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What are you working on? (Game Making Thread)

Not for that fight, as the idea is that the forest is what's gliding behind / beneath you, but I can certainly make use of those elsewhere, mad props!

Some pretty big updates on Fantasia, recently Fyori and Esperia's sprites were finished.


Which again, is credit to Xiie.

I've also implemented player drives in a way that I am happy with. Now the game sound is muted and you are immune to damage during the movie's play.

And now...

I've implemented boss drives, too.

As well as the mechanic for purple.

Basically so long as a movement key is being held you are in no danger.

You do not have to be skedaddling like this image would have you believe.

Also, I've finished the Pep/Pexepe fights, next up is Svoli.


Here's a video to show most of this craziness in motion!
Recently I've rescaled the VX Ace Futuristic Tileset to work flawlessly with Fantasia, and it looks really good. For a start I've entirely refurbished the Starship YHWH.




Voice of the Goddess (Deployment Bay)

Eye of the Goddess (Bridge)

Cargo Holding Bay

At current, because I have this tileset, I've been able to replicate 1:1 the London city downtown from PFC.

I've also rebuilt the Undercroft (Kyoshi's Secret Lab) from these tiles.



The Immoral Messenger Bossfight now has both win and loss conditions, if you lose a switch is acted and a variable set up, each time the boss beats you it goes up by 1, this allows for vaired messages she gives on repeat attempts, by 10 she's very impressed with your tenacity, by about 20 she's beginning to hint you may be a masocist, by 30 she gets bored and breaks the game (crashes it by throwing an error message after saying Beraku (Engrish for break).

IF you win however, she takes you to a hidden verandah in the forest, has a congratulory talk with you, but when asked by Koko if she was holding back, she says:

Followed by after a bit of grilling a reveal that she was fighting at 1 to 0.5 percent of her power.

You are rewarded with an incredibly good Ribbon for Lilac which is best in slot for most of Disk One as well as a +5 FEAR Accessory for Koko. Beyond ofcourse the usual Pamphlet and Medal rewards.



Lastly, I've added more messagebacks to properly give tone and pasture to messages delivered from different hosts or that demand different tones.


Loot/Reward acquisition:

Dire Tone:

Space Exploration:
Some large things have been doing. First off Sacreblu is now implemented as a Second-wind mechanic as she was designed- Svoli's two phase fight is also done, although her second phase is too difficult as it currently stands.
t's been a while since I've done anything and I took a break from my a-rpg gamekit
But I've been working on this, improving my pre-built debug console feed:

It was previously an in-game debug console/log but now I've switched the log itself to output to a txt file.
Hoowhey, been a while since I gave an update, but Fantasia is coming along well. The plan to release on 8/8/18 was scrapped because Demo 2 is ambitious, ambitious- AMBITIOUS!!!

With gear progression implemented, I've been adding rewards from the optional events that exist, making new rewards, such as Grand Charms, and the much coveted and rare GOD CHARMS. You can equip one of Each, what makes God Charms interesting is that they sac something to give a huge boost to something else, the only two God Charms this does not apply for is Life of the Fable Druid and Mind of the Spellweaver.

One Example, Glass Cannon meta.

I've also been making significant progress on Act 0 Optional Events, including the Kyoshi Battle, and the battle with Doctor Jaffa.

And more scenes than would be feasible to list, I've also been working on the Obstacle courses.

Venture Road

Advent Circuit

So currently I have 4 scenes, 1 to end of the BFC chain, and all three of Koko's Flashback chain, which are all simply scenes. One Obstacle Course, two boss fights.

Planned Events for Fantasia: Disk 0
Erased Captain Chain: Done!
Part 1: Done!
Part 2: Done!
Part 3: Done!
Part 4: Done!
Lumi Obstacle Course Chain: WIP
Part 1: Done!
Part 2: Done!
Part 3: Done!
Part 4: Untested, but otherwise done!
Koko's Conspiracy Backstory Chain: Not Started.
Part 1: Not Started.
Part 2: Not Started.
Part 3: Not Started.
Lilac Alter-ego Chain: WIP
Part 1: Done!
Part 2: Done!
Part 3: Not Started.
Immoral Messenger Chain: Done!
Part 1: Done!
Part 2: Done!
Part 3 (Boss): Done!
Hospital Dark Chain: Done!
Part 1: Done!
Part 2: Done!
Part 3 (Boss): Done!
Kyoshi Backstory Event: Done!
Yasondre Backstory Event: Done!
Kyoshi Boss Fight: Done!
Yasondre Boss Fight: Not Started.
Yasondre + Kyoshi Boss Fight: Not Started.

I also tuned Svoli's fight down to be a decent amount easier. In addition, Wi Hellrider's fight no longer gives you the temporary damage buff, as by then you're expected to have more than just starter gear.

Damage Popups for players now give a color and icon indicator for what you took damage from.

Pep now gives a Skill/Ennui to Lumi as intended, he also now gives his designated loot.

So... how is this ambitious, well, this is mostly content for Disk 0, and we're supposed to also have Disk 1 ready for Demo 2, along with Optional Events, explorations opportunities and so on, as Disk 0 leaves a really nice and polished impression. Thankfully, the potential for Optional Boss Fights is high, the first scene you encounter Esperia's Blood Council, Splode and Sped Cookiedoe, and other plausible bosses, and more or less confirmed in some cases given that icons already exist for their related achievement.

But yeah, much to do!
The characters in my game used to be naked when they took off their armor. Steam recently made developers fill out a form describing very precisely what kind of adult content is in their games. I admitted to nudity, pixellated though it was. And that changed the entire "games like this" list to company I'd rather not be in. So I had to add underwear.


Characters from old saved games may not have the right underwear sprite. For a while, the slimes in the game had bras and panties. That's fixed now, but the dudes still have a surprise for you under their armor.


Awesome Bro

Slimes with bras and panties? You should leave that in and make them a rare enemy type or something, like a hidden side quest where you have to infiltrate a slime panty party and steal something for a slime that wasn't invited, and when it's done you receive an item which, when equipped, changes your appearance to look like a sexy panty slime and you gain +25% exp from killing slime enemies or something.

... I'd buy that.
It's been a little while. While i wish I could have made more progress than I did- my computer came down with some issues regarding corrupt dll-files, so i endavoured to reformat. Now that it's done I've done a bunch of work.

Of the optional events for Act 0, which as you see are plentiful~ I've only one left to make, though a few need to be tested and accordingly adjusted.

Once those are all Done, Disk 0 is cleared. Then i may begin focus-devving on Disk 1. This includes a bold amount of work, including but not limited too:
-An end of act cinematic featuring some pretty epic effects.
-What remains of story content, which includes 4 bossfights. I already have good ideas for quite a lot of these.
-Making landable surface area for about 22 or more alien planets.
-Optional Events for Earth and a couple in the surrounding solar system as well.

I think that's actually about it...

I may provide an update when I reach the milestone of clearing all content for Disk 0.
Just over a month ago, as part of my uni course, I was put in a team with 2 others from my course and told to make a game using python (and pygame.)
In that time I've learned loads and been defeated several times by my lack of understanding.
Here's what I have to show for it:

It looks incredibly rudimentary, I'm aware, however I'm proud of our work.
Here's what's currently working:
  • We have a randomly generated dungeon.
    We have routing in that randomly generated dungeon which ensures it always returns a clearable level.
    We have entities: Players and Enemies.
The players currently:
  • Collide with Walls (they can't move past)
    Collide with Pits (puts the player where they entered the level)
    Collide with Doors (generates a new dungeon)
    The entities have a turn system in which (currently) the player goes first followed by each enemy.
    The players and enemies have movement, and incremental animation.
    Players will spawn on the opposing side of the next dungeon in accordance with the door they enter.
What doesn't work?
  • As you can see from the video, enemies don't have a form of collision.
    The movement system (while good) doesn't adhere to the initial movement system we wanted for the game (swipe based gestures)
What are we going to work on?
  • Enemy collision. They currently are able to walk over pits and leave the map.
    Enemy AI, follow the player or run away???
    A battle system, when the player collides with the enemy they choose as rune (spell) and (for the MVP) the enemy dies. Should the enemy go onto the player then they will return to the start of the level.
    Perhaps a title screen
We have about 3 weeks left on this project and I'm hopeful that more will be done with it but for now we need to tidy our code.
I was messing around with some different spriting techniques to get more details faster. Got some interesting results. Ideally I want something consistent to be able to animate a lot of frames.
I keep drawing muscles as a kind of default detail test. Ibut I need to do more materials, like fur and clothing folds. But I'm shit at costume design. I mean beyond basic armor and cloaks, it's hard to come up with some thing thats different and reads on a small scales.
You want to post some examples, coyote? If you can see muscles in your characters' sprites, then you must be drawing at pretty high resolution. For designs, I often find that I can use random DeviantArt character designs, and just the process of downscaling them changes them enough that my designs end up being unique.
I don't have WiFi to upload anything from my computer a.t.m.

I've got a folder full of cool character designs but they wouldn't work as sprites. I guess my idea of costume design is really ordamental stuff. Laces. Straps. Emblems. But with sprites it's just basic stuff like tunic and cape. I mean half kaiser you can show seams and make attempts at chain mail even. But smaller than that, you might have an outline trim with an accent color, but that's it.
I got into a good flow this morning and did a couple concepts that I think work well with rmxp rtp.
Next I want to make something like medieval scientists. Like, white lab coats that won't look out of place next to plate armor guards.
Outside of people, there's this different conundrum of fantasy world machines. I really hate seeing people use the K-Night Blade resources for those really advanced civilizations one town over. Thankfully anime has plenty of examples with a nice middle ground.
So I started off just messing around with GIMP's symmetry brush to make this large template analogous to XP.

After drawing stuff on top of it, I go through a technical multi-step downscaling process. Results vary. When it's monochrome some parts come out nearly usable, save some color and contrast adjustment. But even with a fuzzy impression, I have a better idea of how to shade things. This is helpful for animating small movements. For example, if this guy had skulls on his shoulders, they're going to rotate slightly, but on a pixel scale the impression of movement is just a slight change in values. It's a big time saver the eliminates a lot of trail and error with more logical approximations.


Medieval scientists. Kind of like the alchemists in my game?


If you want to play around with tons of sprite resources, you're always welcome to do a Himeko Sutori mod. :wink:

I started off trying to do downscaling, but it never turned out well for me. My process was to draw over a template, reduce resolution, then change to indexed color. All of the touch-ups took longer than just drawing the sprites pixel by pixel.
I put together an RMXP project with a bunch of different event systems I've created over the years. Handy to have and just copy and Paste events over. There are no quick events in XP like in later versions. And I've noticed people are really lazy about creating doors and exits. But it makes a huge difference to have doors that swing open, move the character forward and gradually lower the character's opacity to disappear and then transfer the player.

I've got a few script command in the mix for convenience and efficiency. Like, comparing event 2 (X ,Y) coordinates can be done in 1 script line, rather than reading/writing it into variables and using the standard event commands. You'd think Rpg Maker would make an similar method.

The main reason I'm putting this together is to give people presets they can just copy and modify. Like, I see your birds flying sporadically around the map. I've got birds that fly off and scatter as the player runs though them and then land again. Seagulls that look like they're actually riding wind currents. Bats that fly in clusters but aren't flapping in unison. Harpies that swoop around. Bees that zigzag around.

This other developer I was working with had this huge map with 100's of events that ran at like 2FPS because they're all parallel processes. So I made a system that changes event locations by terrain_tags. So instead of a ton of monsters set to walk at random you can have 5 that transfer and transform as the player moves around. And it only needs 1 parallel event.
And in my proof of concept I ended up creating a dynamic companion NPC, that changes event pages with the changing terrain tags which can create different behaviors. For example, they won't follow the player into tall grass if need be.

Some other things I've put together:
  • Ice sliding with only 1 event
  • Premade Pitfalls and floor switches
  • Swamp gas bubbles
  • Red & Blue slime that fuse into a Purple one, then split apart

It's annoying that RMXP only lets you read certain kinds of event data. Like nudging an event's sprite position around would be super simple if you could just change the x and y values. But there is no "x=" or "y=" method in XP like in the other makers. I mean, it would be babies first script to add those methods. I can, I did, but I won't use it for this because I'm focusing more event based things that people can learn from. So RMXP is kinda unreliable in that regard for making copycat events. It's a convoluted mess to get an event to mirror the player, and they'll eventually fall behind.
I'm working on a Prism Puzzle where the player has to navigate multi colored copies of themselves. But it's not foolproof yet.
Oh I have made SO much progress!
Gameplay and Feature Update.

Phase 1 of the Kara Marx Boss Fight
Interesting seeing how the Boss fight from PFC converts into a new game.

Esperia's portraits are in and they look fantastic, the only one missing so far is alert.

The Disk 0 Content is entirely complete, two new boss fights and another obstacle course and some more scenes are done.

Wi Hellrider ALSO got a portrait. Courtesy of Pjcr

Click image for full size render.

Some sprites were completed too, courtesy of Xiie.



Last one without a name is Lyza.

And a new track for the OST, courtesy of Max M. Dominora

So yes, dev is going GOOD!

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