Two mock-up screenshots here of systems I'm gonna start making soon.
I need some C&C beforehand though.
First of all we have the Party Select screen.
Party Select Screen
You can change three members of your party. Your party can only ever contain four
heroes (heroes as in... they are the ones saving the world

); one of these being yourself, who cannot leave the party. You can then have up to four additional characters in quests and such. Because the hero him/herself cannot change (i.e. you) I thought it would be pointless to include them in the selection screen. Plus, it saves on making however many facesets for all the different visual equipment styles

You click the top images to remove someone from your party roster; click the bottom images to add someone you your party roster.
You can do all this in the middle of a battle, sort of... A bit like FFX. But, you have to wait a few seconds since attacking / being attacked. So you can't switch someone out in the middle of damage being dealt, for example.
Note: I know Aria and Sara share the same face; I need to change Aria's face. Faces are REFMAP. ... 5jun01.png[/img]
Spellbook Scene
The spellbook allows you to choose the six spells you wish to take with you on your adventures. This is for the ABS. You can select six spells, in a scrolling selectable window. These are shown in the roster window above, along with the names.
Teleportation spells are used like items, so are not shown here. ... 5jun02.png[/img]
Please do not C&C the maps, they are old, I used old screenies as the basis for the mock-up. :p