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Vampyr SBABS 12

Hahaha... Well back from finals week to find this. I guess I'll wait for Requiem 3.0 to come out before I start releasing any of my Add-Ons. I want to wait and see what was done first before I jump on it! ^.^ Good job vlad I hope it goes well!
I'm looking for some help in integrating a Ring Menu script with this script. The Ring Menu script I am using is one created by Syvkal. The link for that script is here.

I'm trying to make it so the item menu shows up in a ring, and then you can push the number keys when on an item in the ring to set it to one of the 3 item keys in the game. My version of the script works thus far, except that when I select an item in my item ring menu, it's not the same one that is assigned to the ABS system. A copy of my version of the script is in the spoiler below.

I suspect my problem is in my Update Command Selection section (from line 282 to 302). I have the Item Buttons being set to "@weaponequip_window.index.id". I don't think this is right, but I've tried a million different things and can't get it to work right. So, if anyone could help me with this, I would greatly appreciate it.

Just as a note, I mean for the item buttons to be 1, 2, and 3 instead of 4, 5, and 6 in the script. I have my HUD set up for it that way. Also, the script can be pasted right into the game a work, though you'll need to download the icons the Syvkal made on the link I provided above.

EDIT: Nevermind. I got it figured out.



download links fixed

Necro, if you want to make you "Summons", go go go
I will not update that anymore, now i'll finish all my projects what was stopped before.
After that, maybe I come back to update the Battle System again.

Some asks, email-me: vlad_goth@live.com
Right on mate. I'll take over the system if you want and I can update it for you! I'll start pumping out the add-ons now. Still got to work on MY game but hell finals are over so might as well!

Thanks for all of the work you've put in the script Vlad! Have a good one! :cheers:

Nice btw I see you throw in my Decay Damage on Defense Add-on that I made for the first one! Personally I still might use the first one but I'll defendant work on this one.

I found one error with conjuring, if your hit by a spell at anytime of the game you can no longer conjure... You can get attacked but a spell can't hit you.
I want to say AMAZING work, a massive improvement. I do have an issue though... when I equip any bow I can't get the arrows to shoot out. I've even got the arrows set up as items for my people, but I'm still confused.
When I die, and the character after me dies, it says "Script Game_Actors Line 20: TyperError occurred. Cannot convert game_actor Into integer. How can I fix this?
Can someone help please. I've copied the scripts to my game and everything works fine... Apart from, when I kill a monster, it turns into a shadow of the monster and just follows me around. Help please.

EDIT: I fixed it. It seemed to have something to do with the map.
This looks awesome. Before i get too deep, can anyone tell me if it would be possible to use this for say... villagers? Giving you the option to kill them if you'd like, but you can ALSO interact with them? I need something like that... or at least, I'd really like something like that.

Sure you can! Just set it up like a normal event you can interact with but give it also the comments for an enemy! Then make it an enemy that has the do nothing command. There an enemy you can talk to and kill!

Hope this helps!
Necro, have you officially taken this over yet? And are you making addons for it? Because I've been using it for my project Rome, and it's AMAZING. I absolutely love every aspect, but there are definitely a few things I'd like to request as addons, if you're planning on it. I'll list them, just in case, but feel free to smack me if you're not actually in charge of this.

An npc vs npc option. Maybe a "threat group" comment tag, so you can set it to 0 to attack the player, and 001 - X for enemy id's. I've got an arena match in mind for this... where the player bets on one fighter and then you watch them fight. I just think the npc thing would be great.

On top of that threat group, you could easily do huge wars using this. Have two armies that don't have to be in your party all just battling it out on the field. I'm also using a group of gladiators within the Colosseum who would hopefully be able to do something like this, so they don't have to caterpiller behind you, and you can actually kill them as well.... last man standing sort of deal.

Other than that.... I'd ask for a pathfinding script for the npc's. So you can set a comment with the coords that they need to walk to. SephirothSpawn has a simple one I'm trying to get to work right now, you might talk to him, if you're considering the option.

I don't now if it would actually work as an addon, but I've been considering a weight system for your inventory/equipable items. Maybe that could add some depth to the system.

But that's all I can think of right now. I can't wait to see some of the addons you've got for this. I love it, nonetheless. Keep up the good work, Requiem, Necro.

I have a question for you. When I first started with the system, I created some barrels, gave the enemies no attacks, and called them dummies, just so the player would have something to swing at and won't get killed. However; I've added several "puzzle" objects that you can break and the page changes them into an event with nothing but a new picture. After I added a bunch of this, the game lagged, so I added an anti lag script and took about half of the events back out. Then I tried that npc thing. When the npc's die, they don't change pages, but instead, their images go inverted, and are something like ghosts. Now when I destroy the SAME events for the barrels in the beginning, they're doing the ghost thing too, and they won't turn on the switches they did earlier.... what's up? I didn't change anything aside from making puzzle events, so I don't have any idea why it's doing this now....
Sorry I've been away. My current project keeps me quite ocuppyed... (Almost done! WOOT!)


Mikee I might actually consider the mass army group.... Most likely not a hate group thing just a comment reader that looks for Type (1,2,3) This will make it so they can attack each other. Might take some work however, easy to set up the types but I would have to see how the AI looks for the player so I can make it target other types... Hmmm I'll have to look into it.

Pathfinder - Hahaha there's this wonderful thing called "Custom Movement Set". Just saying lol.

Anyway if your having MAJOR issues send me a demo through PM. I can mostlikly fix it there. You can visit us at my home site, (Should be in PM) if you need some help but I've got,

My project,
3-4 people I'm trying to help,

So I'll try to help you when I can mikee. Not much I can do but give you what little help I can sorry mate.
Custom movement is a pain in the ass when you have thirty events all going different ways and especially after they've chased the player all over the map, at least thirty tiles away. custom movement is a pain in the ass after that.

But yeah. Other than that. Thank you, Necro. I'd love to see the target idea implemented though. It would be so helpful for multiple games, not just mine.

Thanks! Keep us updated. And I'm still having the same problems, but I'm going to try to copy the script into another project and give a few tests before I ask you to take a look.

See ya!
Right on man whatever you want to do. I'm always open if you need help... Most of the time. If the problem consist please fell free to send me a demo. If you wish keep your graphics (Besides required for testing) and most levels (Provide 1 or 2 again, for test, expetually and that are acting up! Can't fix it if I don't have it to fix lol) I do require however you contain all of your scripts, any custom work won't be stolen but it just makes it easier that way. If you KNOW it has nothing to do with it you can exclude it but this is not requirement... In this case even a title screen script causes issues with this system so you might want to have that included along with any save scripts / Custom menus.

As for the new update we'll see how it goes. I've fixed a few errors and things I disagree with in the ABS system. I.E. No PNG for the Boss bar which ironically is one of the request...

I'll post what I get done but between school and stuff the main thing I'm going to be putting out our fixes and help as in your case. It just seems easier and anything that I add I'll release publicly so win, win right?

Anyway I hope you get it fixed Mikee. If not you know were to find me. (See sig or PM)


#Simple Script

Necro's (Matt's) KeyPress Ver. 1.0

A simple script that allows you to allow the player to toggle the HUD with custom buttons.
You need my slightly edited HUD scirpt and my keypress script. And here they are!

Necro's HUD Keypress Script Ver. 1.0
# Necro's HUD Keypress Version 1.0
# To edit the Key used simply find line 30 and change the letter.
#Leave the Alias the same, this way they delete the one's already
#In the HUD so that makes this script Plug & Play.

class Scene_Map < Scene_Base

alias requiem_hud_start start
alias requiem_hud_update update
alias requiem_hud_terminate terminate

def start
$hud_window1 = Window_RequiemHUD1.new
@hud_window2 = Requiem_HUD2.new
$hud_window1.visible = false
@hud_window2.visible = false

def update
$hud_window1.update if $hud_window1.visible
@hud_window2.update if @hud_window2.visible
#The Key to turn off the HUD
if Input.trigger?(Input::Letters["W"])
$hud_window1.visible = false
@hud_window2.visible = false
$hud_window1.visible = true
@hud_window2.visible = true

def terminate

def showing_hud
if OnOff_Hud_Switch <= 0 or $game_switches[OnOff_Hud_Switch] == true
$hud_window1.visible = true
@hud_window2.visible = true
$hud_window1.visible = false
@hud_window2.visible = false
Sorry for the double post... Couldn't get it all to fit. X (

Necro_100000 HUD Revision Ver. 2.0 (Compatible with Keypress script [Required])
# Requiem HUD



Necro_100000 (Matt Kaes)

Thanks to:

venjulienecorpuz made the orignal conversion between my extra bar script and
Vlads new HUD with this and venjulienecorpuz's demo and My base I added a ton
of new functions, added new bars, changed around text, and allowed you to

-Font Text Name
-Font Color
-Font Size Hud Diffrence
-Ability to Show levels
-Level Color

-AND of corse the Extra EXP Bar. =D

Once again I would like to thank venjulienecorpuz.

Hope you enjoy the script!


# Imagem de fundo da HUD

#The name of your text =D

#Font_Text_Name = "Arial"
Font_Text_Name = ["Exocet", "Exocet", "Exocet"]

#The color of the Main HUD font!
#Defult Color.new(175,175,175)

# (Red, Green, Blue)
Font_Color = Color.new(255, 0 , 0 )

#Font_Size = "18"
Font_Size = 15

#How much bigger do you want the font on the Hud on the bottem
Font_Size_Hud_Add = 2

#Draw Level
#Do you want the HUD to display Levels?

Draw_Level_HUD = true

Level_Font_Color = Color.new(255,255,0) #Defult is yellow

#Use Custom Bar Hue?
#If ture you can input your own bar hues!

Use_Necro_100000_Glow = true

#Glow Speed! =D
HP_Bar_Hue = 1
MP_Bar_Hue = 2
EXTRA_Bar_Hue = 1

#End of Necro's Custom Functions! =D
#Back to the Normal Declerations!

Hud_Background = "HUD Bar"

Hud_Decor = "Basis"

HP_Bar = "HP-Bar" # Imagem da barra de HP

MP_Bar = "MP-Bar" # Imagem da barra de MP

Base = "Bars-Base" # Imagm do fundo das barras

Base2 = "HPMPBars-base"

EXTRA_Bar = "Exp-Bar" # (Necro_100000) Extra Addon used for things like
# Exp display exetera.

# Swhitch que mostra / esconde a HUD (Deixe 0 se quer ela permanente)
OnOff_Hud_Switch = 1

Show_Hide_Button = Input::Tab # Tecla que mostra / esconde a HUD

class Window_RequiemHUD1 < Window_Base

def initialize
self.opacity = 0
@actor = $game_party.members[0]
@displayed = false
@reward = $Reward
@time = 0

def update
return if $game_party.members.size <= 0
@time -= 1 if @time > 0
if @actor != $game_party.members[0]
@actor = $game_party.members[0]
if @reward != $Reward
@reward = $Reward
@time = 200
@displayed = true
if @time <= 0 and @displayed == true
@reward = $Reward = ""
@displayed = false

def refresh
return if $game_party.members.size <= 0
self.contents.font.size = Font_Size + Font_Size_Hud_Add
bitmap = Cache.system(Hud_Background)
rect = Rect.new(0,0,544,80)
mx = 20
self.contents.font.name = Font_Text_Name
self.contents.font.color = normal_color

def draw_ammo(x,y)
self.contents.font.name = Font_Text_Name
if Requiem_SBABS::Distance_Weapons.has_key?(@actor.weapon_id)
if Requiem_SBABS::Distance_Weapons[@actor.weapon_id][5] > 0
a = $game_party.item_number(item)
enbl = ($game_party.has_item?($data_items[Requiem_SBABS::Distance_Weapons[@actor.weapon_id][5]])? true : false)
self.contents.font.color = Color.new(0,0,0)
self.contents.font.color = normal_color
if Requiem_SBABS::Distance_Weapons[@actor.weapon_id][6] > 0
b = $game_party.item_number(item)
enbl = ($game_party.has_item?($data_items[Requiem_SBABS::Distance_Weapons[@actor.weapon_id][6]])? true : false)
self.contents.font.color = Color.new(0,0,0)
self.contents.font.color = normal_color
self.contents.font.color = Font_Color

def draw_skills(x,y)
self.contents.font.name = Font_Text_Name
count = 0
@actor.skill_hotkeys.each {|key, id|
next if id.nil?
xx = (32*count)
skill = $data_skills[id]
next if skill.nil?
enbl = (@actor.mp >= skill.mp_cost ? true : false)
n = Input.name?(key)
self.contents.font.color = Color.new(0,0,0)
self.contents.font.color = normal_color
count += 1
self.contents.font.color = Font_Color

def draw_conjures(x,y)
self.contents.font.name = Font_Text_Name
count = 0
@actor.conjure_hotkeys.each {|key, id|
next if id.nil?
xx = (32*count)
conjure = $data_skills[id]
next if conjure.nil?
enbl = (@actor.mp >= conjure.mp_cost ? true : false)
n = Input.name?(key)
self.contents.font.color = Color.new(0,0,0)
self.contents.font.color = normal_color
count += 1
self.contents.font.color = Font_Color

def draw_items(x,y)
self.contents.font.name = Font_Text_Name
count = 0
@actor.item_hotkeys.each {|key, id|
next if id.nil?
xx = (32*count)
item = $data_items[id]
next if item.nil?
enbl = ($game_party.has_item?(item) ? true : false)
n = $game_party.item_number(item)
self.contents.font.color = Color.new(0,0,0)
self.contents.font.color = normal_color
count += 1
self.contents.font.color = Font_Color


class Requiem_HUD2 < Window_Base

def initialize
self.opacity = 0

def update
return if $game_party.members.size < 0
@actor = $game_party.members[0]
draw_hud_decor(@actor, 164, 140)
if Draw_Level_HUD == true
draw_level(@actor, 27, 35)
draw_exp(@actor, 64, 60)
draw_hpbar(@actor, 64, 20)
draw_mpbar(@actor, 64, 40)
draw_hp_mp_exp(@actor, 64, 50)

for actor in $game_party.members
next if actor == @actor
xx = (actor.index-1)*64
if Draw_Level_HUD == true
draw_level(actor,18 + xx, 84)

def draw_ally_life(actor,x,y)
self.contents.font.name = Font_Text_Name
self.contents.font.size = Font_Size
self.contents.font.color = text_color(15)
if actor.hp <= (actor.maxhp * 25) / 100
self.contents.font.color = text_color(2)
elsif actor.hp <= actor.maxhp / 2
self.contents.font.color = text_color(6)
self.contents.font.color = text_color(3)
self.contents.font.color = text_color(1)

def draw_level(actor,x,y)
self.contents.font.name = Font_Text_Name
self.contents.font.size = Font_Size
self.contents.font.color = Level_Font_Color
self.contents.font.color = Color.new(0,0,0)
self.contents.font.color = Level_Font_Color

def draw_hpbar(actor, x, y)
self.contents.font.name = Font_Text_Name
back = Cache.system(Base2)
cw = back.width
ch = back.height
src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, cw, ch)
self.contents.blt(x-21, y+325, back, src_rect)
return if actor.hp <= 0
meter = Cache.system(HP_Bar)
cw = meter.width * actor.hp / actor.maxhp
ch = meter.height
src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, cw, ch)
self.contents.blt(x-19, y+327, meter, src_rect)
self.contents.font.size = Font_Size
if actor.hp <= (actor.maxhp * 25) / 100
self.contents.font.color = text_color(2)
elsif actor.hp <= actor.maxhp / 2
self.contents.font.color = text_color(6)
self.contents.font.color = text_color(0)

def draw_mpbar(actor, x, y)
self.contents.font.name = Font_Text_Name
self.contents.font.size = Font_Size
back = Cache.system(Base2)
cw = back.width
ch = back.height
src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, cw, ch)
self.contents.blt(x+354, y+305, back, src_rect)
return if actor.mp <= 0
meter = Cache.system(MP_Bar)
cw = meter.width * actor.mp / actor.maxmp
ch = meter.height
src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, cw, ch)
self.contents.blt(x+356, y+307, meter, src_rect)
self.contents.font.size = 16
self.contents.font.color = text_color(15)
self.contents.font.color = text_color(1)

def draw_exp(actor, x, y)
if actor.level == 99
back = Cache.system(Base)
cw = back.width
ch = back.height
src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, cw, ch)
self.contents.blt(x+175, y+285, back, src_rect)
meter = Cache.system(EXTRA_Bar)
cw = meter.width * (actor.exp_s - actor.current_lvl_exp) / actor.next_lvl_exp
ch = meter.height
src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, cw, ch)
self.contents.blt(x+177, y+287, meter, src_rect)

def draw_hud_decor(actor, x, y)
back = Cache.system(Hud_Decor)
cw = back.width
ch = back.height
src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, cw, ch)
self.contents.blt(x-147, y+199, back, src_rect)

def draw_hp_mp_exp(actor, x, y)
self.contents.font.color = Font_Color

def current_lvl_exp
return @exp_list[@level]

def next_lvl_exp
return @exp_list[@level+1]-@exp_list[@level]

Hey Matt, This is the same script of my HUD right? im okay with it but about the compatibility issues about other games... hmmm... I really don't know yet... but maybe it'll clash with some other games coz I added a HUD decoration for the HP MP and EXP bars... and maybe users here wont agree to where the HP MP and EXP bars are placed... well just something to speak about... I still don't know about the compatibility issues...
Oh your right... Hmmm I'll have to make a new version that's easier to edit... Or something. Or a general one. Oh well in the mean time I'm working on your request guys.

Thank you for viewing

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