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Vampyr SBABS 12

Is there a way to disable the actors ability to attack, but not the enemies? I need it for a tutorial part, where I don't want the player attacking, until he gets a sword.



I cannot get the hide hud feature to work I used $game_switches[OnOff_Hud_Switch] and even tried turning the 1 switch on to try to turn it off. I use an event to try to make this work and it didn't turn it off.



has anyone found a fix for the hud system yet? I can't turn it off. Also does group command still work for this version?
Sorry I've been away... Had to reformat computer... Got a virus... Just got back on... *Sigh*

Anyway thought I would start out by offering some help. Here is the New hud that can be turned on and off.


Sorry It's form an older version but it should work... It's easy to customize and it turns on off the HUD with keys you can choose. :thumb:

I personally don't know if it works with the new version... If it doesn't I might get around to one that dose! Hope this helps.

Necro's Keypress script 2.0 I think...
www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=6d68a2a9d96 ... f6e8ebb871

Tell me if it works for you. I'll be around, kinda busy ATM ^_^.

This is an excellent script. However, is it possible to make the items or gold pass through rather than walk up and press c button? WHen a bunch of treasure is scattered around the playfield, it blocks the path of other monsters.
Sorry, I don't mean to double post, but there is another error that I encountered. When I have multiple ranged units on the screen the damage is multiplied by the amount of enemies on the screen. For example. Orc does 4 damage when shooting an arrow. Now if I place 4 enemies on the screen, it will do 16 damage.


I finally figured out the problem. The collision detection is to quick. WHat happens is when the actor touches the event projectile it seems to constantly deal damage. What I did to fix the problem is I created a Switch in game_Gattler.

First you will have to create switch in Game_Map:

# * Frame Update
def update
$game_map.interpreter.update # Update interpreter
$game_map.update # Update map
$game_player.update # Update player
$game_system.update # Update timer
@spriteset.update # Update sprite set
@message_window.update # Update message window
$game_switches[10] = false
unless $game_message.visible # Unless displaying a message

# * Apply Skill Effects
# user : Skill user
# skill : skill
def skill_effect(user, skill)
unless skill_effective?(user, skill)
@skipped = true
#if rand(100) >= calc_hit(user, skill) # determine hit ratio
# @missed = true
#if rand(100) < calc_eva(user, skill) # determine evasion rate
# @evaded = true
# end
make_obj_damage_value(user, skill) # calculate damage

make_obj_absorb_effect(user, skill) # calculate absorption effect

if $game_switches[10] == false
execute_damage(user) # damage reflection
$game_switches[10] = true

if skill.physical_attack and @hp_damage == 0 # physical no damage?
apply_state_changes(skill) # state change

After editing the code, you should be able to get this working properly. I just tested it out and everything works good.
Hey Vlad. Can you make it so if the guard doesn't work, it doesn't do full damage. Because guarding doesn't always protect you, and you sorta have it like that, but the damage Is full when they hit you despite having your shield up. Wouldn't it just absorb some of the damage?



Hey there, just discovered this wonderful script and I will probably use it for make game, which will be a Zelda type game, with hearts and items and such, but i have to know if there is a way to altre the HUD in any way (Change the HP bars to Hearts as mentionned) and maybe pick items up by simply passing over them, like someone already asked.

So actually, i'm asking is there any way to work with this script in any other way than how it was made?

PS: I'm not a pro with RGSS2, but I can get my way around most of the basic stuff, but if the only way to modify the HUD or stuff like that is by making more scripts or drawing bitmaps through RGSS2...please notify me so I can go study that matter :smile:

Thanks a bunch
@ Sarkon I imagine you only have to draw two pictures. The heart outline for containers and the hearts for the hp. And you could modify it to add hearts to it each time the play collects a ceratain item
@vlad I like the 5th version of your ABS since it has avatar drawn on screen and nice enemy bars and etc. The thing about that version is that when an event is far away from the character (outside of the screen) the event is inactive. For example if I kill a monster and then this monster is set to spawn on a location far from my char it just doesn't spawn. If I go close to this event then the monster spawns. I checked older version of Requiem and there this problem was absent. So can you fix this in the 5th version of your script, please? I really want to use it in my game not the latest 6th version but the 5th one so please once again fix this or at least tell me what I need to change in order for the events to be active even if they are far from my character.


I just tried the 6th version of the ABS and the same problem exists there as well. When you are far from an event it is not active.
@vlad ye the tool is nice but you didn't answer my question how to make the events active when they are far from the character (outside of the screen). I had to go through the script and to find these lines:

def in_range?(object)
return false if object.real_x <= (@display_x-Graphics.width)
return false if object.real_x >= (@display_x+(Graphics.width*9))
return false if object.real_y <= (@display_y-Graphics.height)
return false if object.real_y >= (@display_y+(Graphics.height*9))
return true

And to change the two 9s to a larger value. For example 40. This way the events activate even if they are outside of the screen (40 squares away from the screen border x and y).

Thanks for the battle system though it is very good.


BTW Respawn and Duration commands don't work. I put Comment: Respawn 300 in the first event page of an enemy and when I kill that enemy it respawns right away and not after 300 frames (5 sec). As for Duration I've put the command Duration 900 (900 frames are 15 sec) in the notes of the Stun state and when I got stunned the character sometimes can move right after 2 sec or sometimes after bit more.



drebenk":pkbzli42 said:
@vlad ye the tool is nice but you didn't answer my question how to make the events active when they are far from the character (outside of the screen). I had to go through the script and to find these lines:

BTW Respawn and Duration commands don't work. I put Comment: Respawn 300 in the first event page of an enemy and when I kill that enemy it respawns right away and not after 300 frames (5 sec).

put command "Force Update" on event
Respawn is used with both "Die Erase"

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