Brandonn said:
It looks good, but I think the shadow would still be more "in-line" with the platform, because most likely, the light source is from the ceiling.
Yeah, I haven't gotten to shadowing much yet. I do realize that I need to cast shadows in many places, I'm kinda' bad at that, so it
s taking a wee bit longer. Thansk for the input tho'!
badmonur said:
not really liking the solid black lines. But everything else looks pretty cool
Hey, 'least you're honest and entitled to your own opinion, right?
Avadan said:
J.D. Slasha: I think your style would look better from a side view point (lika a sidescrolling rpg...or something)
I'm sort of doing both with my game... Pretty much anything outside, will have more of a 2D look, whereas an inner map like this one will sort of have it, but only when appropriate. (i.e. near a cliff outside the cave or something)
lunarea said:
@ J.D.:
I notice that you're trying to make that hole less flat! If I may offer a suggestion ... It would look best if the "visible" part of the hole (i.e. the ground) was only on the north side (i.e. up). That would mesh better with the semi-bird-view perspective of the tileset.
I've done this very quickly with just applying the brush tool (brown and then black on top of it so it looks like it's fading in) :[/IMG]
(I really hope I'm not offending you by changing the picture. I just find that showing something visually is a lot easier than explaining through words. If it bothers you, I'll gladly take the picture down.)
Those monks are cool!
No offense taken at all! I think I see what you mean with the perspective a bit! I agree that originally it looked very "painted" on, so your suggestions are helping a lot. (I actually prefer to see rather than to hear, I'm a visual learner, so this is actually perfect!)
Also, I had fun with the monks/shrine keeper guys. I have to finish spriting them tho', and add downed poses and what not (you'll see why in the demo eventually... I hope) But greatly appreciate the help!
Anyways, thanks everyone for taking the time to help me out with your suggestions and opinions; helps me to fine tune things!