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Amy":24g88vwh said:
The cubone rumour was only ever a rumour, but one that goes back as far as 1998, as I remember the conversations we had back then (my sister got a cubone card and it's from her I first heard the rumour!)
Yeah I wrote some stuff on that Reddit thread about it. It's definitely a fan-theory, it's one of my personal favourites.

Recently some of the game assets from prototype generation 1 Pokemon were released online, which included back-sprites of never before seen Pokemon, here's one of those that is located after the slot index for Marowak:

It's hard to see, but it looks like there's a baby Marowak in a pouch there, so originally Marowak evolved into a Pokemon similar to Kangaskhan (Pokemon slot index 2).

They had two Pokemon with babies in their pouches, one being the 3rd evolution of Cubone and the other being Kangaskhan. They got rid of the Marowak one and kept the one they first designed: Kangaskhan.

So there is a link between these Pokemon in terms of the games development in that the Cubone line once had a Pokemon that also had a baby in a pouch - but beyond that it's still fan theory.

My personal theory is that they saw an opportunity to change Kangaskhan into an evolved form of Marowak but then decided they preferred the original Kangaskhan so went back to having that as a separate Pokemon.



I think you hit the nail on the head, Xilef. People lacking in social awareness. Most people pop in with a question and then finish their sentence with "I'm a complete noob at x" and they're either ignored or someone comes in with "WElL HoW ArE wE SuPpOSed To HaLP IF YoU DoNT TeLL Us X." Like, all you had to say was oh in order for us to help you we need to know "x" or something along those lines. It reminds me of years ago when I was a kid I was trying to teach my self python (so I could move on to ruby and make games lol) and I made this super crappy calculator and I brought it to some forum and showed the people there and I was really happy with my creation only to get straight bottom-footed. these dudes tore it apart and I gave up trying to code. It's just like yo chill dude sorry I'm not on your level, but this is why I'm coming to you, because you know things I don't.
Most programmers around me can be quite abrasive. Certainly, there is something to be said for the type of people programming attracts.
Perhaps I am also becoming that way too? My brother recently came at me with a story around an AI that kills people (it was more nuanced than that) yet I entirely shot him down because of the way he explained the AI. It probably sounds dumb but it's incredibly frustrating for me when I see the programming profession brought down to a trope. Like when I see/hear "I'm hacking into the mainframe" I cringe hard because programming takes a lot of energy and is incredibly hard to learn.
Being in academia and becoming a programmer means I've come to value people who know what they're talking about. So if someone is coming at me with: "It's probably just poor code" or (the example from Felix) "It's due to hardware limitations probably." I am more inclined to take them less seriously.
I think it boils down to two things. Know your facts and don't spread misinformation.

Bringing it back to your points, Fayte, it's incredibly hard to empathize with the "WElL HoW ArE wE SuPpOSed To HaLP IF YoU DoNT TeLL Us X." stuff because, for the most part, I've seen people be quite polite about stuff. Recently I've been trying to do something and getting a very vague error. I saw a post where someone asked about it and in the replies someone was like "Would you mind showing us your logs." And the issue was resolved.

The way I see it, most programmers want to help you because we understand how hard it is and those who are most arrogant live atop mt shithead.
One of the first things this course drilled into us is to completely remove any sense of programmer pride as good practice so those who don't aren't doing so aren't engaging in good programming practice.

In somewhat related news I have spent the past 2 weeks trying to do some line tracing (Unreals form of ray casting) and getting a weird error message. Legit tracking it down to the line of code I finally (today) figured out that it was just a null pointer. Honestly not really enjoying this part of my group project but it's important for our game. If I finish this quick I can move onto some PCG stuff which will be fun.
I do get annoyed at our groups understanding of programming, and even our product owner. Like, the other programmer in my team said he'd build a PCG track system (it's a train game) and the team was initially so unsure about if he'd would be able to do it, and then when we both responded with confidence they expected it done within three days. I don't expect people to know how quick things take us to make, but at least let us give you an estimate before making one yourself. And then on the flip side I've been asking my team for the past 3 weeks now to develop the UI system (in unreal blueprints) and they just have not at all.
I honestly dislike working with designers. My "favorite" designer quote so far is "Yeah, I like designing the game but I don't actually like building it." - Ah, so you enjoy being useless then. For the most part, an idea is worthless without execution. It's why I'm a programmer, I want to be able to act on my ideas. I am thankful for the experience of working in a studio-like team, however, I cannot wait for 3rd year when I get to choose my own.

Huh. Turns out I still had some stuff to complain about.


☆ Biggest Ego ☆

Exciting week for the world, and not in a good way. Don't worry, I won't interrupt people living in La-La land here.

Absolutely nothing is going on.
Plane crashes, mass murder of people as they pray, corruption in elite universities' admissions boards. And a gun manufacturer who sold a gun to a gun store which sold the gun to a middle-aged woman who was murdered by a psycho who took her gun and committed mass murder with it, and now the gun manufacturer is being sued. How else can the world go to hell today?


☆ Biggest Ego ☆

Alright then. You're up to date. Let's continue with our regular scheduled programming :p

Personally I may avoid the internet/News for a while, I've seen some shit. Honestly I feel nothing. No emotion, barely a reaction anymore.

Might take a trip to Disney World, but being in crowded areas isn't a great idea currently. Fuck, I need to have some fun.
Also, I missed when this went viral apparently. An AI can now draw waifus as well as any human. https://www.thiswaifudoesnotexist.net/. And for hundreds of waifus at once, check out https://www.obormot.net/demos/these-waifus-do-not-exist.


The AI can draw waifu faces as well as any human, but I'm going to say the AI is superior because it can draw faster, and doesn't need to take a shower like most waifu artists need to right now. The AI can also write a crappy anime plot better than humans.

For more technical details: https://www.gwern.net/TWDNE
the arbitrary details around the edges is interesting. Like strands of hair that morph into blades of grass and ribbon bows that morph into flower petals. Shoulders that are also the shoulder-strap on more shoulders. Anus mouths. Curly ear hair curls that are ears, but also curls that fused into the chin. Oh god. Are these glasses?! Blushing Scrotum cheeks. Hair accessories that are also fingers.
Hello. What's happening here?

Meet ichikazuki. Daughter of a mysterious stranger. Son of a mysterious woman. She was born and raised on the second floor of her school "bouquet house" by a man in the future who is just like her father. But then her mother passed, and she spent 3 months with her father, then 3 months with her teacher until she fell in love with the mysterious woman. Her father is a bus driver which explain how she met her best friends on the bus even though she already lives at school. Together they help the group's group to share a happy and well-being. When she leaves she meets a boy who she invites back to her room. When he sits, he is.

In this episode, 『Chiba』is sent to investigate a strange group of strange creatures who attack his school after hearing rumors that there was a demon inside his school who can use his abilities for battle.
I'm here to tell you a story that will awaken the hearts of young people who care about their privacy.
I'm a very young, single man. I don't really care about anyone else's privacy. My parents don't have any children. My family is a lot closer to us than our home. I just think "sadly" is a bad word to use for girls. I'm a shy kid. I'm afraid I'll grow up to be a man.
I think she wants a boyfriend. I think she wants to have sex with me once. I'm a pretty good listener. My voice just sounds good as she talks. We both know the truth.


☆ Biggest Ego ☆

Waifu? So glad I'm only truly attracted to my own characters. Other characters just seem so inferior. It has a lot to do with power. Most of my girls could destroy the universe a million times over at max power.

What do I look like giving that up for Sailor Mercury?

I love her deeply, but I have my Queen Ellis. The only blue haired goddess for me... I'm loyal to my creations. I respect waifu's and people who have them.

Mine would be Lazuli (Android 18), Alexia Ashford, Rosalina, Dr. Blight, Emma Frost, and Sailor Mercury.

My subconscious only accepts Lazuli and my own characters. What's so special about that damn android? Ugh.
I make people upset when I dissect their waifus. What's in a name. Lifting the veil to reveal the metaphor underneath, the allegory of their role in a story. You'd think they'd appreciate that and want to know everything. I make sure to use spoilers


☆ Biggest Ego ☆

LOL, just don't say anything bad about Android 18. I'll come after you. I'll literally jump into my computer screen and come out of yours just to get you. Yeah uhhh. Please don't post from a phone. I can't exit from tiny screens... *cough*

On other news, I'm still pissed at SEGA for not doing an official release of Phantasy Star Online 2 for north America. What a slap in the face. I'm almost glad they're dead and out of the console picture. Been waiting 6 years.

Imagine something we wanted badly, for example Grand Theft Auto 6. Then Rockstar decides to only release it in North Korea. WTF?!

Basically what SEGA did to Phantasy Star fans in America.

"PSO2 is finally coming to the PS4.... "

Thankyou Sega. Finally. I gotta get a PS4. Ewww disgusting ass console, but okay. Anything for PSO2....

"Only in Japan...."

Mother-- Fuck you SEGA! Why the hell did you tell Americans? Just trolling at this point. SEGA actually did that!


☆ Biggest Ego ☆

Seriously though. All joking aside, Stadia needs to fail and fail hard. Imagine not owning your games ever again.

Input lag and lag in general. Competitive fighting games would be a disaster. American internet is pure shit. I use AT&T. It goes out twice a day.
Comcast is no better. Stadia will fail, I guarantee.

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