It's not your fault, nor would I blame your cats-- It's mostly mine for being so constantly productive, ah habit i can assure you hasn't ceased, I've just been busy as of late and haven't been able to make time for this post until now.
Further more, I have heard you may potentially be soon to have a productive week, so it'd be a shame of me to make you do the same rigmarole i was subjugated to.
So, with all that, let's begin!
Anathema: Dancer who Steals Time
One of the lesser known Soulcatchers, who was originally going to have a minor role in Perseverance, she and the scene involving her was cut, however, she might become an optional boss at some point. This is in a way an incredibly well proportioned redraw of an older piece you can see
here where I made her stature very childlike which didn't fit the soulcatcher mold. The only canonically short soulcatcher is Mischevia.
Close up of her face, since I'm really happy with it's turn out.
This isn't the only art I've gotten done though, two brand new characters were build between my last post and now, the antagonist of Junked, Junko00 has arrived.
Heavensent Messenger
I definitely goofed on some of this, i was kinda doing it more quickly than I should have, but eh... too late to really worry now.
Then we have the only other human that is confirmed alive currently, Harold.
Not my best work but I knew I'd simply be chopping off everything below the ankle which made it easy to rush his feet. He's on a tilt too but i couldn't be assed fixing it.
Recently acquired Clip Studio and so this was my first 'test run' of the program, trying out all the crazy brushes and junk. Messed up the anatomy but it was mostly for testing out brushes so I'm not too worried.
Remi-Chan Studious
Fun stuff!