Most programmers around me can be quite abrasive. Certainly, there is something to be said for the type of people programming attracts.
Perhaps I am also becoming that way too? My brother recently came at me with a story around an AI that kills people (it was more nuanced than that) yet I entirely shot him down because of the way he explained the AI. It probably sounds dumb but it's incredibly frustrating for me when I see the programming profession brought down to a trope. Like when I see/hear "I'm hacking into the mainframe" I cringe hard because programming takes a lot of energy and is incredibly hard to learn.
Being in academia and becoming a programmer means I've come to value people who know what they're talking about. So if someone is coming at me with: "It's probably just poor code" or (the example from Felix) "It's due to hardware limitations probably." I am more inclined to take them less seriously.
I think it boils down to two things. Know your facts and don't spread misinformation.
Bringing it back to your points, Fayte, it's incredibly hard to empathize with the "WElL HoW ArE wE SuPpOSed To HaLP IF YoU DoNT TeLL Us X." stuff because, for the most part, I've seen people be quite polite about stuff. Recently I've been trying to do something and getting a very vague error. I saw a post where someone asked about it and in the replies someone was like "Would you mind showing us your logs." And the issue was resolved.
The way I see it, most programmers want to help you because we understand how hard it is and those who are most arrogant live atop mt shithead.
One of the first things this course drilled into us is to completely remove any sense of programmer pride as good practice so those who don't aren't doing so aren't engaging in good programming practice.
In somewhat related news I have spent the past 2 weeks trying to do some line tracing (Unreals form of ray casting) and getting a weird error message. Legit tracking it down to the line of code I finally (today) figured out that it was just a null pointer. Honestly not really enjoying this part of my group project but it's important for our game. If I finish this quick I can move onto some PCG stuff which will be fun.
I do get annoyed at our groups understanding of programming, and even our product owner. Like, the other programmer in my team said he'd build a PCG track system (it's a train game) and the team was initially so unsure about if he'd would be able to do it, and then when we both responded with confidence they expected it done within three days. I don't expect people to know how quick things take us to make, but at least let us give you an estimate before making one yourself. And then on the flip side I've been asking my team for the past 3 weeks now to develop the UI system (in unreal blueprints) and they just have not at all.
I honestly dislike working with designers. My "favorite" designer quote so far is "Yeah, I like designing the game but I don't actually like building it." - Ah, so you enjoy being useless then. For the most part, an idea is worthless without execution. It's why I'm a programmer, I want to be able to act on my ideas. I am thankful for the experience of working in a studio-like team, however, I cannot wait for 3rd year when I get to choose my own.
Huh. Turns out I still had some stuff to complain about.