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Vampyr SBABS 12

@vlad I need to put "Force Update" to the enemy event as a Comment to make the enemy be activated even if it is outside of the screen? Or I need to put Force Update to the enemy event to make state effects work the way they should?



all right
so does this battle system have
AI for other party members and thus allow multiple party members to fight alongside you in battle, yet??
its been 7 or 8 months i decided to come back adn check the progress this abs has made
Great! 6 has been released! Well, why the enemy didn't stay where it was and keep attacking us until they die? The enemy walk randomly and attack us only when they are close to us.
F&^:%n amazing dude! i believe i recently posted my comment here about your work a day ago but for some F&^:%n reason got deleted. When i have visited this forum and noticed some new scripts for vx i have tested and downloaded it immediately, good work. :fap:
Anyone know how to disable the HUD for like a moment such as for intro's of a game or cutscenes?
I'd really like to know that =/
Ok, I don't know if this forum is still active (Hope it is) but I too have encountered a problem, it seems that when I put in the enemy ID it dosn't listen to me, I put in "Enemy ID 31" which is the ID of the monster In the database I want it to be, then when I test play the game it does a totally different monster thats not even in the database. I don't know what to do, could you tell me whats wrong?



I love the system, but I got an error. It says "LocalJumpError". It happens when I'm right next to an enemy, and shooting them with a bow.
hey vlad!
I found an error while playing with your demo.

the next at line 2082 of your Requiem ABS 7 script needs to be replaced with return.

Keep it up, it has really good basics, looking forward to area effects and group dynamics ;)
Could someone please tell me how to use this system in my game?

(5 days later) I'm sorry, but i really like the looks of this system, but i am new to this editing thing, could someone please help?
I'm running into a small issue. I'm currently using Mack's style sprites, and these are about twice the size of the normal RTP ones. So you could imagine the issue that occurs when animating the battle scenes. Could someone point me to the part of the script in which this can be adjusted? Even better, if this exists, to a part of the script where I can adjust this globally for all items and skills.



Well, not to necropost, but I have two questions about the use of this system, and if either it is possible to do with the script as-is now, or if I need something else to fix it...

Basically, this script is amazing. I love it, and had to problem whatsoever implimenting it into my game, and it actually worked out really good because my game has a lot of on-map things that you have to use skills on (use fire to melt ice, etc...) and this was exactly what I needed.

well, I made a ice chunk that you need to melt with the fire spell (it all works wonderfully with the system I might add) but I realized that if you throw a bomb next to it, it kills it. You might not see that as a problem with the ice chunk, seeing as it would have killed it anyway, but when the theoretical ice chunk is instead a small flower that you 'grow' into a vine that you climb up... yeah... it is a problem.

Is there something that I could either work, or have made that if there is a certain comment in the event, would make it not die to a bomb? (like a comment of "nobomb")

And my quick other question... and yes, I have seen others ask this, but I have not seen an answer...
it is possible to either use call scripts, or to have a switch that enables or disables the HUD? for something like a cutscene... I both dont want the HUD up there, or the played hitting a skill weapon halfway through a cutscene and having a big fireball shoot out of either himself or nothing.




Also, is there a way to make certain spells... well, go through impassible things? such as the tiles, or wall? Something like a comment in the notes section of the spell that lets it? I have a system for moving objects that are several tiles away from the player, and it all works... i just only realized that there is no point in being able to move an object from a distance if you could just walk up to it in the first place... this spell needs to be able to go through anything until it either runs out of its max distance and disappears, or hits something.

Great Script but i got one question if i want to make a battle to start off by talking to the person how can i get the npc to start into the battle mode because when i tried to use the battle system setting in the game it just crashes is there a command i have to put in to let the npc to go into battle.

If didn't understand anything i wrote i'm bad a explaining things and you can just ignore what i wrote but if you did understand what i wrote could you please help me out. :angel:

and thank you for reading this :D

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