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Vagrant Euphoria: Revised

Lol, thanks Divine. Yes, once I have some more modeling work done, I will update the main page. Well, so far I have finished 110 pages, and I am on the modeling section of the book. I am working on the tutorial they have, been working for the last 4 hours, and I am making progress. Well, once I am done, I will post a pic to show you guys how it comes out. Later, Roxas.
Hey guys. Sorry I haven't posted for a few days, but I have two reasons; 1) I have been reading and working on Maya to learn what is called Box Modeling, and 2) Just got the 12 day pass of WoW, sweet god that game is good, lol

Now, I come to you guys today, with an image. Not of my character, but I can easily say of my best and with great quality, model.
http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d10/U ... ogress.jpg[/IMG]
Now, this is what I call progress. It still needs some tune ups, not finished yet, but you can see that clearly, things are slowly starting to look up. ^_^. Well, thats all for now guys.

AND! I forgot to start giving you guys those little about new systems. The first is the what I have official called the Edge System. This is the system used to develope your character's stats. What basically happens is, instead of having EXP, you get Edge Points from battles. Then, you go into the menu, and click the Edge System. It then converts the points into Pathways between different stats. Think of it kind of like spheres from FFX. Then, you select where you want to put your pathways, or Edges( Where the name comes from.) See, unlike in the sphere grid or license board from FF games, you don't have to have one edge to get to another. You need enough Edge points to lay down the Edge on your grid. So, lets say you want Ultima, thats great and dandy. But its 1000 Edge points. This takes a long time to accumulate, but you can get it when you are at low levels. See, it creates the ultimate character development. Well, thats it for now. Later guys, Roxas
yeah i thought that too,i lve the model you've just shown,but i swear are those chicken legs on that model "erm chicken"

what page now roxas?

how long do you spend with this game/modelling each day
@eightyproof: Thank you for posting and for your support.

@divine_engage: lol, I know, the legs are wierd. But hey, I didn't design that character, I'm just following the tutorials in the books. If by page you mean the games script, still page 4, lol. I haven't been working on the script. I want to get the modeling down before I do ANYTHING else. I usually work about six hours a day on the game.

Hey guys, keep your eyes open at around 7.00PM EST, because I am going to reveal another new system in Vagrant Euphoria. Here is a small hint. It is similar to a limit break, but very different at the same time. Later, Roxas.

Well guys, I am a little late, but don't blame me, blame the new ep. of Smallville, lol. Well, now I can give you guys your treat. It is a new system used in Battle, it is called the Euphoric Blaze. It is a system similar to limit breaks. In battle, you all know that you have the ability to stack commands to get additional damage, things like this. But, that stacking builds up your Euphoria gauge. Now, once this Euphoria gauge is full, you then get to select from a bunch of different commands. See, similar to limit breaks right. Now, this is where the original part comes in. In limit breaks, you just do an attack. But this is something new. What happens is, once you select your attack, you can keep building up your euphoria attack, similar to the commands. As you keep building, you gain more attack damage and effect, and as you slowly build up your commands, you gain Euphoria chains. For each Euphoria Chain, you do one special attack at the end. It is still in the works, that is what I have so far. It works a lot like the Battle System, and it is still in design, but it is something new and fun, and it gets you to try and strategize your normal attacks to get to this fun bonus. Well, there it is. Sorry its not in a normal post, but I already got a double post warning before, so, no more of that. Lol. Night, Roxas.
:) Wow, I love that model, Maya seems to have been a smart move.

Also, The Euphoric Blaze and Edge System make me want to lock myself inside my room and play this nonstop.

Keep it up. I know the least amount of time I'm able to commit to projects is around 2 hours a day, average. The 6 hours makes me giddy with anticipation, as I know this will turn out great. ^_______^
@Atnas: Thank you Atnas. I always love getting support from my greatest fans. I agree with you, Maya was definetely a great transition. And I am very happy that you like the EB and ES. I was hoping you guys would. I wanted to let you guys in on the 3rd new system, but there just isn't enough design on it yet for its unveiling. Sorry guys, you're gonna have to wait.

Now, about development. I am, finely, happy to say that I know enough about modeling, to get back onto development of the character models. Yup. But, first I am going to have to make the bestest reference images on the planet! But when that is done, I am confident that will my books I can get the job done right this time.

BTW Petros, I was able to download an e-book on 3D modeling game characters that is an AMAZING reference. Even though....I'm not to sure if getting it was legal or not, the website didn't ever so, so, I just assumed. Anyway, if you are interested, here is the link. Later guys, Roxas

^^ I'm looking forward to seeing those models.

At this rate you won't need any help whatsoever from me on retouching the renders.

Good luck!
Hey guys. This is the story. I am slowly working on Vance, trying to get some damn work done, but the problem is I can't get any good ref. images. Without them, I can't make any good models, no matter how hard I try. What I think I am going to do, is skip Vance, and go to Lenne. This is because I was able to find some ref. images of a girl, so I think I have a better chance of making a good model. I can get the basic forms of models down now, so that is some good progress. What I need to learn now is how to model in detail, which I am going to work on later. That's all for now, later guys. Roxas.
Thanks bro, I have already gotten that program. While it is good, it doesn't give you ref. images that line up properly in proportions, so it doesn't work very well. But thanks for the suggestion.

EDIT:: Hey guys, got some news. I was able to find some good reference images of the male body, only no side view of the arms. But thats not that important, I can draw those myself. The good new is, now I have something to start working on Vance with. I will either start today or tomorrow, not really sure. Its my sis' b-day today and I might be pretty busy. Check out the ref. image is you want. Petros, I know it will help you a lot.


Well, thats it for now. Later guys, Roxas.

2ndEDIT:: Wow, I think this is the first time I have edited a post twice. But, its just that I have made some progress on Vance. I decided to start working today, and I have made some progress. Check it out
http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d10/U ... iccopy.jpg[/IMG]
Clearly, the books have helped an MASSIVE deal. Petros, you are welcome to every resource I have. Well, thats all I have for now. This is the flesh portion. I still need to do the side view of the arm, join the appendages, and do the muscle flow. Well, later guys, Roxas.
Hey guys. Just a little update. I haven't worked on the graphics department today. Instead I decided to work on the script, and I have finished a couple more pages. I will update the main page in a few days. I want to work on it a bit more. I must admit, I have been seriously neglecting the storyline. Within the week I want to finish about twenty or thirty pages, so I have some more stuff to give to you guys. I think some people might be getting a little tired of just hearing about the graphics, so I want to give you guys something else to hear about. First being a new character, a female one. And, I will start to give you guys some new information on our main antagonist. This Wednesday I will start of by giving you his name, and some of his background information. Then, on Friday I will not only give you his character design, I will also give you the design of the Omega, the Vagrant Atmo-Rider. Well, thats about if for now. Night guys, Roxas.
Can't wait,lets see it's monday today,argh 2 days is to long,jkn.

just a question but what brought you to taking on a project of this scale,must be tiring to do all this.lol

You've just put me in the mood of game designing
:D I love seeing your graphical progress, but I love even more the development of story and characters. I'm looking forward to this!

And those New renders are awesome, as always. ;)
Hey guys, little bit of news. I have FINALLY found a reference image for the male arms, and I will be able to finish of that part of Vance's body, after which I will stitch the parts together.

On a design note, I am working of the design for the new female character, who is currently named Gaele( pronounced Gale). Once her design is finished, probably sometime tomorrow, I will post it up. And, I will finally be posting the env. design for the forgotten desert sometime this week, not to sure when though. Well, thats it for now, just a small update. Later, Roxas.

EDIT:: Hey guys, just wanted to post an image of the muscle definition I am working on. Later, Roxas
http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d10/U ... Muscle.jpg[/IMG]
Hey guys. It's Wednesday, and as I promised, I am going to tell you guys the name of our main antagonist. Or, the one the you first hear about -hint/spoiler-. His current name, is Novaus, a spin-off on the word nova which is Latin for new. This name has a meaning which ties into Novaus' origins. The name might change to something else, but it will still revolve around the sane theme. I will give you guys his background info, but I recommend that you guys not read it, as it will contain some pretty big spoilers about his past and Vance's. I might have Gaele's design up later on, so check back.


Novaus is Vance's manifestation of the removal from the N.D.D.M.M. What Vance doesn't know, is that when one person breaks free from the machine, a part of their energy is released and manifested into a living entity. These entities form an organization which you find out about in the second part of this compilation, Vagrant Remorse. Now, since Vance is the key to the machine, his manifestation, Novaus, poses a giant threat, and he in turn gets turned over to the organization side without his full knowledge. That's all for now, later guys.

EDIT:: Hey guys, you know know me, always posting more images. Here is a picture of some more progress on the render.
http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d10/U ... lvcopy.jpg[/IMG]
As you can see, we have a good thing going on here baby! Lol. Later guys, Roxas.
Thanks you guys, love the feedback

@divine_engage: I am happy that you think the information on Novaus was good, even though I feel bad you read it, it kind of ruins a lot in the game. Even though I hope you still want to play.

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