Well, after looking over the project thread, the game looks decent, to say the least. Your mapping needs some improvement, and your font is sort of hard to read. I'm downloading at the moment.
Oh, and I see you're using Naramura battlers and facesets, but I checked over your thread, and fail to see some credits listed there. I'm pretty sure you need to list them there. Unless, of course, they're already there, in which case I'd like to see. :smile:
Just a word of advice-fogs can make maps look much better as well.
EDIT: Okay, just finished playing the game for about ten minutes. Pretty impressive, I'd say. The whole quest system really helps make the game better. Mapping isn't all that great, especially the indoor maps.
The option to play a tutorial is fairly nifty, I'd say, even though pretty much everyone here knows how to play, anyway. I'm really not liking your font style, it's fairly hard to read. One thing I really liked about the game is the music! Oh man, those are some great music choices! It really helps add some depth to the fairly sub-par maps. And the horse riding option is a really great idea. I know this might be hard to do, but you could make it so Thistle waits for you when you get off, instead of just magically disappearing back to the stable. Just a thought. :thumb:
Overall, I'm pretty impressed. A great game, really. A few flaws, for sure, but what game doesn't have any flaws, really? If I had to rate my playing experience so far, I'd rate it at about 7 out of 10. Good, but definitely room for improvement. So good luck finishing this thing, man. (10 hours and only 30% complete? :crazy