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The Screenshot Thread 2

They only display the game's final rendered frame, can't do customised game UI, so the player can't display FBO0 to themselves but submit FBO1 to OBS.
I don't know what these things mean because I don't stream.

But I am 100% certain I've seen Starcraft 2 streamers using overlays to replicate custom game UI..?
Sated":zftufucd said:
But I am 100% certain I've seen Starcraft 2 streamers using overlays to replicate custom game UI..?
Lol that's a .png graphic slapped over the top of the game stream to make it look like custom UI.
Despite having academic courses to do, I still find ways to demonstrate I still have way too much free time.

So here I made a fuck ton of parody trailers with some very shitty photoshop jobs for thumbnails. (and some that are okay.)
I should be shot.
BizarreMonkey":bfn1q6km said:
and that's only phase one.

More statistics and expo in the video description on youtube.
In awe as usual. The laughing is a nice touch, nice job.
ZenVirZan":2f7aa1jv said:
In awe as usual. The laughing is a nice touch, nice job.
Man soundbank.com has been endlessly useful, all of Esperia's laughs come from there.

I have asked Kate to audition for the voice of Esperia, since I'd like to give her battle quotes, for those who don't know, Kate is the voice of Tac, she won't be somber in this if she manages to trump it like she is when voicing the enigmatic and patient voice of wisdom that Miss Talismina is, I'm looking forward both in anticipation and somewhat horror to what she'll be able to produce.

Conceptually, Esperia is a terrifying character, that's all I mean, giving her a voice is something I personally cannot deliver on.

@Princess Amy / any other gals here who also happen to be british or european of some descript, you're more than welcome to give it a try, her voice in death would be different to her voice in life. She's allowed to sound exotic. I mean I give her an african sort of accent with a cajun-creole rife, but that's just me trying to sound different enough. Regardless of that it still manages to sound terrible.
Xilef":37ouxewc said:
Sated":37ouxewc said:
But I am 100% certain I've seen Starcraft 2 streamers using overlays to replicate custom game UI..?
Lol that's a .png graphic slapped over the top of the game stream to make it look like custom UI.
I know that, which is why I said "replicate".

My point was that since the viewers see the overlay but the streamer doesn't, doing it that way doesn't sound functionally different to what you said. I'm not sure what advantages having the streaming program do something like this actually gives you; unless you want the viewers not to see the UI at all or whatever?
Sated":1pf5a9qj said:
Xilef":1pf5a9qj said:
Sated":1pf5a9qj said:
But I am 100% certain I've seen Starcraft 2 streamers using overlays to replicate custom game UI..?
Lol that's a .png graphic slapped over the top of the game stream to make it look like custom UI.
I know that, which is why I said "replicate".

My point was that since the viewers see the overlay but the streamer doesn't, doing it that way doesn't sound functionally different to what you said. I'm not sure what advantages having the streaming program do something like this actually gives you; unless you want the viewers not to see the UI at all or whatever?
It'd be nice to see what they see.
Also, it could be used for things like tracing, etc.
Jason":1fjp2b3h said:
... You do know Amy isn't actually a girl, right? o.O
How the fuck would I know that?

Uses a feminine name and avatar, one is going to assume it's a she.

Like if you were Called Miss Jaysie and had an avatar of your fourth grade female relief teacher everyone would think you're a girl, this isn't complicated mang.


Awesome Bro

BizarreMonkey":14qu1nmi said:
Jason":14qu1nmi said:
... You do know Amy isn't actually a girl, right? o.O
How the fuck would I know that?

Uses a feminine name and avatar, one is going to assume it's a she.

Like if you were Called Miss Jaysie and had an avatar of your fourth grade female relief teacher everyone would think you're a girl, this isn't complicated mang.

You've been here since 2008 apparently, how do you not know this? He was known as Wyatt back then (And only took on the Amy name a few years back if that, probably sooner, since I'm sure he was Commodore Whynot in 2012), AND he's posted pictures of himself multiple times, just sayin'... "mang"

... I bet you think my real name is Jason and I look like Tidus too, right?
Jason":26rgxi3b said:
You've been here since 2008 apparently, how do you not know this?
I've had an account since 2008, how active I've been?

Only in the last two years or so, and even then it's sketchy. Also it's not like Princess Amy openly says 'yo fellas I'm a guy, so it was just left to the imagination.

Jason":26rgxi3b said:
... I bet you think my real name is Jason and I look like Tidus too, right?
Not sure if you're actually trying to coerce me into being an asshole or if you have some serious mental problems.

Like, from what I see with you constantly starting shit with me when I've barely made much of a spark, and that comment you just responded to was completely innocuous!

Do you fear you may be inferior, do you hate that I may be better than you, even though I don't think that's even a thing that can objectively be defined??

See you've gone and sassed me up with your sketchy psychological profile, just look what you did! Feel free to PM me and unload whatever is bothering you about me, I'm trying to be a better person but I can't really be as you say 'a decent human being' without some context on what subjectively defines that for you.

I suspect it's an inferiority complex because your behaviours really do show symptoms, I'm no psychologist though.

Just know that by no measure of the universe, are we at all similar, and comparing us is an absolutely proposterous notion. And how people are people is subjectively defined by people, so yeah I'm gonna not derail this any further, PM me with your problems mang and I'll see if i can change anything for a better more human me, I'm serious!

Righto! So I haven't done a whole lot of dev, that Esperia thing is taking the wind outta me, but here's an old though still relevant workspace showing the Lichlord naxon bossfight in its complexity.

Here is that video again for context. (assuming I embedded it already.)
Princess Amy":16as00g8 said:
Oh. So I've gotta have that talk again.
Nah you don't.

If it's the talk I'm thinking anyway.

Don't worry I've got a pretty spatial history with this sorta thing, before i was told otherwise I thought Yanfly and SuppaYami were girls too.

It's just an automatic reflex to appoint female attributes to the character, that's sorta the magic of the internet, it's like a big game of Guess Who as invented by Ricky Schrodinger.

Though if you wanna have the talk go for it, I'll probably be back here late tomorrow afternoon, which is like morning tea for you.


Awesome Bro

Juan J. Sánchez":36gtrn09 said:
Jason":36gtrn09 said:
BizarreMonkey":36gtrn09 said:
Jason":36gtrn09 said:
... I bet you think my real name is Jason and I look like Tidus too, right?
Wait, you're real name isn't Jason?

Nope, pretty sure I've mentioned this in PWOYM before (Actually, I KNOW I have, lol), but this thread is becoming offtopic now, so let's just leave it for screenshots...

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