Wheeeeeee ... Starting to go nutso working on this one interior! It'll never end! But I promised an update on Saturday ...
Alrighty, well, I shaded a bunch of stuff and then my program crashed and I hadn't saved in a while (GAHHHHHHHH). So *some* of the stuff is shaded. /mutter
Some sideview things have been added, as well as a modular wooden counter ... table. It's a top that goes with the counter base instead of the marble counters. It's all tested and tiles great. It's good for stores' displays or random sideview nonsense to put clutter on. Oh, and I added a number of Flower01 recolors, for those who enjoy rainbow-rific gardens :P.
If you're wondering what that really heavy wooden thing is with the three doors and wrought iron latches, it's an old fashioned icebox. It's how people in the olden days cooled food before refrigerators. The ice man would come by, like a milk man or the mail man, and he'd pass out ice to put in a tray in the icebox and that'd keep veggies from wilting and whatnot. (Based off this:
I'm hitting a brick wall in terms of clutter-items. Anyone have any ideas for stuff for shelves? All I can think of are books and farm equipment/items x_x. I may use a few icons by Whitecat or w/e to save myself time ...
I don't want heavy weaponry or armor in my game, my game doesn't have fighting in it (it's a harvest moon-esque game). Nor anything more modern than, say, 1860. Nor magical stuff. But anything else. Serious brick wall here.
Thanks for the support, everyone, again!