nikki":4q01gnu1 said:
dont *sigh* me. Thats not how you have a debate, dontcha remember how bad John Kerry looked when he sighed at Bush?
I will *sigh* at you as much as I jolly-well want to *sigh* at you.
Bringing up an irrelevent example like that won't cover the fact that people like you are so exasperating, and frankly it feels less patronising to *sigh* at you than to type "For-the-love-of-the-Intelligent-Designer-people-like-you-are-so-f***ing-exasperating". I'm not especially bothered that it could been seen as bad form to speak down to people with whom you are debating: I don't see the reasoning behind legitimising Creation--- sorry "Intelligent Design" arguments as a reputable Scientific theory, anymore than I would to anyone attempting to pass off the Tooth Fairy as Scientific fact, and the dogmatic 'unreason' that has appeared in this topic, only to be parroted again and again is... well...
*sigh*. It wouldn't be so bad if it had only appeared once...
I issued the classical little challenge because I hoped there might be some decent Creationists around here able to debate by making a decent case for Creationism: they do exist - and can make the case without feeling the need to run-down and pooh-pooh and eschew the scientific method.
There are basic principles which must and should be part and parcel of our modern technological culture, and - even if you don't want to, can't understand, or do not feel it necessary to comprehend the inner workings of your computer, your car, or the mechanics of the sun, moon and sky - you need to know the meaning of "logical conjecture", "evidence", and the difference between a hypothesis and a theory.
For the moment, the role of an Intelligent Designer remains firmly in the realm of philosophical speculation and not physical observation. There is no necessary or essential crossover between the two.
nikki":4q01gnu1 said:
The point Im trying to make is not that scientists all beleive it sprang out of nothingness, but that they dont want to even consider the intelligent design option. And neither do a lot of their "faithful".
Evidently you were too busy being indignant from being *sigh*ed at, you failed to read the rest of my post throughly. I recommend you go and read it again. There is still no comparison to those who listen to the Scientists and those who listen to the Priests, no matter how often you've insinuated since.
This is irrelevent. There are scientists who are trying to work out where it came from, and a group of people who would prefer to say "God did it" - whilst erroneously calling themself scientists. "Intelligent Design" is not an option.
Your earlier point about scientists needing the imagination and having an open mind in examining the creation of the universe is succinct, and it is this which (arguably) drives most Scientists (and then, often unwittingly). An intelligent designer has been dismissed as active agency because it is an unnecessary hypothesis: there is no evidence or requirement that the universe exists due to the whims of a sentient being - which is the central component of the Creationist's hypothesis and the fulcrum around which their entire argument revolves.
Hence, why it is giving little more attention than some other theories.
nikki":4q01gnu1 said:
"and have found a lot against the hypothesis." Err....what? Its not possible to disprove intelligent design. maybe they can show some of the things stated in religious books as being false, but not intelligent design.
If someone is not capable of being disproved then it is not science. In order for something to science, it has to have falsifiability or refutability. Science doesn't advance by setting out to prove theories but to disprove them. A theory will last as long as it does until such time evidence is produced that disproves it. No Creationist has produced evidence that disproves any of these theories,
whilst simultaneously proving the necessary role of an overseeing entity.
I can no more prove or disprove intelligent design, than I can prove or disprove "freedom" or "justice".
Thank you for, again, falling on your own sword.
nikki":4q01gnu1 said:
Anyway, Im getting tired of this futile argument. You can think whatever you want to think, I dont care.
Good. I'm glad you don't care and hopefully you don't care enough to be uncommited to wasting public money and public time in schools and similar public establishments.