get ready for idea vomit
ive always wanted to make an mmo, i made one in highschool using the rmxp netplay stuff and it was the most fun ive ever had in my life. i miss the naive ability to just work on making games, ignoring the incoherent art and systems and just have fun with it
i still want to make an mmo and i understand i have no assets to start with, but i do have an idea for the gimmick and what makes it different
in real life, you can't ever be the master of everything. you'd never be able to farm 99 in all stats without other things falling behind as ive experienced irl. in mmos, a lot of the professions like metalworking and merchantry are ignored as optional stuff and stuff that can be tacked onto the end, where being the strongest adventurer is usually the primary objective, whether its mage, fighter, tank, archer, etc. it wouldnt be strange for a fighter to have 99 smithing and 99 attack, which ive always thought is weird. would a legendary smith also be a legendary fighter? very unlikely. in most mmos there are gameplay reasons for why it doesnt matter, but i was thinking
time investment, whether its irl or in a game, is the true form of currency. if you invest the time to hit 99 in an mmo, then you deserve to keep 99 forever. but what if abilities decayed with time? that'd suck, peoples hard earned time would be wasted etc. but i also feel like this is why no one gives a shit about the non-combat professions.
what if you could select a primary profession, eg metalworking, where your metalworking stats don't decay. you allocate logged-off time to be profession training or some other equivalent which prevents your skill from decaying. other combat abilities may not decay above a point, but if you have maxed out metalworking, you shouldn't be able to keep maxed combat proficency or other things as well without investing in the upkeep of maintaining them.
i was also thinking about being a merchant--if the npcs dont give you shit for your items, as a merchant you could set your logged out time to be merchantry, where you set up a store and people can buy your stuff. the higher your proficiency, the higher the chance that an automated system (masquerading as a player) will auto-buy your item, which effectively makes you a better trader. you could buy and sell items from other players and make profits without upsetting the economy. this would be specifically powerful if there is no item trading outpost equivalent, but instead you navigate based on what people have marked as for sale whether its shops with dedicated spaces, or guild-specific shops where as a merchant you get a kickback if selling to guild members, etc. this will need to be tightly regulated and there will be systems in place to buying and selling to farm kickback, but i think you get the idea
fundamentally i want there to be the idea of setting up guilds and it becomes like in the anime etc. where peoples actual skills matter. if you want to be a leatherworker, you can be that guild's leather worker and people actually need you and your skills. yes you can still join in in combat, you can come along in expeditions via some scaling system preventing you from taking damage if you remain evasive etc. perhaps you can even identify items, repair mid raid, etc.
since ive joined the workforce i realise how nice it is to actually be needed for your ability, knowledge, etc. in mmos atm, it just seems to be who has the most powerful gear and the biggest numbers (plus role, etc. but thats interchangeble between people of the same role) and faceless systems like the GE remove all interpersonal communication from the mix. i remember playing Warframe and in there you still have the age old trading chat where you advertise stuff and talk to real people to purchase the items, negotiate meeting place, etc. it reminds me of the old days of runescape before the GE, and i miss that forced communication. also this would make being friends with a merchant great, because now you need a real human to buy your garbage.
now that i have money perhaps i should start work on it, i have no fuckin clue what to do about lore but i can use temporary assets for now and commission stuff later perhaps
EDIT: an ordering system and contact system would be really cool too, where you can do conditional trades where you can trade stuff to someone of the crafting profession and sign a contract enforced by the system requring them to craft something to you within an amount of time or the materials are returned, which would mean they can set up connections and take orders from regular players and advertise themselves oldschool style without the risk of it being a scam (read: free armour trimming)
EDIT2: i also think there is a lot of social value in items taking dedicated time to craft, too. Crafting professions would be really, really good for people who aren't able to spend much time in-game (because they're out doing stuff) because they can use their time away from the pc to still achieve things that people who are present cant.
EDIT3: at some point an irl mobile phone app would also be pretty cool so you can keep in contact with people while you're not at the keyboard, again useful for taking orders, updating people on crafting progress (yay for forced communication!), etc.
EDIT4: mmmm reading back on this jesus christ the scope ive set is multiple levels of impossible, i dont want to have to make the client for this lmfao
EDIT5: ive been thinking about combat systems too, i will always prefer an active battle system that is performed in-world, not a cut to any other scene like a turn-based one, but if it's easier to get assets for it (no need for character combat animations) an active time turn-based system would probably work OK in a multiplayer setting, especially if it pulls up like a chessboard that lets you move your character relative to the enemy and choose who to attack within the context of the battle, and all players run on their own timer and control their own actions of course. it would also be a powerful equalizer, in the sense that it wouldn't bias those with less ping so players from all over the world would be able to play together comfortably