Hmm. Well I did testing with a my scripts last night. The only ones I have running are one of Ccoa's catapillar ones, the FF7 battle menu, and your Battle system. By process of elimination I was able to determine it was something in the Battle window script because as soon as I put that one in there (either with other scripts or by itself) text vanished.
I'll see if I can play with it some more, but thanks for the info

I don't have to use the battle windows though right? That one I think was listed under <Addition Addons> so I can just leave it out?
And yea, I figured the cursor out xD Thank you hehe.
I'm still thrilled at how amazing this system works! It's exactly what I was looking for and I don't think I can thank you and Enu and all the other translators enough :3! You have made the RPG maker XP a viable engine for me to build games on now!
Edit: Could it be the font
size maybe? Hmm. Must test that when I get home..