Building tools. I think I decided to use C# for tools development: much quicker to write compared to a fresh C++ project and has a load of handy libraries. I find C# much easier for doing GUI stuff too, if the need arises.
I've done a load of tools before but I think it is best to build new ones specific to the needs here.
First up is an image converter that will take an input image and generate a GBA optimised compressed binary with stuff like palettes sorted out automatically. My test is to have GameBoy Player detection working from a given PNG screenshot of the GameBoy Player logo; which is what the real hardware uses to detect if it is in use; the GameCube accessory literally scans VRAM checking to see if that logo is displayed with the correct palette and then sends some bizarre controller pulses (stuff like having all dpad buttons pressed at the same time) to say "I'm a GameBoy Player in a GameCube".
I've got a bitbucket repo going for this project now. Still consider it early stages. If someone (such as maybe ZenVirZan) wants to check out the project code then I can add them (need a Bitbucket account and preferably Git installed - project files are all visual studio 2017).
It contains instructions for getting GBA development going for Windows so send me a PM if you want in on that.
I've done a load of tools before but I think it is best to build new ones specific to the needs here.
First up is an image converter that will take an input image and generate a GBA optimised compressed binary with stuff like palettes sorted out automatically. My test is to have GameBoy Player detection working from a given PNG screenshot of the GameBoy Player logo; which is what the real hardware uses to detect if it is in use; the GameCube accessory literally scans VRAM checking to see if that logo is displayed with the correct palette and then sends some bizarre controller pulses (stuff like having all dpad buttons pressed at the same time) to say "I'm a GameBoy Player in a GameCube".
I've got a bitbucket repo going for this project now. Still consider it early stages. If someone (such as maybe ZenVirZan) wants to check out the project code then I can add them (need a Bitbucket account and preferably Git installed - project files are all visual studio 2017).
It contains instructions for getting GBA development going for Windows so send me a PM if you want in on that.