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Venetia's (HK Stuff) Workshop

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Absolutely exquisite tileset, I'm in love! I broke out a quick map, just focusing on livingroom/diningroom/kitchen/pantry tiles, later today I'll do the upstairs bedrooms and hall to test more of the tiles



Ran into some missing tiles and some functionality on some of the wall borders, Circled the areas in question.

Magenta: Not a hard thing, just need to add a transparent version of the iso to vertical corner for when they're overlapping the scene.

Green: Not sure if I'm just not seeing the right tile to use, but a flaw in joining iif you're connecting a one depth isometric wall to a vertical. Also the Iso walls llack a fading tile like the rest of the walls (the nice brown glow border..thingie..can't name things this morning).

Cyan: The overhead cabinet's vertical view lacks a bottom (or what would be the side facing the viewer), or I can't find it, the same with the stone top cabinets. The cabinets could be worked around, but I think it would be helpful to have it so you could end a cabinet on the vertical.

Hope it helps!
Fan-tastic, Joy! And that's quite a neat-looking map there, you certainly understand making interestingly-blocked interiors! :'D

I knew it was a good idea to beta test! You look too long on your own project and it's easy to miss things. I'll get right on fixing that stuff after work and'll post the revision ^_^

To forego more annoyances with the wall interiors (and they're very frustrating for me, as well), I may be doing a little redistribution of the tileset to make room--but that'll mess up any maps that have already been made. If it'll help, I can make the fully-pre-assembled wall interiors as an add-on instead. Yeah, I think I'll do that.

Okay expect an update later tonight b^_^d
Cries With Joy. Oh, Venetia, you complete me. Will you Marry me??? LOL, this is gorgeous, I really hope this'll work with the new Template I just did ...
Thanks for the tips Venetia!...but, I cant actually find the proper corner piece for doing what you suggest, if you look at the iso walls in your screenshot and mine, you notice they are slightly different. Did you perhaps update the set but upload a slightly older version?

Anywho, here is my map so far, I gotta say, I frickin love this tileset! :)


You can see the f'niggily bits where I couldnt get it to work quite right.



WELL. I finally got around to doing it.

Heres my biggest issues:

1) The isometric walls! Unless I'm doing something really wrong (my mapping style is known to be retarded at times) they don't 'flow' together. It seems very 'blocky' and rigid.

2) The cutting board in the kitchen doesn't line up with the counter. Heh..heh..heh.

3) Corner pieces seem to be missing...as you can see I used some old brown ones from the RTP.

But yeah...thats basically it. Sorry if I didn't use the tiles properly...

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v497/ ... erior2.png[/IMG]
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v497/ ... erior3.png[/IMG]

I did my best to use as many tiles as possible. I almost succeeded.
Wow great job Venetia, haven't checked out the thread in a very long time and missed much of these new creations.

Looking at this last picture i think you should raise the potted plant up some, probably have an extra one between two grids so that it is centered on the middle of the small table, it's not a big deal though.

Actually it works fine on most tables, just seems to be on the edge of the smaller table in that first picture on joy's post, forget i said anything :)
@ Clizzz:
Heh ::blush::. Doubtful the tiles'll work with your revised Breeze template, though. The HK is more than twice as big :'/

That's a good idea.

@ Elias/Cyper/Everyone:
Big whoops. Yes, you guys are using one revision earlier than what I used in the screenshots; I totally didn't even realize. Apologies!

It's taking me a little longer than planned to do all the revisions on the interior walls, but that'll be done tomorrow night. Also the other minor revisions to the other pieces shall be done--all I can ask is that you hold off on further mapping until then. The isometric problems should be taken care of after that; I think I've considered every possible combination of interior walls; now I just have to personally fine tune/test them before a beta test volume 2.

I wasn't expecting this much help! All I can say is that I appreciate it, and as soon as the beta test is done you'll get your rewards ^_^

Okay, so just wait until after my update tomorrow!

I noticed a few recurring problems in mapping I think I can help with.

  • The dining room chairs, the southmost ones, are part of two pieces. The bottom piece (looks like a stool) goes under the character, and the top piece (looks like a fat, wooden "A") goes on the "1" priority, making it "over" the character. That way, a character can sit in it without looking like they're under the seat. It seems like everyone's been thinking the backing IS the seat thus far.

  • Don't forget to add the bed under the sheet in the bedding with the blue trim!

  • The drapery in the counter under the sink is for under the sink only--old-fashioned sinks used to have drapery covering the plumbing instead of a cabinet. The sink filled with water is for an event where you fill the sink up or something--the drain'd have to be clogged to keep the sink full of water normally :'P

  • The "staircase shaders" and the "door shaders" are for transitions. Doors on the southern walls you can pass through (leading to a different map), or for stairs on the northern wall, leading to a different map (upstairs). The trick with the "door shaders" is to put them one tile below the southern wall. The trick with the "stair shaders" are to put them on the tile above the northern wall, with the stair beneath it, leading up one tile above the edge of the wall, into the wall interior. They should be able to be at 255 opacity without harming the integrity of the continuity of the set.

    I'm sure that was confusing as hell! Sorry :'/

  • The shelves shouldn't protrude onto the top lining of the northern walls.

  • Don't forget to set windows on the bottom layer and put a panorama up behind it! They're transparent and it'll always look dark if you have them against the wall interior color.

  • The floorboard breaks should only occur every once in a while, since floorboards are generally fairly long.

  • Cypher is using the shadow tiles correctly, particularly in the door jambs of corridors. I should probably add more shadow tiles though so you can get more creative with them, I just always do picture-layer "ambient lighting" because I'm a freak :'P, so I didn't consider it.

  • Don't forget to set the bottom panels of the walls on the 2nd layers, then the dark floor panels beneath them on the bottom layers. The bottoms of the walls have about 2/3 pixels' span between the lining and the floor.

Those are mostly just nitpicks. It's neat to see all the different combos you guys are working out! I get all absorbed in the way I intended and don't get creative XD
Update 11-27: Final Beta Test Ready!

Okay, the matters I saw above were all addressed ........ I hope. The wall interiors have been organized and set-up better so mapping them shouldn't be such a royal pain in the neck. Also, the charset for the southern "door fades" have been updated, and there as been an autotile addition under the rug autotiles, for making split-level homes or multi-floor-type homes with floor framing.

You will notice two sets. They're both the same set, but instead of forcing you guys to completely re-map, the second set just has all the revised extra pieces at the very bottom, so it shouldn't mess up what you've already done. If you haven't used this set before, please use the first set.

Okay, so far (score based on # of screenshots of the map(s) from different perspectives):

Cerulean Skye has earned 3 points (+1 for the little Veda sprite <3)
Cypher has earned 2.5 points (+.5 for the mini error pinpoint)
Joy has earned 2.5 points (+.5 for circling all the errors ... Nice!)
Elias has earned 3 points

It's not a contest; the points are just tallies for how many custom tileset pieces you've earned for your troubles! I'll tell ya how to redeem points after Dec. 1st ^_^

Thanks again, everyone, I really appreciate all your help!

Final Note: Don't forget to refresh your cache so everything shows up like it should!


Awesome Bro

Venetia":29h07gq4 said:
Okay expect an update later tonight b^_^d
Just to let you know, You put the middle finger upto everybody with a big smile on your face :p

d^_^b Is what I hope you meant.

Loving the tileset, I had no idea the results would be so effective! The biggest blessing to your work is the ability to bring outside atmosphere indoors. The screenshot with the snow (?) outside the windows and the fire (Not too sure about the black surround) burning bright inside really gives it a cosy feel :)

Great stuff!
$t3v0;326199":1guug29z said:
Just to let you know, You put the middle finger upto everybody with a big smile on your face :p

d^_^b Is what I hope you meant.

Oh sh--, I thought the other way was how to do it o_o. Yes, I meant thumbs up o_o;;;;

DAMN, does the points your giving out mean that whatever other tilesets you make will be handed out to them before released to the public ???? If so ... :'(.
Cerulean Sky, CURSE YOU, kiss up ... LOL
What do I have to do to get points, besides trying out the tileset ???
No no, I mean this is a reward for helping me out by posting screenshots of the tileset in action.

For every well-mapped screen I see (using the tileset to its full potential with as many well-placed pieces as you can, getting creative with it, and/or pinpointing glaring problems) you earn one point. Doing little "extras" gets you either .5 or 1 point extra. No points are awarded for shoddy/barren/poorly-blocked maps, since anyone can do that with half a minute, RMXP, and Photobucket. But true mapping takes some time and planning so I want to reward folks who help out in that aspect. Also it can't be one screenshot 5 times or something silly. It has to be either different rooms or different parts of a large room.

The reward is a custom tileset piece, by me, for every point. Every point equals basically two tiles--32 pixels by 64 pixels of whatever you like, preferably HK-size so I can broaden the library of HK resources. Floor tiles, accessory tiles, wall tiles, whatever. Indoors or outdoors. Whatever theme (except futuristic/modern--I can't do that very well). They will be open to the public but you will be in the credits, and you'll have what you need!

More points = more tileset space. Getting 2 points means you can have me do 64 x 64 pixels. 3 points = 96 x 64 pixels, or in any combination. They do not have to be separate pieces. The max is 5 points, though. I already have 4 people on the roster with 2+ points, and that'll take me a little while!

Anyway I'll go into detail in PM-form for people who help me out, but hopefully this clears that up.

Thanks again for the help!!!
Okay. Made a little house interior...........like I said, I warned you before I'm not a wonderous mapper by any stretch of the imagination...........but here it is:


In Pic 3, the wood floor auttile has a small alignment issue. You can see it by the stairs.
Ok, well, looks like I won't be beta testing, I don't have that kind of time right now ... and I see Cerulean Sky is a girl .... Interesting .... *begins forming evil plan in mind*
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