Well technically, I'm a Christian cause, well obviously... I was christened, however, I've never been to church except weddings etc. and to be honest I'm athiest now, cause I think science can prove alot more than religion on how the world was created. Maybe I should rephrase that as we don't know as of yet;
I think the scientific theories of how the earth was created sound more realistic and more likely to happen than some otherbeing, this big man/woman/object/it? who created us.
I also think that (No offense religionees, if thats a word ?) religion was made to stop Anarchism, cause if you think about it, Anarchists have no rules, they think "Fuck it" although I'm guessing somewhere down the line, it got out of hand, and because the laws weren't really thought out too well back in ye olde days, some people (I'm not sure who these could be) wrote out the ten commandments, cause if you think about it, we go by those commandments even today, they're the basic rules in living (Don't steal, don't commit adultery etc.), so just think where we'd be without those, I myself don't really care what the world would be like without them, but it'd surely be a change to what we have now.
But yeah, thats just what I think, sure people are gonna disagree, some might even agree, but meh.
Oh and just a question,
For those of you who do believe in God etc.
Do you think we're the only creations he made ? Or do you think he made tons of solar systems and universes etc. ?