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Vagrant Euphoria: Revised

Well you just finished off my brain! Damn you, reading that took all my brain muscles and strained them, now I have nothing left for my own game.
Lol, sorry Petros. I know, its a bit complex, but putting it down on paper in event form will make it much easier to understand...I think. Lol. Anyway guys, today I'm going to work a bit more on completely perfecting Vance's face. I'm going to draw his face in 2 different perspectives, one in front and one to the side so that I can use edgeloops and make a very nice mesh. None of that made sense to anyone who doesn't use Blender, but hey, it is what it is :P. Later guys, Roxas.
@Petros: Lol. Don't worry about it man, you'll get there. And if you need any help, I would be more then happy to show you some great tutorials or answer some questions that you have about the program.

Ok guys, I have been working on the perspectives of Vance I was talking about. Yesterday I was only able to finish the side view because family came over, but I will try to finish the front view either today or tomorrow, not to sure. I'm still questioning it, as always, but I think it came out really nicely and it will help a great deal in rendering his face. Here ya go, tell me what you think. Later, Roxas.

Side View with a few grid lines
http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d10/U ... an0006.jpg[/IMG]
Side View completely grided.
I never thought of drawing grid lines on paper, that's magnificent and I might have to use that method in my own rendering.

I'm getting a lot better in photoshop, by the way, so do you still want me to retouch the renders when they're done? I'm having minor difficulties edge looping, mainly because it's an anime head, but when I'm done it I'll show you how I can make renders look better, if not cover up for terrible, horrible, sins against the human form done by me in Blender.
From what I can surmise, the graphics style seems to be somewhat close to that of Kingdom Hearts. Don't ask me why, I just seem to feel that way. Which is pretty cool, given that no-one has actually released a full-on three-dimensional game yet and to go to that level or even close is awesome.
Atnas and Petros, I would just like to say thank you. You two are constantly posting your comments and thoughts and I really appreciate it. You both have a spot waiting for you in My Special Thanks once the game is done, you are both great fans.

@Atnas: That would be really great. Good luck with the anime render, it sounds like that would be kind of hard with edge looping, but, good luck. I guess it just depends on the textures you finish it up with.

@Petros: Very nice guess Petros. The graphics are based on the style used in Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts. Now, V.E won't be FULLY 3D, but, you will be able to rotate your camera in 8 different directions and the system in place that makes objects either bigger or smaller based on distance will give it more of a 3D feel. Now, what I am currently trying to figure out, is how I am going to make it on a flat x-plane like in 3D games (Think FFX) so that it REALLY gets that full on 3D feeling. I'm sure I can come up with something, either how the maps are rendered or some kind of panorama, something. But I'll figure it out. It's just going to take time.

I have been thinking about it a lot, trying to schedule out everything. And from everything I need to learn and practice and do, I think that this game will take a good year to finish. It isn't something small, that goes without question. But this game is also not a small game. This game is on a level never before attempted. So, it goes with the territory that it is going to take a long time. But, I think it will be worth it in two ways. One, it will be a revolutionary game for RMXP that I hope everyone will love to play, and second, once all the Revolution system is done, I will definetely be posting the code for it in the forum, so that more people can start making 3D games. So, it will take a good year, but I think the end result will justify the time. Later guys, Roxas.
Thanks for that. But I have to warn you, a year is pushing it, it's going to take ALOT longer than that. even with my 2D, basic RTP style game it's still going to take me another 2 years minimum to finish, I've already been working on it for just over a year. Although my game will probably be longer than most RMXP games, I've planned around 40+ hours of gameplay. Only 7-8 done so far...

Just to warn you, it's going to be a lot longer than you'd think.
Petros, you forget just how efficient Roxas is. When he wants to get something done, he just does it. Me? I'd be flipping back and forth between graphics and code so often I wouldn't get anything done. Part of the reason why I haven't started on my dream game yet... :3

Thank you for the spot, Roxas. But Petros does have a point. Getting all the hard stuff, such as the Revolution(Wii keeps popping in my head :)) and the graphics done shouldn't take very long at all, given your determination, but overall database and mapping, and the event work that goes into every 'event' in game should take VERY very long.

Unless you mean that it will take a year to make the revolution, in which case I'm not so certain of taking so long.

And it would be very generous to post the revolution when finalized, it truly would be a revolution within RMXP.
No no, I am very confident that I can get the Revolution done within 4 months, if I REALLY crack down, which I plan to do. Im saying that the Revolution (lol, how does that remind you of the Wii?), in combination to the graphics, will take atleast a year. The whole game, sadly to say, I am estimating two, two and a half years minimum to finish. While my game won't be forty hours, which I seriously need to bow down to Petros, thats incredible, i am estimating a good 20, 25 hours of gameplay if I can pull this off correctly, not including side quests and mini games.

When it comes to database, I actually plan the development of characters on another event system, which I didn't really want to talk about yet because it is still very much in the development stages, but the only thing DB will be affecting is the EXP requirements for leveling up. And mapping will be completely planned out and rendered in Blender. It won't be just a bunch of flowers and plants meaninglessly placed to fill up space, I plan to make the maps aesthetically pleasing while at the same time completely realistic. The event work won't be as much as you think, only because all cutscenes will be in Blender, but that will be a lot anyway. I think the apsects of V.E that will take a long time to complete will be the Revolution, the graphics, and ACS.

Now, since I did mention the other system, I guess I can give you guys a little...teaser. It is a system called The Edge-Link System. It is a system used to create dynamic character setups to better stragetize you battling. Not much of a teaser, but that is really all I can tell you. Like I said, I have barely even started the design stages of the system, I have my hands full with the Revolution itself, and then I have the ACS to work on, so not much at the moment. But, I can say that it, much like everything else in V.E, will be something fun and something never before seen.

Sadly, I haven't been able to work on the Front view on Vance today, I decided to take a little break. I will work on it tomorrow and try hard to get it done. I have already rendered the side view however in Blender, and it looks really nice. So, now all it is, is the front view. Well, I think that is enough information for one post, lol, later guys. Roxas.

EDIT: Hey guys. I have been doing some work in my head on the Revolution system. I have figured out some things, code that needs to be written, but, in the proccess I have come across a possible complication. Smoothness of the rotation. I'm not to sure, I would have to see it in action to determine how it's going to work, but I have a feeling I'm going to need to find some way to work out rotation going from forward to back and left to right. Going from one of the four main positions to a diagonal would be simple, but completely flipping on a horizontal axis might not work very smoothily. On the other hand it might work completely fine, like I said, won't know until we test it will we? Either way, I will make it work. But, if its the first rather then the second, it's just going to take more time. That's all. well, night guys. Roxas.
As far as I can tell you have everything under control, unlike myself where all my scripts are spiralling out of control. My only worry for you is that your pre-rendered backgrounds, which I'm guessing are somewhat like FF7-9's backgrounds, will be hard in RMXP to deal with the whole passability issue. But you seem to have it all under control in the first place so I'm sure you've thought about that.
For that rotation difficulty, it would depend whether or not you wish to have a turning animation like in Tales of Symphonia, where the character actually turns, or in MegaMan Legends, where you simply go from facing forward to backwards. Now that I think about it, the revolution sounds a whole lot like MML's camera system. You might want to see videos of it so you know what I'm talking about.

Although I might have completely misunderstood you, it's no matter. All I have to say is I admire the hard work you're putting into this to make your vision come true.
@Petros: Don't worry man, your scripts will all come together when the time is right, just keep on buckling down and working on. You are right, passability is in fact the first thing I was wondering about. But, I have made a nice little loophole in the passability. See, in RMXP, it all works in squares right, tiles. Well, if you have prerendered maps, how can you possibily make it on tiles if things get smaller or bigger? Three words, line, of, sight. See, when you are farther from something it looks smaller, but the things around you look the same. So, I will use a diagram.

x x
x x x
x x x x
These x's are how your line of sight reduces, this is the part of the map that you won't be actually able to touch. Now, under that cone of sight, you have this...
x x x x x
x x x x x
x x x x x
This is the part of the map that is underneath your 3D cone of sight that is evenly broken into passable parts on the map that you can move around in. See, lets say that you move into a part of the map that is in your cone of sight area. If you do that, then the camera system removies a line from the grid where you can walk, and adds it to the area that you are standing in. So, lets say you have this
x x
x x x
x x x x
x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x
x x x o x x x
You are the o. Say you move into the area with only 4 x's. The system then teleports you to the same map, instantly with no transition, but only where the area with the 4 x's becomes another passable area with 5 x's so you can move about freely without having problems on the map.

@Atnas: Haha, no, you knew exactly what I was talking about. Its that, a rotation animation wouldn't be impossible, hard yes, but so is the rest of this. What I am worrying about is the smoothness OF the rotation and the lag. Even though I found a new anti-lag script which I hope will give us a nice boost on the lag-whores of rmpx, lol. And thank you for your support. Thats why you and Petros are on the first post.

Now, about the Revolution. I made some headway last night, been working with the variables. The only thing throwing me off is thinking 3D in 2D settings, you have to switch your thought proccess. Now, what I am having trouble with, the only thing currently perplexing me, is having the 3D plan work out. See, in 2D, you don't move forward, you move up. I need to find a way to create the illusion of forward movement. I say illusion because it is impossible to make forward motion in a 2D engine, it just can't work. But, what I want Revolution to do is be able to create the illusion that you are moving forward into the map, which is going to be very difficult. Now, what I am thinking is either just the use of animation of walking based on how long you are holding a direction key and changing the background map to make it seem like rather then moving up, you are moving forward, while your y-position is actually infact the same. See, you don't REALLY move, but the animation and map shifting gives the illusion that you are. Now, I think that moving on the x-axis (left or right) wont be a probably because in 2D, you actually do move left or right, just not forward, you move up. I'm going ot need to test it, so, its up in the air right now. It's sketchy, but right now I think it's my best shot. I'm gonna need some time and a few good visuals to help me figure out what needs to be done, but I am sort of confused. But, I will figure it out. Not to worry. Well, thats all for now, later guys. Roxas.

EDIT:: Yea, I know this post is long enough, but work with me, lol. Well, in the matter of 15 minutes I have solved a big problem and created a new one. I have found out how to fix the moving forward problem. The combination of animation and map rescalling will fix that, I just need to work on smoothness of animation, but it will work just fine. Now, what new problems has Roxas cooked up? Well, the thing is, how will we know how far to move you. I know a bit of scripting so I will be able to tell if you are HOLDING on the forward button, but, how will I know for how long, and how will that let me know how far to move you? Ahh problems problems. But, never the less, we press on! I will find the solution.

Also, I have been playing around with this idea in my head. As much as I can reduce lag, we can only bend the universe to our will so much. There might be a lot of lag no matter what I can do. So, what if there are two versions of V.E? Vagrant Euphoria and Vagrant Euphoria Lite, for those with slow computers that don't want to deal with lag. It will not include the Revolution system, but everything else will be the same. It won't have Revolution, and it will be MIDI files instead of MP3, so it won't take up so much space, because I get the feeling this will be a big enough game on its own. Let me know what you guys think. Later, Roxas.
V.E. Lite sounds good, although then it would mean fewer people experiencing the revolution. Though since your game isn't just about flashy graphics, and has a great plot, by the way, I don't see anything wrong with that.

I'd help you with your problem, but... I don't know a lick of scripting. I've devoted 30 minutes to it and got bored in the past. I figure a background in C# would be better in the eyes of employers than Ruby, but then I gave up on the whole dream of scripting/writing game systems and moved on to a more entertaining and easier field of graphics.

Anyway, I do love the Revolution, it's already making me envision the future of RMXP, and wonder if huge character templates will ensue. I know I'll probably become a 'spriter' for these graphics, and look forward to feeding the growth of this in any way I can.

Happy New Year! I hope it to be a bright one for V.E.
Thanks Atnas, Happy New Year to you too. I will be working on for V.E. And thank you for the nice compliment on the storyline. I like to think that there must be much more to a game then graphics. The gameplay, characters, storyline, all of it determines whether or not it will be successful. Also I just responded to your PM, just so you know. If you have anymore Blender questions just ask. If I know the answer, I will be more then happy to help.

Guys, I have been thinking a lot about all of the event systems, and I just realized that I have a serious amount of work ahead of me, lol. But it is because of great fans like Atnas and Petros and everyone else in this forum that has posted in this thread that gives me hope that I can pull it off. It's not going to be easy, and in the end I might have to force myself to do things I don't want to, like scripting, but I won't give up. The Revolution, The ACS, the Edge-Link system, all of it won't be a breeze. It will take me months to complete and perfect them. But you all give me hope. So, I wanted to say thank you to everyone in the forum for your great support, and Happy New Year! Later guys, Roxas.
Hey I wouldn't worry you seem to have the majority of the ideas under control. If I can script a battle system, I'm pretty sure you can handle this.
Thanks Petros. The support really helps. Ok, so I have been thinking that to improve on the smoothness of the forward motion, that rather then map changing, I would just use animation. Make animations of the character moving forward for each point on the y-axis, and then by checking where the character's y-pos is, it shows that animation. It would get rid of the rough background changing, and at the end it teleports you to the map that is based on your y-pos for events and chests, etc. I think that it should work nice, but, remember, all of this is in theory, until i have the whole thing down on paper and some environments already rendered, I can't really test anything in RMXP.

Now, onto 3D. The grid I drew of Vance's head, must be redone. I know, its a bitch. For some reason heads are the bane of my 3D existance >< But, all this means is its just going to take more time, thats all. And some more paper. Tomorrow I get back to work because today I'm really tired. So, that's all for today. Back to work tomorrow. Later guys, Roxas.
Hey guys, not too much news today. Been a little exhausted this week, I think I'm coming down with something. But, I have been working on some 3D stuff, been finishing up on Vance's face, and it's pretty much what it needs to be now. Will post an image later. I have also been thinking about the Revolution, just some wondering, calculating, things like that. About the 3D, I am currently thinking about the quality in the FMV's. At the moment, they would probably end up the same as they look in cutscenes, but, with time and tutorials, my skill will improve like everything else. After I finish up on his face, I will redo his body, leave the old one, not to sure. It'll be up to you guys, so, just going to need to wait. I think I'm going to redo it though. Also, I have a very small update on the Music Department. I have decided for the official trailer of the game I will be using the song Trinity. You may have heard it in the Spiderman 3 Trailer. I just loved the sound and I decided right there, bam, thats the trailer song, lol. You can listen to it at this website.
Well, back to work. Later, Roxas.

EDIT:: Well guys, here you go. The official in-game face of Vance.
http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d10/U ... ceFace.jpg[/IMG]

I think I might subdivide it one more, but then it does become more rigid. I'm just going to wait and see what you guys think, but this, is, his face. Lol, it's finally finished.
Don't work too hard if you're sick, it's always better to be healthy IRL and not work than forcing yourself to and get sicker. The game isn't as important as your health.

Take care, looking forward to the render.:)

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