Fayte":gkpy8yta said:
why are programmers elitist douchebags? be kind to the lesser minded. we are naive and do not know of what we speak.
You're probably more prone to perceive programmers as elitist douchebags as they're very well equipped to debunk any of your ignorance on their specialist subject and majority of people feel personally attacked when they are shown to be ignorant in any field that they have slight involvement in.
Let's say I want to build a website and I have zero experience here and I approach a website building community and say "I want my website to be written in C++ or something like that because it needs the best performance - Facebook is written in C++ so this isn't impossible". I've straight away exposed my ignorance (website written in C++, with added vagueness of "or something like that" due to my awareness that I am clueless) and then I attempted to justify my ignorance by naming a very large, very, very expensive example of an incredibly specialised, custom system that will be so far removed from the website I am building and by saying "this isn't impossible" I've set up a future defensive rhetoric of 'if you say this is not an option I will always point to this example I gave showing it's always an option'.
Someone with good social awareness will be able to identify and avoid becoming the elitist douchebag, but that's not a skill people use all the time and if they're quickly reacting to something then it will be left by the wayside for certain. Similarly, not many people have the skills to be able to do the research and learn about a subject before they lay their ignorance out to bare (effective Google'ing is an advanced skill - programmers actually learn it through their trade and take it for granted).
I encounter this kind of thing incredibly often in web communities, gamers in particular are the worst when it comes to this - the amount of shit they spout and then try to justify because they're afraid of being wrong is incredible.
My approach is to try and be as polite and explicit as possible, but that's bound to come across as elitist to someone.
On Reddit when discussing Pokemon evolutions I had this small snippet of gamer:
There's more to my reply than this, but it was not related.
This person exposed their ignorance "they then scrapped it [...] because of limitations of the hardware and confusion for kids" they made it vague with "probably" to give themselves a defensive rhetoric if they needed it and offered a vague room for expansion with "confusion for kids" (they likely didn't expect someone familiar with Game Boy to be on Reddit so assumed mentioning "hardware" would be vague also).
All this was presented as if it was good information. I can imagine a YouTuber making a video about this subject seeing this Reddit comment and repeating "scrapped it probably because of limitations of the hardware" to a few hundred thousand viewers and thus misinformation and ignorance is spread - so I addressed it head on with asking them to expand and look at how crappy their response was.
I don't know anything about your interaction, Fayte, and they probably were being an elitist douchebag, but a lot of the time I see people calling each other elitists because their ignorance was exposed and that made them feel angry because the stranger on the internet could have said it in a nicer way (and then teenagers will throw in something like "see this is why everyone hates your community/thinks you're ass-holes you'll just scare away people learning and ruin it for everyone" because what they lack in field knowledge was made up by apparent clairvoyance). Strangers on the internet owe you the same amount that you owe them, they have very little obligation to be nice and will very often just tear down your ignorance without regard for your feelings (it's almost never personal, is what I'm trying to say).
People don't tend to go out of their way to be asses either (my belief) so if it's a case of someone randomly saying "lol look at these kids with no formal education in the subject trying to write Python they are stupid poo poo heads" then that is honest elitist douchebaggery, but that's a rare situation and isn't enough to generalise across all programmers.