cool features that would work great, but I start work on them and completely drop the story, and by the time I've done, I can't be arsed finishing the story, and it becomes another scrapped project, lol. I think I've learned my lesson now, since I'm not adding ANY features into my current "game" (Evented titlescreen is NOT a feature, lol), there is one I'd like to add, that I've discussed with Potion over Skype, but even that is a huge "Maybe... if I've got time afterwards".
I think I need to teach myself how to make small games. Not epics. Just something that can be made in a week and then played. I get too bogged down with details and huge doobries.

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