Actually my b-day is tomorrow, but I'll be working that day, soooo ....
As a birthday surprise, here's an update on the WIP. You'll find exciting new plants and a few accessories, plus some work on the staircases, which are fully custom. Yes I used RTP on a few plants. Sue me, I'm dealing with a monster here.
NOTE!: This is 6,848 pix high so far, which means it contains 1,712 tiles of wake-you-up-in-the-morning freshness!!!
Just thought you'd like to know >_>
Plus, what's that you see?? A SPIRAL staircase in the works?!
I've never seen one in a 2D game before, so I thought: why the hell not. It'd be a feat for an eventer to map out the walk up, but it can be done. Maybe when I'm finished with it I'll post a tut on how to make your sprite walk up it without looking like a tard.
The outline isn't done but I thought you might like to see the process with which I map something out before outlining it. It requires some research and a quick bastardization of geometry. w00t.
My comp is up and running again, folks, so I'm back in the game <3