You need to work on you're cliff mapping just slightly, those straight edges when one clif becomes another look horrid and stands out like mad.
Try placing the bottom of the above cliff on top of the grass of the cliff underneath. (does that even make sense?)
The water catches my attention for some reason, did you add a lighter altered autotile in or is it just me?
Those pillars in the cliff face look like something you would see in Sonic the hedgehog yet look very tasteful here, nice idea. (shading looks a tad odd though)
Also there is a line in the grass above the tree.
The map looks petty good to me if you remove the errors.
Oh yeah and the water cave thing looks slightly odd at the roof (entrance lip thing) not sure but it doesn't look like it connects to the side correctly, especially on te right, try dulling the outlines at the bottom corners slightly.
Edit: just another note the grass seems to change colour slightly around the dirt. Just thought you may like to know.