Thank you everyone for the comments.
Wow, that's a cool looking system there, Ace! Musta been hellish to script. If I were to be really pedantic I'd say that the mapping in some of the screenshots you posted could be better, but they're eclipsed by that script. Looks like it doesn't have the problems Zelda had, either, where enemies would come at you at a weird 45 degree angle and get right through your defenses.
True, the scripts in the screenshots aren't the most scenic locations, but overall I believe my mapping and level design are above the par. The locations are large enough to reward players for a little extra exploration, but small and unique enough that hopefully the player won't lose track of where they're going.
Quite an impressive ABS, Ace. I'm mighty curious, what scripts did you use, or did you code the entire thing from scratch? A tiny suggestion is to lose the animations (hit and shield), or at least make them smaller; imo, they're a bit distracting. Personally, I use a simple red flash and knockback to denote damage, but it's up to you.
Thanks for asking. Here's a list of scripts seen:
Pixelmovement script - f0tz!baerchen
Input Script - poccil
Event Spawner - SephirothSpawn
Universal Message System - Ccoa
The ABS itself was built by myself from the ground up to work with pixelmovement. It's surprisingly mostly events, with script snippets to make certain things easier. I find events just as powerful as scripts when used correctly, and they're far easier for me to work with, seeing as how I have limited scripting knowledge.
I made the animation for being hit smaller, but I personally don't find the other battle animations too large and distracting. It adds a sense of impact when you hit an enemy, and each weapon has its own hit animation. Plus, each enemy also has different animations as well; the bees will sting you, the fungus attacks with poison dust, and the snakes burrow in and out of the ground and bite you. I think it looks nicer in game than it does in video.