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Venetia's (HK Stuff) Workshop

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Berserker;266389":35d1sa72 said:
Hey venetia. I take it that your having trouble with iso stuff?
thats something I can help you with. Is this what your looking for...

http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d50/j ... OVHelp.png[/IMG]

Thats how you do Iso sprites. Hope it helps.

Thanks, Berserker, but I know. What you did there is a 30/60 isometric scale, and that was the problem, since I did the walls and windows on a 45 isometric scale (the 3rd table I did there on the left column is considered a "true" 45 degree isometric scale). I decided on converting the walls to 30/60.

Thanks anyway :D

Edit 8/27/07: Okay I've streamlined the way I'm converting things to 30/60 so that should be done by next weekend. W00t.

I guess this is a little of a necropost but I've updated the progress on my WIP. I finally finished the 30/60 isometric look of the interior, and am getting back to work on new stuff. You may notice a new vanity and some iso benches/cupboards.

I'm still working on my main focus, the comic (now named [BLUE]), but I still really want to start getting these things done.

And before anyone asks, there's no charset of the bartender available since she's PixelCocktail's "spokestender".

Anyway, just a quick update. Still more to come. I swear I'll finish it one day!!!! :drip02:

EDIT: Updated again today. Added indoor privacy screen, two large pieces of pottery, and two (110% custom) potted plants.



Venetia, your work is lovely. ^_^ I would love you forever if you would finish your rounded transparent water though. :3
Thanks guys, and Envelope, I know! How often do you see that?!

Anyway I added my RTP dump under the "RTP Crap" section.

Much of it is crap, but I figure it's worth sharing as long as I have it.
@Digimon Readerusama, if you had read what is in her signature, you would have known she is not taking any requests. No offense, but it's pretty silly you missed that.

@Venetia: Keep up the great work! The only 2 things which seem to bother me are those two trees that seem to look a lot like those on Mack's tilesets. They simply don't fit in. Oh, and would you mind if I grabbed some of your other trees and put them on some Japanese styled tilesets? I did notice you do not mind people editing your tilesets, but this isn't exactly editing... More like grabbing them, make a new tileset that uses them, and then post it on rmxp.org (with proper credit, of course). Anyway, keep it up!
@ Tassadar: Sure, I don't mind. All my crap can be edited, recolored, redistributed, I don't mind. A quick message about me or PixelCocktail's all I ask. And for the ones that look like Mack's, which ones are you referring to? The potted plants? Because I rather liked how they turned out ... :')

@ Digimon Readerusama: I'm not really taking requests right now but more faces will be coming soon. I just freed up my schedule a little so more stuff will be coming in the near future.
Oh yeah, those are by Mack, I have 'em credited above the tileset. The exterior one is kind of a big compilation of stuff with some original crap, and then the interior is 97% original with 3% compilation (just made up that number, just an estimate ;'P )
Haha great, but maybe you should try to add some custom made trees instead of those; they seem to clash with the other trees. I can't really give you any examples, but at least it's a small idea :)
@ Mr_Smit: I'm working on it :'), I was hoping to make these things so full of crap you could create a large number of different-looking things with them. I like high versatility. I'm going to get back to posting progress every weekend.

@ Tassadar: Actually I agree. I made the exterior before I really got the hang of making trees ... Those "add-ons" were my first foray into tree making, but as you can see from the interior I'm improving. I decided I hate some things in the exterior, and I'll be adding things to it like more and different trees, and a grand semicircle bridge like something you'd see on a Venice canal.

But I wanted to present something other than a WIP so while the exterior still is a WIP (everything is of mine; I wonder if I'll ever truly finish ANYTHING I do, I'm always going back and revising), it's still functional enough to work as a tileset. Any additions'll be added to the bottom of it though so people can just update the tileset and their maps will remain unchanged if it's currently being used.

But first it's my mission to finish that interior ;').



Hey Venetia, great job on that interior tileset. It needs some isometric hardwood though, or some other iso-floor that would fit iso-walls : ) Also, I've noticed a small bug, the picture is in the attatchment. Better fix it now, while there's not much under those tiles : )
Awesome stuff. I been meaning to comment but theres not much to say that already hasn't I really like the indoor furniture especially ^^. Keep up the awesomeness!
http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... rikWIP.png[/IMG]

Another very short break from the WIP (don't worry, there's more work on it, just not enough to bother updating here), I'm working on one of my old projects from RTP: the Sedrik.

It's an animal I made up suitable for riding. It's like a horse/deer/ram with a lion tail and greyhound-esque thinness. Definitely not suitable for fat people to ride on, but as the HK is about 65% the size of it, HK's of healthy weight should be able to saddle them up. (Besides, this is all fantasy ... It doesn't have to be 100% RL-accurate in physics proportions. I just want them skinny-looking.)

So anyway this'll be the "trot" version of it. There'll also be a "sprint" version and a "grazing" version. Also "saddle" versions of all three.

This is the female, by the by. Males have long, spiral ram horns. They come in all sorts of colors so the brown/greenish pale color is just to keep the palettes separate enough to edit quickly. Also I'll probably end up making several versions, since Sedriks come in spots and splotches, like cows.

Anyway let me know what you think :')

P.S. Yes, the ears, tail, and head bobs as its moving, it's just so subtle you may not be able to see it at first.

Special thanks to Sparkling Ice for the palettes. I suck at palettes :'P.


arevulopapo;281180":aar5048l said:
Hey Venetia, great job on that interior tileset. It needs some isometric hardwood though, or some other iso-floor that would fit iso-walls : ) Also, I've noticed a small bug, the picture is in the attatchment. Better fix it now, while there's not much under those tiles : )

Thanks!! I edited it and'll post the progress Saturday. That woulda been really annoying later on :'D
As for iso floors, they're not really needed. The iso walls are on the secondary layer so you can overlap them over multiple floors and I don't have to clutter up the set with tons of floor tiles.

Showkaizer;281595":aar5048l said:
Awesome stuff. I been meaning to comment but theres not much to say that already hasn't I really like the indoor furniture especially ^^. Keep up the awesomeness!

That means a lot from you, ShowKaizer!! Thanks!!
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