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Sideview Battle System Tankentai XP - Version 2.2xp

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First of all let me say that that my current concern may have nothing due with your script as I could not find any code that corresponded to it, but I am no programmer.
When enemy ID 30 dies, there's this flash of light and he sinks into the ground. It looks really cool, but he's not cool enough.
I thought it was the Advanced Collapse Add-On, so I removed it, but it happened again.
I looked at the other scripts and could not find anything about enemy ID 30 having this cool death scene.
Thank you in advance for any assistance anyone is willing to offer.



As i always say... *don't remove the base add-ons*.

If you don't like something, try to find the setting that do this and change only the setting.


  # ● Enemy Collapse Animation Settings


  # return 1  (Enemy sprite stays on screen after death.)

  # return 2  (Enemy disappears from the battle like normal.)

  # return 3  (Special collapse animation.) <- Good for bosses.

  def collapse_type #the name is self explanatory

    case @enemy_id

    when 1

      return 2

    when 30 # the enemy ID

      return 3 # the collapse type


    # Default collapse for all unassigned Enemy IDs.

    return 2



Remember to check the * SBS Config script since it's the core settings script.
First off, I love this script! It's really amazingly easy to use and easy to implement/Configure! I couldn't believe it when I copied it to my game the first time and it worked right off the bat! However, I am having one small issue with some of the text not showing up.

The battle menu and skills (in the skills list) display fine, but the flavor text for skills and when they are being used for some reason is missing. I'm not sure if it's a font gone awry or what not, but I was hoping maybe someone had experienced a similar glitch and may be able to point me in the direction of how to fix it. When I played the demo version the font was missing completely, but now that it is actually IN my game, only a few text displays seem missing. I am also having an issue with the 'pointer' being a little too high on the monsters, but I think I can finagle that. <-- Ignore that :) I fixed the position!

Missing Skill usage Text:

Missing Description Text & Misplaced 'Pointer':

If anyone has any clue, I would appreciate the input! Thanks :) ((Sorry for the big images.. for some reason the
html doesn't seem to like me much on this site))

Edit: I tried to do a little trouble shooting on this and changed any font set to 'Arial' in the Battle Windows Script to 'Arial Black' (as I see it displayed in some places) and still no cookie.

Edit2: There is apparently a bunch of text missing else where as well.. The FF7 Menu system I have running is not using the correct font either, so it's not working. Anyone have any ideas?

Edit3: Ok. I figured out whats going on here. After much testing moving, removing and reinstalling scripts there appears to be a font that you are using in your Battle Window script that is making the fonts in a ton of my windows vanish. Even though I have replaced the font setting with multiple fonts, it doesn't seem to resolve the issue. I think something you are setting in that script is overwriting something in one of the default scripts, but it's a little late at night to keep fiddling with it, so I'm gonna head to bed. If anyone has any ideas I am ALL open.



Well... i'm not using any fonts, just the default (Arial for text and Arial Black for Damage Display) and none of the rewites of the scripts change the help message.(the one that shows the skill text)
It's probably a problem with other scripts you using.

About the arrow height, there's a option for changing that just search the script settings.
Hmm. Well I did testing with a my scripts last night. The only ones I have running are one of Ccoa's catapillar ones, the FF7 battle menu, and your Battle system. By process of elimination I was able to determine it was something in the Battle window script because as soon as I put that one in there (either with other scripts or by itself) text vanished.

I'll see if I can play with it some more, but thanks for the info :) I don't have to use the battle windows though right? That one I think was listed under <Addition Addons> so I can just leave it out?

And yea, I figured the cursor out xD Thank you hehe.

I'm still thrilled at how amazing this system works! It's exactly what I was looking for and I don't think I can thank you and Enu and all the other translators enough :3! You have made the RPG maker XP a viable engine for me to build games on now!

Edit: Could it be the font size maybe? Hmm. Must test that when I get home..



If you dont have any other custom scripts beside the ones you said.

Copy the Script.rxdata from the demo folder and paste it on your game.
Then test the projetc, after that add the other scripts.
Atoa":3bzohlbh said:
If you dont have any other custom scripts beside the ones you said.

Copy the Script.rxdata from the demo folder and paste it on your game.
Then test the projetc, after that add the other scripts.

Sounds like a plan :) I'll try that once I get home from work!
Cool! I think we found a winner! Thanks so much for your help!

Not sure what I did that goofed it up first time around, but it's ALL good now! :cheers:
Could you tell me how to get the battlers into srpites in-game? Like when I try to make Skeleton*3 like the ghosts, they turn into thier normal battlers. I dun understand, and I don't know how to script AT ALL. Any help would be appreciated.

But it is a WONDERFUL script, I just would like it to work. (Probably an easy answer) :grin:

EDIT: I just found out I could make the battlers side view by just makking the battlers part of the char. set facin to the side. But anyway, I found another error. It's in the demo aswell. It's that when you get the Exp from battles, it doesn't give you all the Exp you should get. Like with 2 ghosts, you get only 1 Exp, when you should get 4. It's not only a text error, you actually only get 1 exp. Help? I'm sure others would appreciate it.



First of all you should read all instrictions (the green texts over all the scripts and add-on), you don't need to be an scripter to undertand most of them.
Things don't fall from heaven right in your hands...

For the animated battlers check the "Enemy Animated Battlers" add on, and the exp, for defaut they're shared among the members of the party, you can just turn it of (and please don't ask me where, you can find it by yourself).

See? everything can have "easy answers" if you read the instructions.

Also this, from the main topic, could help you too:

First, post your doubts in this topic,please don't ask for help with this script vai PM.
If you need support give many info as possible:
Here's some infos that would help to find out what is causing errors:

* A image of the error message or at last *everithing* shown on the error message, not only the line wich the error occured (if an error message pops)
* All info about the situations that the error occurs, like info of party and enemies troop, wich action they were doing.
* A list of custom scripts and/or add ons used, in the same order they are on the editor.
* If you have a problem with enemies animated battlers check the useful links, theres a topic that can helps you.

Sideview: Understanding Battler Movements (Mr. Bubbles)

Sideview: Enemy Animated Battlers Guide (Mr. Bubbles)

Both links are for VX version, but they can be used for the xp version too
Yeah, thanks. Sorry 'bout puttin you through the trouble. Anyways, thanks for clearing that up. I feel like an idiot about the Exp thingy, lol.

Thanks again. :biggrin:
hello. i'm here to report a minor bug found. whenever i use a battle event for dialogue, right before the beginning of a fight where the actors and enemies move into the battlefield... there's this slowdown during characters entering the battlefield and dialogue. i can't seem to find a way to fix this. is there anyone here who has this problem? i also tried this for the current demo "2.22" and got the same problem. so, none of my additional addons are causing this.



If the event has texts, it's probably an problem with the message window update method. I will check this later.
Okay here's an error I found. It shows up in the demo as well. Add ATB System to the battle system. Go to battle. Then click item/skills whichever one because both show the error. BUT don't select a skill or and item. Then click "x" on your keyboard to go back to the main battle screen. The click "x" again. BAM error screen. For skills error you get this message:

Script 'Atoa ATB' line 1155: NoMethodError occurred. undefined method 'cast_speed' for nil:NilClass.

I'd figured that if I set cast time for skills and items to false it would solve the problem but nope. Which brings me to my second problem. Even though I set it to off my items still have another wait time bar(the purple one). I'm not a scripter so it may be my own mistakes but I've been trying to figure it out for six hours. If anyone needs pictures I'll post them.



I havent been here in a while ... and I already see that you updated this =D

thanks for all the hard work who ever did it
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