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I got back from watching How to Train Your Dragon at the theatre a couple of hours ago. Holy bajeesus, I think Pixar has finally met its match.
Phenomenal film. Absolutely phenomenal. I don't really know how else to describe it other than it is really an incredible film. The ending was somewhat weak compared to the rest of the film, I thought, but other than that it is really an amazing movie. I don't even know where to begin with the flight scenes - you just have to go see it.
And The Goonies was just on TV. I guess Saturday is Awesome Movie Day from now on!!
I was just at my cousins B-Day party, btw who is like 5, and they were watching Alven and the Chipmunks, the Sqeakqual. x:
Its awful, avoid it like the plague. It will kill you.
I watched 2012 last night. It was alright I guess. The film was like exponential growth. It starts off slow and the BAM. Everything hits you. It was way too long though. Best bit:
Noah: Big plane
Yuri: Its Russian
I haven't watched a new film yet however, I bought The Asylum's edition of Sherlock Holmes yesterday and am gonna watch it tonight. It's had good reviews and terrible reviews (1*)... so...
I saw How to Train Your Dragon. It was a bit trite, but the story was presented in a very original manner; I liked it. Hiccup, the protagonist, looks way too much like me though. That kinda freaked me out. >.>;;
I still haven't seen Iron Man 2, although I want to, well, my dad downloaded a copy of it, but it's a terrible cam copy, and I can't afford to go to the cinema yet, which is painful since this would look amazing on a big screen...
I think the next film I'll see at the cinema will be Prince of Persia, because I KNOW I'll have money for it!
Yeah, I seem to be only of the only people I know that didn't really like Iron Man. I stopped watching it halfway through :/
I watched Steamboy the other day! It's an anime film from 2004 that didn't fare too well at the Japanese box office, despite being the mot expensive animated film made in Japan at the time. (it might still be) It's a steampunk movie ( :heart: ) set in mid-19th century England. It's about a family of inventors - a grandfather, a father, and a son named Ray. The film revolves around the invention of a revolutionary new device called a "steam ball" and two different organizations that are trying to get their hands on it, kind of. The aesthetics in the movie are absolutely gorgeous - one of the best looking films I've ever seen. The story isn't half bad, either, much better than I expected. The voice acting was also much better than I thought, considering what the quality of most anime dubs are. It wasn't a revolutionary film or anything but I still adore it (curse you, steampunk!) and it's easily one of my favourite animes now. I'd give it 9/10.
Wow Devy, just looked at it on wiki, it's got quite the famous cast lol... seems really interesting actually, looks like something I'll have to watch...
Just watched The men who stare at goats. A very strange film, but really good; worth watching. Has a lot of famous people in it but they're all good famous people like George Clooney and Ewan McGreggor so.