No no, I mean this is a reward for helping me out by posting screenshots of the tileset in action.
For every well-mapped screen I see (using the tileset to its full potential with as many well-placed pieces as you can, getting creative with it, and/or pinpointing glaring problems) you earn one point. Doing little "extras" gets you either .5 or 1 point extra. No points are awarded for shoddy/barren/poorly-blocked maps, since anyone can do that with half a minute, RMXP, and Photobucket. But true mapping takes some time and planning so I want to reward folks who help out in that aspect. Also it can't be one screenshot 5 times or something silly. It has to be either different rooms or different parts of a large room.
The reward is a custom tileset piece, by me, for every point. Every point equals basically two tiles--32 pixels by 64 pixels of whatever you like, preferably HK-size so I can broaden the library of HK resources. Floor tiles, accessory tiles, wall tiles, whatever. Indoors or outdoors. Whatever theme (except futuristic/modern--I can't do that very well). They will be open to the public but you will be in the credits, and you'll have what you need!
More points = more tileset space. Getting 2 points means you can have me do 64 x 64 pixels. 3 points = 96 x 64 pixels, or in any combination. They do not have to be separate pieces. The max is 5 points, though. I already have 4 people on the roster with 2+ points, and that'll take me a little while!
Anyway I'll go into detail in PM-form for people who help me out, but hopefully this clears that up.
Thanks again for the help!!!