Yeah I know what you mean about interesting mechanics, I mean, I always have ideas for things that could work, but I never get around to doing them, or I start them but then realise it'd be too time consuming, or nobody would even notice them, and then I stop.
Haven't worked on my game at all day, mostly because I've been at work, although I've been home for about four hours anyway, but I'm kinda' tired and can't be arsed working on it at the mo. Got work for four hours tomorrow, then I'm off for a few days, I'll TRY to get something done, I mean, if I work hard enough I'll be able to get a demo out on like Tuesday or something, but the thing is, at the moment there's literally NO gameplay, it's just a (Not even that long) cutscene... oh wait, there IS gameplay, you can walk into a few houses and talk to people, sleep at the inn and buy weapons, or try to since you have no money... and steal some fish and tomatoes... the village is tiny if you remember from my screenshot I posted ages ago (I was actually making REALLY fast progress when I started it, but then it went into... let's call it development hell, lol), I think I'll see if I can add a little more gameplay after this cutscene which I STILL haven't finished anyway... I mean, I'm sure I could throw a fetch quest in or something for the sake of it, like a side quest, since there's enemies in the first area where the cutscene starts, there's also some chests to go open.
Hmm... we'll see.