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Vampyr SBABS 12

GRR ... right im goin to tell you how you make it so the HUD works ...
at the VERY start of your game (or whenever you want the HUD to be accesable) ... you need to make a new event ... make this a parallel process ... in the event list put turn switch 40 on ... (this is in the script, line 14)
whilest switch 40 is on the HUD can b turn off and on by pressing (well for me its Tab) hope this help but can someone please tell me how you get the boss HUD to work ... it comes up with an error (this was posted a little while ago but ignored)

sorry if you cant understand some of that as i am not a good speller
thanks alot and you welcome....

EDIT: sorry vlad if this is wrong but that how it works for me :)
In order to get the boss bar to show you need to put the comment 'Boss' in the boss' event. After going through the events in the demo, I think you may need to turn off the HUD, as well. In an autorun it turns off Switch 40, so I don't know.

EDIT: I scoured the demo, translating all of it, and found nothing on making the Boss bar work.
Mundane":1h6uk4eb said:
In order to get the boss bar to show you need to put the comment 'Boss' in the boss' event. After going through the events in the demo, I think you may need to turn off the HUD, as well. In an autorun it turns off Switch 40, so I don't know.

EDIT: I scoured the demo, translating all of it, and found nothing on making the Boss bar work.
tryed it with switch 40 turned off didnt work :(

do you no how to make the boss hud script work ?? id realy like to know how to get it to work
the error is on line 74 (something about Life )  :(:(:(:(
Give me the print of the whole error and I'll see if I can do something. I'm not a scripter, per se, but I can read and decifer a lot of it from other languages I know.
ok .. hold on just let me open rpgmaker haha ....

the error says .....

Script "Boss HUD" line74: NoMethodError occurred

undefined method "life" for #<game_event:0x288f4bo>
                        |  OK  |


thats the error :( anyideas :( .. oh and just in case

in the script the line with the error is .....

74      @boss_hud = Boss_HUD.new(event.id) if @boss_hud == nil and event.HP > 0

hope you can help
I'll need to make my own boss, I'll edit THIS post if I figure anything out.

EDIT: Something is being done with variables in the demo, but vlad's variables are unnamed so I can't sort out what each one does. You'll just have to wait until Vlad posts - which could be awhile.
I have translated the script to english, as well as the demo. I don't have the demo uploaded but you can find a script to the link in one of posts on Page 2.
I'll repost the translation here. Maybe a mod can edit vlad's post with the link to keep it easy to find.
ABS Translation

To patch the translation for the latest and future updates just paste everything under confugration from the new script over the old shit so you don't lose your configuration.
So, I've been modifying this script for some time now to suit my current project.

I decided today to update to the newer version. All was fine until the Boss appeared.


So I took about 30 minutes to figure it out.

Here is the fixed version of Boss HUD.

# Boss HUD

# Para criar a barra de HP dos Bosses, ponha no evento inimigo o comentário: Boss

module Enemy_Hud
  Base = "Boss-Base" # Imagem de fundo da barra de HP do boss
  HP_Bar = "Boss-HPBar" # Imagem da barra de HP do boss
  Bar_X = 4 # Posição X da barra de HP
  Bar_Y = 6 # Posição Y da barra de HP

# Game Event
class Game_Event < Game_Character
  attr_reader :boss
  alias crissaegrim_abs_gameevent_initialize initialize
  alias crissaegrim_abs_gameevent_refresh refresh
  def initialize(map_id, event)
    @boss = false
    crissaegrim_abs_gameevent_initialize(map_id, event)
  def refresh
    @boss = false
    @boss = check_com("Boss")

# Boss Hud
class Boss_HUD < Sprite
  def initialize(id)
    @enemy = $game_map.events[id]
    self.bitmap = Bitmap.new(544,416)
  def update
  def show_bar(x,y,hp,max)
    base = Cache.system(Enemy_Hud::Base)
    cw2 = base.width
    ch2 = base.height
    rect2 = Rect.new(0, 0, cw2, ch2)
    src_rect2 = Rect.new(0, 0, cw2, ch2)
    self.bitmap.stretch_blt(rect2, base, src_rect2)
    meter = Cache.system(Enemy_Hud::HP_Bar)
    cw1 = meter.width * hp / max
    ch1 = meter.height
    rect1 = Rect.new(x, y, cw1, ch1)
    src_rect1 = Rect.new(0, 0, cw1, ch1)
    self.bitmap.stretch_blt(rect1, meter, src_rect1)
    self.x = (544-base.width)/2
    self.y = (416-base.height-12)-24

# Scene Map
class Scene_Map < Scene_Base
  alias boss_hud_update update
  alias boss_hud_terminate terminate
  alias boss_hud_update_transfer_player update_transfer_player
  def update
    for event in $game_map.events.values
      if event.boss == true
        @boss_hud = Boss_HUD.new(event.id) if @boss_hud == nil and !event.enemy_called.dead?
        @boss_hud.update if @boss_hud != nil and !event.enemy_called.dead?
        @boss_hud.dispose if @boss_hud != nil and event.enemy_called.dead?
        @boss_hud = nil if @boss_hud != nil and event.enemy_called.dead?
  def terminate
    @boss_hud.dispose if @boss_hud != nil
    @boss_hud = nil
  def update_transfer_player
    return unless $game_player.transfer?
    @boss_hud.dispose if @boss_hud != nil
    @boss_hud = nil

I still believe there are still some fixes to be made. I've tried and tested this myself. Works fine so far.

This won't work with the demo provided, as them demo Boss uses script calls that are outdated to any versions prior to this release. The newer script uses a slightly different method of getting "enemy HP" as said in the update section by vlad himself.
Everybody Vlad released 2.0.4 yesterday which has the Boss HUD fixed and everything and an english version so everybody just get that one and stop complaining.

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