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Awesome Bro

Or if you wanna' get REALLY freaky, get two hoovers; one tube up the bum, one over your dick, turn 'em both on at the same time... now THAT'S an experience!
I figured I should get with the times and buy a tablet.
Astro Tab A735 - 7"

I had order a different one. But then looking around I realized it's a model from 2012 and the price wasn't as good of a deal as what I thought. Idk, if they keep the tablets they're selling up to date. I canceled it and got a this one instead. About the same price, but has the most recent Android OS and more Ram. And this model just came out last month, so hopeful it'll last a few years longer. Idk, what the life expectancy of a tablet is. How long until it becomes obsolete?

It's my first tablet so I'm going cheap. $45 marked down from $99 amazon is full of shit, no one selling it for that much. I don't even know how much I'll use it.
I kinda just want it to experience apps. Feel like I'm missing out.
Prepare to be disappointed. Perhaps.

Also the most recent Android OS is 6.0 Marshmallow.

My 2012 Nexus 7 became useless about a year ago, so with my experience 2 years is the time it takes for the latest to get obsolete. It still works, but it's pretty rough.

As a comparison, I have a launch-day iPad 3 (2012) that's still going very strong and at the moment I have a Nexus 10 test device (2012 again, but this might be a 2013 model?) that is starting to die a painful death.

Android 2012 tablets should be obsolete about now - but that's no indication of what current hardware is like.

Current hardware hasn't moved much in terms of numbers since 2013, but power efficiency and performance has definitely evolved. The speed that Android hardware is improving has slowed down a lot as a lot of manufacturers have realised that selling hardware for low prices is not sustainable.
I feel like Apple products have a decent life expectancy. I still use my iPad Mini, and even though my Mac Air is nearing 3 years old, it's still powerful enough to run most applications, including some taxing ones, like Sketch. I spent about $100 on a new battery and it's as good as new.


Awesome Bro

I got some good deals on Amazon at like 4am last night, decided to do some shopping before I went to bed, and got some nice stuff in the lightning deals... yay me!
I should consider selling some of my ps2 games. Particularly the Gust titles. Seeing "Used" going for $50+ that's like $20 more than what I bought mine for.
and although I like having a collection, I have a feeling they'll be re-released sometime in the future, or put on the psn store eventually. So if I ever wanted to make some money off them, now would be the time to do it.

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