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Venetia's (HK Stuff) Workshop

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Rofl. I was staring at the interior WIP tileset, and wondering for half a minute what the white shades on the floor tiles are for - then realized that it's a watermark text. *sigh*

Really nice work, I'm tempted to use some of the partial tiles in there for RTP sized interiors. D:
@ Everyone: Thank you for the birthday wishes, it turned out much better than I'd expected. Nothing exciting, but y'know, it didn't suck :).

@ $t3v0: Yes ^_^. But some of the base poses are off the advanced gRTP template by Tana.

@ Reives: I've been getting so many requests to use my stuff as a base for edits that I decided to skip the watermark from now on for everyone. Just know it's incomplete and things'll be moving around still, so if you mapped w/ it as it is now your maps'll probably get messed up after an update or two.


It's my husband's b-day today so not much got done this week. A few things did. Whee.

More progress on that bastardly spiral staircase. I see now why people don't do them. It's a b!tch, seriously. I had to reference like 400 pictures to get the perspective of the right side semi-decent :rage02:. Anyway it's on layers, just flattened for this uploaded version, so when you see the finished, it'll have the top portion with the top portion on an upper layer so the char'll look like they're walking under it. I wanted to make the stair dismount north-facing but I got fed up with it and made it east-facing.

Also I added my "Misc. Dump", where I can plug the crap I'm working on. Nothing special right now. Yes I know Nephthys doesn't have skin shading under the clothes yet ... I forgot. -_-; w00t

None of it's worth commenting on right now ... But just know I'm not slacking completely .........
Happy birthday Ven, even though it is a little late :P
Love the new updates, your work is astonishing as always, keep up the good work :)
Well actually everything is directly compared to the proportions of the HK--I made sure of that. The toilet does seem smallish but the HK butt fits on there perfectly. *shrug* I guess it could still be bigger.

I based the chairs on Tana's chair template--hers looked bigger because they were solid block wooden chairs and mine are the ornate, tea shop kind, with a lot less material.

That big clunky wooden "cabinet" thing with 3 doors is an old fashioned icebox. I'm not making modern stuff like an electric refrigerator.

Also, I'm not done with accessories yet :')

But thanks <3

edit: w00t! over 6k views :'0
Hey Venetia. D: I see that you're fine with these being recoloured, but just making sure; are we free to edit them completely too? Still credit to ya, of course. I'm guessing it's a yes from the tips on editing at the top, though. To be honest, this is more of a bump than anything. :p
Venetia if you don't mind I'm playing around with the spiral stairs (making the shadowing/coloring if you want when im done i can post it but i bet it wont be as good as yours will be I'm only doing it to practice lighting/shadowing :P So yeah hope you don't mind.
@ Reives and Scorpius:

Sure, edit away, I don't mind ^_^

I need to update this again, but making handrails for the spiral stairs and making shelf clutter have been aggravating me to no end! I didn't want it to feel like a chore to do so I took a little break :'P

@ Scorpius alone, I still have a lot to do on the spiral stairs and they're not divided properly so they can be used; editing them'll be easier when I'm done w/ that, in case you're frustrated ^_^


*** UPDATE: 11-10-07 ***

Updated WIP Interior.

Yay for misc. shelf items!!!!!!!
Credit Whitecat & Doppleganger for most of these.

@ TREG: I didn't forget the kitchen sink ... I just am doing that with the accessories. Didn't think about that kind of icebox, a porcelain one ... Only iceboxes I've ever seen were wooden. I want this to be circa 1910-ish, but that fridge there looks like it's from the 50's. There's some electric stuff because this is an upperclass house. Maybe I'll do one of those too, anyway; RPG's don't have to be historically accurate :')

EDIT: Even laterer ...

*** UPDATE: 11-11-07 ***

Added my WIP Farmhouse Interior under the Interiors section. I've decided to start working on my game because I'm sick of pixelling without direction and I really don't want it to become more of a chore than a hobby.

I also decided to use the RTP textures to save myself time, and I think it's coming out pretty decent :').
You pragmatist, you :)

Whoops! I just realized I left the dining room chair next to the toilets I was resizing. Well, it'll be gone next time :'o



TREG;316669 said:
Man, I keep on trying to use your exterior tiles but I just can't get it to look right. Everything I map looks ugly as hell.


TREG your perception is way off. This isn't a map critique thread...but...I would seriously work on making your tile heights consistent, and adding some variety to the 'long' sections of the house.


I love your avatar, xD. I used to read Tin Tin all the time. (=
Sorry TREG I couldn't see that map at work.

Well I have a hard time seeing it now still (because my eyesight isn't so great for small stuff, yeah kinda ironic since all I do is small stuff), but it looks like you're not using any shadows and you're using some of the pieces creatively (probably because their true purpose is befuddled in the way I organized it).

Speaking of organizing I got a little haphazard in doing so with that exterior set, just trying to make everything fit without any blank gaps, and the continuity of interlocking pieces was lost. Of course I had an easy time w/ it, I made it. Everything needs beta testing I'm finding out ;'P.

I should probably reorganize that thing and lower the contrast on it. I'll try to this weekend but I have a stupid baby shower to go to on Sunday >_<;;.
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