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Sideview Battle System Tankentai XP - Version 2.2xp

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For some reason I see the whole character set as the battler rather than simply seeing the one character:


How do I fix this?

Thank you ahead of time. :grin:
SentinelArms":27rzz1yg said:

For some reason I see the whole character set as the battler rather than simply seeing the one character:

How do I fix this?

Thank you ahead of time. :grin:

Did you add the enemy ID to the Enemy Animated Battlers script. Line 17.
Rajaat99(2)":13vm5skw said:
SentinelArms":13vm5skw said:

For some reason I see the whole character set as the battler rather than simply seeing the one character:

How do I fix this?

Thank you ahead of time. :grin:

Did you add the enemy ID to the Enemy Animated Battlers script. Line 17.

I did:

ENEMY_ID = [1,2,33,34] # IDs of the enemies that will have animated sprites

and there is no change. I see the same idea in the ENEMIES categorie tab..

Thank you, I mis-read that the first time. I got it working. :lol:

One more question, and I will shut up. For enemy encounters, do you just do the normal encounters found in the map options? Or do you place the monster on the field?

Please let me know.

Thank you
Atoa":x4lcu046 said:
Do as you want, this system doesn't affect the encounter system, just the battle itself.

Thank you


For some reason, now, I see the characters moving forwar in repetative motions, and cutting out:




You surely removed a line of the Actor Advanced status configuration
Since the line 1561 from the default script is an end

So you must post wich changer youve made.
Atoa":2krbv8zl said:
You surely removed a line of the Actor Advanced status configuration
Since the line 1561 from the default script is an end

So you must post wich changer youve made.

crazy thing is I can't recall making any changes between the last time it worked and now... all I changed before was the thing you suggested with the removal of the armor equip types and the equipment locking stuff... and I renamed the slots appropriately.

my 1561 currently says: "elsif type > 1"

here's the exact area I changed last with its current config:

  # Here you can set the equipment multi slot configurations
  # Equipment Kinds
  # The order of the values here define the order that the equipment will be
  # shown in the menu
  # If you repeat an value, means that the actor can equip more than one
  # equip of that type,
  Equip_Kinds = [0,1,4,4]
  # 0 = Weapons (if you add more than one value equal zero, all these equips
  #     will be considered 'right hand', so they won't remove the shield)
  # 1 = Shields (any equip set as 'Shield' will be exchanged by an weapon if
  #     the actor have the dual wielding)
  # 2 = Helmets
  # 3 = Armors
  # 4 = Accessories
  # Values above 5 are the extra slots, use to creat equipments like Boots, Capes...
  # You must set the IDs of the extra slots equips in 'Extra_Equips_ID'
  # It's recomended that you leave only one 'Weapon' and one 'Shield', once
  # it interfere in the Dual Wielding and 2 Haded Weapons
  # You can change this value individually for each actor making an script call
  # and adding this command:
  # $game_actors[actor_id].equip_kind = [x,y,z]
  #   actor_id = actor ID
  #   [x,y,z] = new equip kind configuration
  # IDs of the equipments
  # Extra_Equips_ID = {kind => [equips_ids]}
  #  kind = equipment type, set on Equip_Kinds
  #  equips_ids = id of the armors of this equip type
  Extra_Equips_ID = {}
  # Name of the equips shown in the equip and status window
  Equip_Names = ['Right Hand', 'Left Hand', 'Accessory', 'Accessory']
  # The order here is the order that the names are shown in the menu, set
  # them according to the values set in 'Equip_Kinds'.
  # if you change the value of the kinds with script calls, remember to change
  # the names.
  # You can change this value individually for each actor making an script call
  # and adding this command:
  # $game_actors[actor_id].equip_names = [x,y,z]
  #   actor_id = actor ID
  #   [x,y,z] = new equip names configuration
  # Equipment Lock, these lines allows you to 'lock' an determined type of
  # equipment, don't allow the actor to stay without equipment of this type
  # You can change equips freely, but can't remove.
  # E.g.: You have an Bow user character, and don't want him to stay without bows.
  #  Equip_Lock[equip_kind] = {actor_id =>[equip_type_id]}
  #    equip_kind = kind of the equipment
  #      'Weapon' for weapons, 'Armor' for armors
  #    actor_id = actor id
  #    equip_type_id = id of the equipment
  #      0 = right hand weapon
  #      1 = left hand weapon or shield
  #      2,3,4... = armors
  Equip_Lock['Weapon']= {1 => [0], 2 => [0], 3 => [0], 4 => [0],
                         5 => [0], 6 => [0], 7 => [0], 8 => [0],
                         9 => [0]}
  Equip_Lock['Armor']= {3 => [1], 8 => [1]}
hi i have little problems.

1st. the enemy here has a sword. which really looks weird because since when did squirrel's have swords.

2nd. the little cute enemies float. i don't know why.

please help. will really appreciate it.
you must have bad config settings.

if you're leaving everything at its defaults, a LOT of stuff has been pre-configed, so you hafta check it all. most likely your squirrel is in an enemy slot that has enemy weapons enabled as an example of how they work, so it's set to your sword there. it also is most likely set with the float property on to demonstrate that.

you're going to hafta look through all your config settings and remove the IDs for actors and enemies that you don't want under various things that are set.
Thank you for posting such an extensive and awesome customizable battle system.

It was up and running flawlessly until i added the ATB and Overdrive add-ons.
Occaisionally, my character wont perform the skill i told it to; just sorta 'skipping' its move.... and also, occaisionally, i encounter this error:

"sideview 2 line 436: NoMethodError
undefined method 'extension' for nil:NilClass"

The problem with the skill performing seems to slightly go away if i keep it in a more regulated active way -- ie: instead of having the bar keep going during actions, letting the actions stop the bars seems to be more effective; but i've still encountered it every so often.

The sideview 2 line error happens sometimes. I've went through the test battles; and in a few runs it doesnt pop up, but sometimes it does. I know some RGSS and have attempted to look for the culprit, but I'm completely stumped.
well this error comes up after fixing the problem. also i deleted the enemies id on the "enemy equipped weapons" tab but they still use weapons. also i would like to remove the shadow. how can i do that?

Unable to find file Graphics/Characters/.

what did i do wrong?
Kyla_Alexa":3urfu98i said:
hi i have little problems.

1st. the enemy here has a sword. which really looks weird because since when did squirrel's have swords.

2nd. the little cute enemies float. i don't know why.

please help. will really appreciate it.

Oh my fucking god, it's a squirrel with a sword!!!



Read the instructions...
The first enemy has a weapon right? So... check the Enemy Weapons addon.

About the "floating enenemy":
# You might need to readjust the Enemy's position or it's shadow's
# So that graphics stay perfectly alligned

And then you can find that bellow:

  # Readjustment of the Enemy's Shadow Position


  alias shadow_plus_animb_n01 shadow_plus

  def shadow_plus

    case @enemy_id

    when 1, 33, 34

      return [ 0, 8]

#   when ID_do_Inimigo  # ID of the enemy 

#     return [ X, Y ]   # Adjustment of the shadow's position




See? Everything is a matter of reading the instructions

Also *never*[/b] remove an basic graphic, unless you know whath you doing. (Shadow, Arrow, Ballon, Bow animation)
If you want an empty shadow, just make an blank graphic for the shadow. it's easier than editing the script.

change the line 436 for that:
@actor_arrow.input_right if @now_action != nil and @now_action.extension.include?("OTHERS")

About the skill erros, i would need more info about the skills settings. Like ID, targets, actor casting, targets...
Ah, thanks-the line 436 worked.

The skill error isnt so much an error. No popup warnings or anything, its just like---mmm.

Ok, here; to see for yourself:

Use the ATB add-on, and change the waiting_mode on line 16 = 2. then, go test play any monster. when you have your turns, dont use them...yet. let the enemy attack. As the enemy is attacking, make Character A use his/her spell/skill/overdrive/attack/whatever. Character B's turn will pop up; and Character A hasnt preformed yet (Enemy is still doing whatever). If you select 2 character Actions before the enemy finishes its turn, the last character to make selection gets to do it, while the first character ends up doing nothing.

Enemy A uses Shining Force spell
Character A selects attack
Character B selects attack
Enemy A's attack animation ends
Character B attacks; but Character A and Character B's time bar are both reset.

I'm guessing that its an issue of when you select an attack, there is only 1 variable to hold that data; and selecting Player B, C, or D's action before Player A gets to do his attack, will overwrite the variable---if this makes sense:

Enemy A uses Shining Force spell -> set the current attack variable to Shining Force
Variable registers and performs Shining force upon party
Character A selects attack -> Sets current_attack_variable to Character A's attack
Character B selects attack -> Sets current_attack_variable to Character B's attack

as you can see, Character B is effectively overwriting the current_attack_variable; and kicking Character A's turn out of the way.

Again, this is just my guessing.

I suck at explaining; so I apologize if this makes little to no sense...
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