Hey guys, I have some news. I have been working on the Revolution recently, and I have gotten some stuff done. It is going to require some scripting, but not much. In fact, at the moment it is only one line of code, and the can be done within the event system. Ok, here it is. Haven't tested it, but hopefully I will be able to soon.
First, we remove the ability of movement by removing all members of the party (not sure about this, I need to see what happens when I remove them). Now, we set Variable VanceCurrentPos = 0. Then, I use a show animation to show Vance in his generic default, not moving. This is used by a cond. branch with the Label VanceMove? (This is where script comes in) If Input.press?(direction key) then goto label Motion, else show animation VanceGeneric, jump to label VanceMove?
At Label Motion, you have label Moving, and you have a cond. branch. If Input.press?(Input::Up), wait 1 sec, Set Variable VanceY + 1, Switch VanceMoving ON, Jumpt to Label Motion, else Jump to Label VanceMove?.
Now, with VanceMoving ON, another common event turns on that will start showing the animation of Vance Moving. Now, in the next cond. branch, it checks how long you have been holding the UP button by checking VanceY. If Vance Y = x, it shows the animation of you moving to that point on the map, but in a forward motion.
This is what I have so far, and it is coming along. But, like I always say, we wont know until we check it. Well, thats all on the Revolution so far. As for other news, today I will FINALLY be doing a drawing of Vance's body, front and profile to finish modeling him in Blender. It will take probably the next three days do finish the entire modeling proccess, but when it is done I will post an image of it. Later guys, Roxas.