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What are you working on? (Game Making Thread)



Xhukari":1yzrtqyt said:
Been working on a battle system that is essentially Guild Wars and Final Fantasy Turn-base combined.
Though lately I've been thinking of shelving it and doing something simpler. I don't know if its all the programming I've done for my Uni units. But I am sick of fixing bugs right now.
Don't give up, man! Once you finally finish it and get it working to your liking all the bug fixes and shit will be way beyond worth it.

I just finished editing Erania's character bio so mark that off the list. I'm too tired to breath right now, but in the morning I'm going to port Celet's bio then begin working on the complete set of TLF cards.

I'm still very much undecided on what I want to do for a battle system though. :huh:
Thanks for the words! :)

Aye, battle systems are tough. Especially since there are so many out there now! Is it RPGMaker you're making it in? I don't know what that is capable of. But some wild ideas for ya:

  • Tetris Battle system. Each character has limited skills, which is assigned to a specific tetramino. When you use a skill, you place that piece. When you get a line, your skill crits. You get a Tetris (4 lines at once) you get some limit-break-esque result? Some enemy skills can interact with your Tetris grid, such as speeding it up, or locking blocks so they cannot be cleared for a few turns, etc.
  • Pass-it-on system. Your characters start with pre-determined skills. But at the end of the turn, everyone selects one skill to pass to next foe/friend clockwise.
  • Emotion system. Different skills increase a specific emotion in the user (whilst decreasing others). Different emotional states affect combat effectiveness. Such as anger increasing DMG dealt. But if anger goes too high, you lose control of the character. Sadness might increasing healing effects on others, but increase the damage themselves take. You can take it further by having an emotional threshold, that when exceeded, effects your other party members. Such as if you have a sad member, and another member hits the anger threshold. The sad member is now anxious instead, and perhaps anxiety gives an increase to evasion and the success chance of trying to run away.

I don't know though. Wild ideas are fun.



Yo! thanks for the suggestions. I don't know what I'm going to be using to create this.. I'm kinda leaning towards unreal, but we'll see. I'm really digging the last suggestion you made though. Would that be possible in RPG Maker?
Are you familiar with Unreal? I've not used it personally, but I hear the blueprint thing they have isn't expanded enough to make game from, so you will probably either need to buy a bunch of pre-fab stuff or code it yourself. I don't know if it is possible in RPG Maker. I'd imagine so. Surely you can make buffs and debuffs in RPGMaker? I'd probably have 'levels' of emotion buffs applied to the characters, and just have each skill lower/remove the other buffs, whilst increasing the level/quantity of the emotion buff it builds up. Then you'd want a threshold check at the end of that character's activation, if you wanted to implement that part too. :)
I've begun to work on polishing the Eyegore AI for the Action-RPG Gamekit tonight...even if it's two in the morning over here.

Whatever. I've been overbooked from sudden YouTube production work sinces Tuesday and I don't feel very sleepy at all tonight.
Most of them sound rather robotic. I don't know if its how you spoke in these, or some auto-tune, or both...

I'd imagine free voice actors could be a bit unreliable, unless all the lines are finished and squared up prior.

You may want to look into doing that thing that is done in some games where they make rhythmic sounds to represent them speaking, instead of actually speaking. Though that can be divisive itself, if they're annoying...

Something like voice overs are probably best left not done, unless they're good. Or you're going for the terribad route like Resident Evil 1.



BizarreMonkey":1q6li9ga said:
with RPG Maker MV rpg maker is pretty crazy powerful

like i mean i evented most of this

so god knows what crazy shit plugins are capable of, but to name a few I've been impressed with, movie title screen, Galv's TDS simulator and Undertale Battle system.

ok this was very cool, but I didn't really understand what the hell was going on and also I was confused as to why they were able to walk on black space of nothingness... but it all looked cool.
StrawberrySmiles":1uzj4oom said:
BizarreMonkey":1uzj4oom said:
but ye, it all me
This... isn't a good thing. o.o

There are some places are there where you can find aspiring voice actors to work in your project - for free. I forgot the places though.
It's only for a demonstration video, the voice acting is not in the game. And when it comes to developing videos like this, it's not about getting the VA aliance to help out, as while the voice acting is an addition, it's not a core focus.

Essentially I just do it so the viewer is not forced to read the dialogue and can just get a skim and the rest is voiced.

It's been a trend in a lot of my recent videos.
Finished up polishing the Eyegore AI for now...or for what passes as somewhat bugfree. Haha, I'm lazy.

Now I've begun to move onto making some example boss AI but it'll be pretty simple. Just some pathfinding to waypoint 1,2,3,etc, boolean based phases based on how HP it has and some other special attack so the fight's not totally boring.



Working on a complete list of every card that'll be available in the card game. Do the creators of TCG's have a team or something? Because this shit is NOT easy lol. I mean just trying to come up with names for the cards is difficult. Also you don't know how OP an ability is until you've playtested with it and in order to do that you've got to have them printed first. Creating a TCG is a very expensive, brain jabbing venture but it is a lot of fun!
Been working on a pixel movement script for MV.

Got a simple version working, but there's lot of small bugs and annoyances, so it looks like I'll have to write a more robust collision system to resolve all the bugs.

One annoying issue is if you use dash then you'll be slightly off the grid so you won't slot easily into 1x1 corridors - solution is to reduce the player's collision box, but then the player sprite hangs into other tile layers incorrectly.

Reason I'm doing a pixel movement script is because it's needed for a good 3D map script - and if I code pixel movement correctly (using 2D vectors, rather than 8 fixed directions) then I get tank-controlled airships for free (FF6 style flying airships).

The mouse click input is completely broken though, so I will change that to be a sort of gravity thing (hold mouse down, player walks dumbly towards that direction with no path finding).
Creating my own sprites for the Time Fantasy graphic pack. >>



Also, for Ghost Shards I've compiled are finished sprites so far. The Playable Characters have all directions done, but Star has moved to objects now.




I figured out a way to make cards without it making my brain want to explode. Instead of going in blindly, I figured out what I wanted each type of deck to be capable of and then created cards to make that possible.

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